Tratamento de águas residuárias da lavagem e despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro em rampas cultivadas com azevém
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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo obter as equações de decaimento de DBO, DQO, SS e potássio, presentes na água residuária da lavagem e despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro (ARC), em rampas de 5 e 15% de inclinação, cultivadas com azevém. Este experimento foi conduzido de abril a julho de 2001. As taxas de aplicação foram de 2,7 m 3 .h -1 .m -1 nas rampas de 5% e de 0,9 m 3 .h -1 m -1 nas rampas de 15 % de declividade, valores determinados previamente como sendo mínimos para que houvesse escoamento superficial de líquido nas rampas de tratamento. Curvas exponenciais, obtidas por análise de regressão,
foram ajustadas aos dados coletados nas rampas, de metro em metro, ao longo de seu comprimento. A concentração de potássio não foi alterada com o escoamento nas rampas de tratamento, indicando possível saturação da camada superficial do solo com este nutriente. As maiores taxas de remoções foram verificadas para SS, DBO e DQO, nesta ordem. Ainda que as taxas de ARC aplicadas tenham sido diferentes, os resultados obtidos não indicaram grandes influências da declividade das rampas na capacidade do sistema em remover poluentes.
The present work was carried out in order to obtain the decay equations of DBO, DQO, SS and potassium, presents in the coffee fruits wastewater (ARC), with treatment slopes with grades in the range of 5 to 15%, cultivated with "azevém", during the period from April to July of 2001. The application rates were of 2,7 m 3 .h -1 .m -1 on the 5% slopes and of 0,9 m 3 .h -1 m -1 on the 15% slopes. Exponential curves, obtained by regression analysis, were adjusted to the data collected in the treatment slopes, along its length. The potassium concentration was not altered with the flow over the vegetated surface, indicating possible saturation of the superficial soil layer with this nutrient. The highest rates of the pollutants removal were verified for SS, DBO and DQO, in this order. Although the rates of applied ARC have been different, the obtained results didn't indicate great influences of the slope grade on the removal pollutants capacity of the system.
The present work was carried out in order to obtain the decay equations of DBO, DQO, SS and potassium, presents in the coffee fruits wastewater (ARC), with treatment slopes with grades in the range of 5 to 15%, cultivated with "azevém", during the period from April to July of 2001. The application rates were of 2,7 m 3 .h -1 .m -1 on the 5% slopes and of 0,9 m 3 .h -1 m -1 on the 15% slopes. Exponential curves, obtained by regression analysis, were adjusted to the data collected in the treatment slopes, along its length. The potassium concentration was not altered with the flow over the vegetated surface, indicating possible saturation of the superficial soil layer with this nutrient. The highest rates of the pollutants removal were verified for SS, DBO and DQO, in this order. Although the rates of applied ARC have been different, the obtained results didn't indicate great influences of the slope grade on the removal pollutants capacity of the system.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Resumos. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. 181p. : il.
Café Águas residuárias Rampas de tratamento Azevém, Organic residues treatment Coffee fruits wastewater Azevém.
Matos, Antônio Teixeira de; Emmerich, Igor Nardelli; Russo, José Roberto. Tratamento de águas residuárias da lavagem e despolpa de frutos do cafeeiro em rampas cultivadas com azevém. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (2. : 2001 : Vitória, ES). Anais. Brasília, D.F. : Embrapa Café, 2001. (CD-ROM), p. 1037-1044.