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Atualmente em diversas regiões do país e do mundo a Ferrugem do Cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix) e a Cercosporiose (Cercospora coffeicola) têm sido consideradas as principais doenças da cafeicultura, devido aos severos prejuízos econômicos gerados ao agricultor. Acredita-se que o surgimento dessas doenças está atrelado à simplificação dos agroecossistemas em vastas áreas, substituindo a complexidade da diversidade natural em monoculturas a pleno sol adubadas com adubos altamente solúveis. Dados os prejuízos econômicos causados pelas referidas doenças do cafeeiro, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a incidência da ferrugem e da cercosporiose em lavoura cafeeira orgânica conduzida em sistema agroflorestal no município de Machado, MG. As amostragens de folhas para determinação da incidência da Ferrugem do Cafeeiro e da Cercosporiose foram realizadas no terço mediano de cada planta tomada aleatoriamente por meio de caminhamento em zigue-zague no agroecossistema caracterizado. Coletaram-se no terço mediano do cafeeiro dez folhas do terceiro ou quarto par em todos os lados da planta, sendo amostrados vinte cafeeiros, totalizando duzentas folhas coletadas. Os maiores picos da cercosporiose e da ferrugem ocorreram concomitantemente à maturação dos frutos, nos meses de maio, junho, julho e agosto, período de maior gasto energético da planta, onde os nutrientes são deslocados das folhas para o “enchimento” dos grãos. Verificou-se a necessidade de planejamento do plantio das árvores nativas e frutíferas no sistema agroflorestal, pois essas plantas foram introduzidas no sistema de maneira irregular, acarretando excesso de sombra e umidade em algumas áreas e ausência em outras. O manejo adequado das árvores através de podas sazonais poderá influir positivamente no manejo das doenças e em maior produtividade.
Currently in various regions of Brazil and the world rust in coffee trees (Hemileia vastatrix) and brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) have been considered the coffee main diseases, due to severe economic losses to farmers generated. It is believed that the emergence of these diseases is linked to the simplification of agroecosystems in large areas, replacing the complexity of the natural diversity in monocultures full sun highly fertilized with soluble fertilizers. Given the economic losses caused by these coffee diseases, this study aims to evaluate the incidence of rust in coffee trees and brown eye spot in organic coffee farming conducted in agroforestry system in the municipality of Machado, MG. Sampling of leaves to determine the incidence of the rust in coffee trees and brown eye spot were in middle third of each plant taken randomly by way zigue-zague characterized in agroecosystem. Collected in the middle third of the coffee ten sheets of the third or fourth pair on all sides of the plant, being sampled twenty coffees, totaling two hundred leaves collected. The highest peaks of brown eye spot and rust in coffee trees occurred concomitantly with the fruit maturation, in the months of May, June, July and August, a period of increased energy expenditure of the plant, which nutrients are moved from the leaves for the "filling" of grains. There is a need for greater planning the planting of native trees and fruit trees in agroforestry system, because these plants were introduced into the system so irregular, causing excess moisture and shade in some areas and absent in others. The appropriate management of trees through pruning seasonal can positively influence the management of diseases and increased productivity.
Currently in various regions of Brazil and the world rust in coffee trees (Hemileia vastatrix) and brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) have been considered the coffee main diseases, due to severe economic losses to farmers generated. It is believed that the emergence of these diseases is linked to the simplification of agroecosystems in large areas, replacing the complexity of the natural diversity in monocultures full sun highly fertilized with soluble fertilizers. Given the economic losses caused by these coffee diseases, this study aims to evaluate the incidence of rust in coffee trees and brown eye spot in organic coffee farming conducted in agroforestry system in the municipality of Machado, MG. Sampling of leaves to determine the incidence of the rust in coffee trees and brown eye spot were in middle third of each plant taken randomly by way zigue-zague characterized in agroecosystem. Collected in the middle third of the coffee ten sheets of the third or fourth pair on all sides of the plant, being sampled twenty coffees, totaling two hundred leaves collected. The highest peaks of brown eye spot and rust in coffee trees occurred concomitantly with the fruit maturation, in the months of May, June, July and August, a period of increased energy expenditure of the plant, which nutrients are moved from the leaves for the "filling" of grains. There is a need for greater planning the planting of native trees and fruit trees in agroforestry system, because these plants were introduced into the system so irregular, causing excess moisture and shade in some areas and absent in others. The appropriate management of trees through pruning seasonal can positively influence the management of diseases and increased productivity.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Agrofloresta, equilíbrio ecológico, Hemileia vastatrix, Cercospora coffeicola, sustentabilidade., Agroforestry, ecologic equilibrium, Hemileia vastatrix, Cercospora coffeicola, sustainability.
Lopes, Paulo Rogério; Ferraz, José Maria Guzman; Theodoro, Vanessa Cristina de Almeida; Fernandes, Lêda Gonçalves; Niconella, Gilberto; Lopes, Iara Maria. Incidência de Hemileia vastratrix e Cercospora coffeicola em lavoura cafeeira orgânica conduzida por sistema agroflorestal. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (6. : 2009 : Vitória, ES). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 4p.