Uma análise da alocação de contratos futuros sobre commodities em portfólios diversificados
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Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - Universidade de São Paulo
O trabalho analisou o impacto da introdução dos contratos futuros agropecuários (de café arábica, soja, milho, açúcar cristal, etanol e boi gordo), negociados na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros - BM&FBOVESPA, no risco e no retorno de uma carteira diversificada, composta por ações, títulos, ouro e dólar, entre agosto de 1994 e dezembro de 2007, sendo realizados estudos para o intervalo de tempo completo e para subdivisões de dois e três períodos, além de uma análise bianual. Foram consideradas diferentes estratégias com tais derivativos: posições estáticas (comprada ou vendida em contratos de primeiro vencimento ou de vencimentos superiores a seis meses), dinâmicas (com a utilização de médias móveis para se definir pela compra ou venda dos papéis em questão) e a partir de fundos de investimentos nacionais, que utilizam estes títulos em seus portfólios. Buscou-se ainda mensurar como a utilidade dos investidores foi alterada, considerando as composições ótimas da carteira e diferentes graus de aversão ao risco de tais agentes. Com o uso da Teoria do Portfólio, verificou-se que: a) as estratégias estáticas de compra e de venda de futuros sobre commodities elevaram a performance da carteira diversificada quando realizada análise bianual e para os períodos 1994-1998 e 1999-2003 – em alguns casos, observou-se redução no risco da carteira de até 70%, para certos níveis de retorno; b) a utilização destes derivativos em estratégias dinâmicas, baseadas em médias móveis, teve, em geral, impacto positivo na performance frente aos resultados da carteira original e daquela em que se introduziram posições estáticas; c) a introdução dos fundos de investimento Sparta e Guepardo, caracterizados pela utilização de derivativos agropecuários e pela adoção de uma gestão dinâmica, também elevou significativamente o desempenho do portfólio diversificado – além de aumentar consideravelmente o retorno médio da carteira, constataram-se reduções de risco para certas faixas de rentabilidade de até 40%; d) os derivativos sobre commodities estiveram presentes em praticamente todas as carteiras que maximizaram a utilidade dos agentes (exceto para o período completo e entre 1994-2000) – em geral, à medida que a aversão ao risco do investidor se elevava, a participação destes papéis no portfólio decrescia. Concluiu-se, portanto, que os derivativos sobre commodities, negociados na BM&FBOVESPA, constituíram-se em instrumentos capazes de elevar a performance de uma carteira diversificada para vários dos subperíodos considerados no estudo. Em geral, os maiores benefícios da introdução destes ativos no portfólio ocorreram em períodos relativamente mais curtos (biênios), dado o caráter cíclico dos preços dos produtos agropecuários. Além disso, os resultados apontam que o uso de análises técnicas e fundamentalistas pode elevar ainda mais o desempenho das carteiras que incluem posições compradas ou vendidas estáticas em futuros sobre commodities, já que a inserção de estratégias, que utilizaram simples instrumentos de análise técnica para definição do tipo de posições a assumir, e de fundos de commodities foi capaz de elevar significativamente a performance do investimento.
The work has analyzed the impact of including commodity futures (arabica coffee, soybean, corn, crystal sugar, ethanol and live cattle), negotiated at Securities, Commodity and Futures Exchange - BM&FBOVESPA, in the performance of a diversified portfolio, composed by stocks, bonds, gold and dollar, between August of 1994 and December of 2007, when were studied the complete time break and subdivisions of two and three periods, adding a biannual analysis. Different strategies with these derivatives were considered: i) passive positions - buy and hold or sell and hold contracts of first settlement or that took six months to maturity; ii) active positions – for which ones there were used a trend technical rule to determine whether a futures contract should be held as a long or short position; iii) commodity futures funds. It was also aimed to measure how investor’s utility was modified, considering the optimal portfolios and different levels of risk aversion. Using the Portfolio Theory, it was verified that: a) the passive strategies enhanced the portfolio performance when were considered biannual analysis and over the time periods 1994- 1998 and 1999-2003 – in some cases, it was noticed reduction of 70% in the portfolio risk, for some levels of return; b) the use of these derivatives in active strategies, based on a trend rule, had, in general, positive impact in performance before the results of original portfolio and that ones in which there were introduced passive positions; c) the addition of Sparta and Guepardo funds, characterized by the use of commodity futures and by the adoption of a dynamic management, improved the diversified portfolio performance; d) the commodity futures were present in almost all portfolios that maximized the investor’s utility (except for the complete period between 1994-2000) – in general, as the risk aversion increased, the participation of these papers in the portfolio decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that commodity futures, negotiated in BM&FBOVESPA, were constituted in instruments able to improve the portfolio performance for many of the sub-periods considered in the study. In general, the benefits of these introduction occurred in shorter periods (biennium), considering the cyclical character of agricultural commodity prices. Besides that, the results show that the use of technical and fundamentalist analysis can improve the performance of the portfolios that include passive positions in commodity futures, since the addition of strategies based on simple technical analysis and of commodity funds was able to improve the performance investment significantly.
The work has analyzed the impact of including commodity futures (arabica coffee, soybean, corn, crystal sugar, ethanol and live cattle), negotiated at Securities, Commodity and Futures Exchange - BM&FBOVESPA, in the performance of a diversified portfolio, composed by stocks, bonds, gold and dollar, between August of 1994 and December of 2007, when were studied the complete time break and subdivisions of two and three periods, adding a biannual analysis. Different strategies with these derivatives were considered: i) passive positions - buy and hold or sell and hold contracts of first settlement or that took six months to maturity; ii) active positions – for which ones there were used a trend technical rule to determine whether a futures contract should be held as a long or short position; iii) commodity futures funds. It was also aimed to measure how investor’s utility was modified, considering the optimal portfolios and different levels of risk aversion. Using the Portfolio Theory, it was verified that: a) the passive strategies enhanced the portfolio performance when were considered biannual analysis and over the time periods 1994- 1998 and 1999-2003 – in some cases, it was noticed reduction of 70% in the portfolio risk, for some levels of return; b) the use of these derivatives in active strategies, based on a trend rule, had, in general, positive impact in performance before the results of original portfolio and that ones in which there were introduced passive positions; c) the addition of Sparta and Guepardo funds, characterized by the use of commodity futures and by the adoption of a dynamic management, improved the diversified portfolio performance; d) the commodity futures were present in almost all portfolios that maximized the investor’s utility (except for the complete period between 1994-2000) – in general, as the risk aversion increased, the participation of these papers in the portfolio decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that commodity futures, negotiated in BM&FBOVESPA, were constituted in instruments able to improve the portfolio performance for many of the sub-periods considered in the study. In general, the benefits of these introduction occurred in shorter periods (biennium), considering the cyclical character of agricultural commodity prices. Besides that, the results show that the use of technical and fundamentalist analysis can improve the performance of the portfolios that include passive positions in commodity futures, since the addition of strategies based on simple technical analysis and of commodity funds was able to improve the performance investment significantly.
Tese de doutorado defendida na Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz” - Universidade de São Paulo
Administração de carteiras, Análise de risco, Bolsa de mercadorias, Mercado futuro, Produtos agrícolas
SILVEIRA, R. L. F. Uma análise da alocação de contratos futuros sobre commodities em portfólios diversificados. 2008. 158 f. Tese (Doutorado em Economia Aplicada) - Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”, Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba. 2008.