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Com a irrigação do cafeeiro, foi possível que regiões antes consideradas marginais à implantação da cultura se tornassem aptas para o cultivo de café. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar diferentes sistemas de irrigação para o cafeeiro (pivô central em plantio circular, gotejamento autocompensante, gotejamento convencional e tubos de polietileno flexível - tripas), comparando-se com um tratamento não irrigado. O ensaio foi conduzido no Campo Experimental da Universidade de Uberaba, sendo cada sistema de irrigação constituído de uma parcela experimental. O cultivar estudado foi o Catuaí Vermelho no espaçamento de 4,0m x 0,5m. Após 8 safras, conclui-se que nas condições de clima e solo de Uberaba, a produtividade da lavoura de sequeiro é prejudicada pelo déficit hídrico. As áreas irrigadas, comparadas com a testemunha, apresentaram produtividades de 46 a 104 % superiores. Mesmo utilizando sistemas de irrigação com uniformidade de aplicação inferior ao gotejamento e ao pivô central, a irrigação é viável em termos de produtividade e renda obtida com a cultura. Com relação à qualidade final da bebida, observa-se superioridade da testemunha sem irrigação, embora com conceitos finais semelhantes aos obtidos pelos tratamentos irrigados.
With the irrigation of the cofee, it was possible that regions before considered delinquents to the implantation of the culture if became apt for the coffee culture. The objective of this work was to evaluate different systems of irrigation for the cofee (central pivot in circular plantation, autocompensante dripping, conventional dripping and flexible polyethylene pipes - guts), comparing itself with a treatment not irrigated. The assay was lead in the Experimental Field of the University of Uberaba, having been each system of irrigation constituting an experimental parcel. Studied cultivating was the Red Catuaí in the distance of 4,0m x 0,5m. After 8 harvests, conclude that in the conditions of climate and ground of Uberaba, the productivity of the dry land farming is harmed by the hidric deficit. The irrigated areas, compared with the witness, had presented produtividades of 46 104% superiors. Exactly using systems of irrigation with uniformity of inferior application to the dripping and the central pivot, the irrigation is viable in terms of productivity and income gotten with the culture. With regard to the final quality of the drink, superiority of the witness without irrigation is observed, even so with similar final concepts to the gotten ones for the irrigated treatments.
With the irrigation of the cofee, it was possible that regions before considered delinquents to the implantation of the culture if became apt for the coffee culture. The objective of this work was to evaluate different systems of irrigation for the cofee (central pivot in circular plantation, autocompensante dripping, conventional dripping and flexible polyethylene pipes - guts), comparing itself with a treatment not irrigated. The assay was lead in the Experimental Field of the University of Uberaba, having been each system of irrigation constituting an experimental parcel. Studied cultivating was the Red Catuaí in the distance of 4,0m x 0,5m. After 8 harvests, conclude that in the conditions of climate and ground of Uberaba, the productivity of the dry land farming is harmed by the hidric deficit. The irrigated areas, compared with the witness, had presented produtividades of 46 104% superiors. Exactly using systems of irrigation with uniformity of inferior application to the dripping and the central pivot, the irrigation is viable in terms of productivity and income gotten with the culture. With regard to the final quality of the drink, superiority of the witness without irrigation is observed, even so with similar final concepts to the gotten ones for the irrigated treatments.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
sistemas de irrigação, aspersão, localizada., system irrigation, splinkler, located
Fernandes, André Luís Teixeira; Drumond, Luís César Dias; Santinato, Roberto; Silva, Reginaldo de Oliveira; Fernandes, Rodrigo; Fraga Júnior, Eusímio Felisbino. Avaliação dos métodos de irrigação do cafeeiro no cerrado mineiro. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.