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Investigou-se a qualidade da bebida de cafeeiros em diversos lotes experimentais do Centro de Café do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas pertencentes a ensaios, campos de observação e seleção e coleção de variedades. Os estudos visam melhor conhecimento da qualidade de diferentes germoplasmas de C. arabica e o desenvolvimento de materiais com qualidade diferenciada. Os dados obtidos evidenciam a dificuldade dos trabalhos de seleção para características organolépticas devido às inerentes variações e à subjetividade na caracterização de materiais diversos tornando a seleção demorada e custosa. Apesar dessas dificuldades, os resultados são indicativos de progresso na seleção de materiais com qualidade superior. O desenvolvimento genealógico de cultivares de porte baixo, produtivo, com grãos maiores e com as características organolépticas favoráveis do Mokka tem-se mostrado bastante difícil devido a problemáticas associações genéticas indesejáveis. Entretanto, parece promissor o rápido desenvolvimento de materiais com essas características, inclusive resistência a ferrugem, pela clonagem de híbridos selecionados entre a cultivar Ibairi (Mokka) e as cvs. Obatã e Tupi. Entre outros materiais em seleção, várias linhagens que apresentaram melhor qualidade derivam-se de seleções anteriores, principalmente de linhagens oriundas de cruzamentos de Catuaí Vermelho e Catuaí Amarelo com o acesso Glaucia. As notas para qualidade global de cultivares e acessos de germoplasma não distinguiram materiais superiores, porém confirmaram a baixa qualidade de alguns. Entretanto, avaliações descritivas são também importantes e identificaram materiais com características organolépticas específicas.
It was investigated cup quality in experiments of Centro de Café of Instituto Agronômico at Campinas. Investigations comprised dry processed coffee beans of selection plots, experiments and collection of varieties aiming at a better knowledge on the cup quality of C. arabica germplasm and the development of lines with distinct cup attributes. The results evidenced difficulties in selecting for organoleptic attributes due to intrinsic variations and the subjectivity in the characterization of diverse coffees that make breeding slow and costly. Despite such difficulties the data are indicative of progress in the selection for quality. Pedigree selection has been ineffective for developing short stature, high yielding, and large beans lines with organoleptic attributes of Mokka due to the genetic association of undesirable characteristics. Nevertheless, fast development of lines with such characteristics, rust resistance added, seems possible by in vitro vegetative propagation technology exploiting selected hybrids between cultivar Ibairi (Mokka) with cvs. Obatã and Tupi. Among segregating lines, several with higher scores derived from previous selection for quality, mainly lines from crosses of Catuaí with Glaucia accession although Glaucia itself did not score high. Scores for overall cup quality of cultivars and germplasm accessions fail to point out superior ones but confirmed the low quality of others. However, descriptive evaluations are important as well and identified lines with specific organoleptic characteristics.
It was investigated cup quality in experiments of Centro de Café of Instituto Agronômico at Campinas. Investigations comprised dry processed coffee beans of selection plots, experiments and collection of varieties aiming at a better knowledge on the cup quality of C. arabica germplasm and the development of lines with distinct cup attributes. The results evidenced difficulties in selecting for organoleptic attributes due to intrinsic variations and the subjectivity in the characterization of diverse coffees that make breeding slow and costly. Despite such difficulties the data are indicative of progress in the selection for quality. Pedigree selection has been ineffective for developing short stature, high yielding, and large beans lines with organoleptic attributes of Mokka due to the genetic association of undesirable characteristics. Nevertheless, fast development of lines with such characteristics, rust resistance added, seems possible by in vitro vegetative propagation technology exploiting selected hybrids between cultivar Ibairi (Mokka) with cvs. Obatã and Tupi. Among segregating lines, several with higher scores derived from previous selection for quality, mainly lines from crosses of Catuaí with Glaucia accession although Glaucia itself did not score high. Scores for overall cup quality of cultivars and germplasm accessions fail to point out superior ones but confirmed the low quality of others. However, descriptive evaluations are important as well and identified lines with specific organoleptic characteristics.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Café, qualidade da bebida, germoplasma, avaliação sensorial., Coffee, cup quality, germplasm, sensory evaluation.
Medina Filho, Herculano Penna; Bordignon; Rita. Qualidade da bebida de germoplasma e seleções de Coffea arabica. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 6p.