O risco de base, a efetividade do hedging e um modelo para a estimativa da base: uma contribuição ao agronegócio do café em Minas Gerais
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a performance do contrato futuro cambial de café, negociado pela Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros (BM&F), para o hedging no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. O hedging foi medido pela sua habilidade em reduzir o risco de preço de manter uma posição à vista. Também foi avaliada a utilidade do contrato futuro para conduzir os inventários de café, facilitando as decisões de compra e venda. Para avaliar o potencial de redução de risco, considerou-se que os hedgers poderiam assumir uma posição futura igual à posição à vista ou, alternativamente, os hedgers poderiam utilizar o modelo de carteira de investimento para assumir uma posição de mínimo risco. Deste modo, o risco de base, o risco de preço à vista, a efetividade do hedging e a razão de hedge de mínimo risco foram utilizados para analisar o hedging no mercado de café, considerando os seguintes fatores: o mercado local, o mês de vencimento do contrato, o ano e a duração do hedging. Para avaliar a utilidade do contrato futuro em alocar inventários, a base mensal foi modelada em função dos fatores de oferta e demanda, taxa de conveniência, prêmio pelo risco, liquidez e condições climáticas. Ao todo, nove variáveis foram usadas para explicar a base do café nos seguintes mercados: Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba, Zona da Mata e Sul de Minas. Os resultados apontaram que o risco de base foi significativamente inferior ao risco de preço à vista, demonstrando a habilidade do hedging como redutor de risco. O hedging pelo modelo de carteira foi também efetivo para reduzir a variabilidade dos preços, sendo a razão de hedge de mínima variância usualmente menor do que um. De acordo com os fatores em análise, um maior nível de risco de base foi observado para os vencimentos de julho e setembro, indicando maiores riscos para o hedging de antecipação. A efetividade do hedging foi menor para a região da Zona da Mata e para o período de duração de seis meses; também foram observados maiores níveis de efetividade para o vencimento de março e um aumento da efetividade nos anos recentes. Os resultados do modelo econométrico da base mostraram que uma grande parte da variabilidade do valor da base foi explicada pelas variáveis independentes, dando suporte para a teoria do armazenamento e para a utilidade do mercado futuro do café no Brasil. O modelo se ajustou melhor para os mercados de café do Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba e Sul de Minas. Para o mercado da Zona da Mata, o modelo mostrou uma capacidade inferior para explicar a base do café. Como conclusão final, o contrato futuro negociado pela Bolsa de Mercadorias & Futuros (BM&F) foi considerado eficiente para reduzir o risco de preço para o agronegócio do café em Minas Gerais, tendo ainda o mercado futuro fornecido uma base real para conduzir o armazenamento, facilitando as decisões de compra e venda.
The focus of this study was the evaluation of the performance of coffee future contract from the Brazilian Futures Exchange (BM&F) for hedging in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Tne hedging was measured by its abihty to reduce the price risk of holding a cash position. Also, the usefulness of future contract toperform coffee inventories, fecilitating the decisions on buying or selling such goods was evaluated. To evaluate the potential of risk reduction it was considered that the hedgers could assume a future position equal to their spot position or, alternatively, that the hedgers could use a portfolio model to assume a minimum-risk position. So, the basis risk, the price risk, the hedging effectiveness and the minimum-risk hedge ratio were used to analyze the hedging in coffee market, considering the following factors: the local market, the contract maturity month, the year andthe hedging duration. To evaluate the utility of future contract to allocate inventories, the monthly basis was modeled as a function of supply and demand factors, convenience yield, risk premium, üquidity and climate conditions. Altogether, nine variables were used to explain the coffee basis in the following markets: Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba, Zona da Mataand Sul de Minas. Tne results pointed out that the basis risk was significatively smaller than the price risk, demonstrating the hedging ability as a risk reducer. Tne hedging bytheportfolio model was also effective at reducing the prices variability, the minimum-variance hedge ratio usually being lower than one. According to the factors in analysis, a higher levei of basis risk was observed for the July and September maturity, indicating larger risks for the anticipatory hedging. The hedging effectiveness was lower for the Zona da Mata market as wellas for six-month duration. Also, higher leveis of effectiveness for the March maturity and an increase of effectiveness in recent years were observed. The results ofthe econometric model ofthe basis showed that a great part of variability of the basis valuewas explained by the independent variables, thus supporting the theory of storage and the usefulness of the coffee future market in Brazil. The model best fitted for the coffee markets of Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba and Sul de Minas. For the market of Zona da Mata the model showed an inferior capacity to explain coffee basis. As a final conclusion, the future contract traded by the Brazilian Futures Exchange (BM&F) was considered efficient at reducing the price risk for the coffee agribusiness in Minas Gerais, as well as, the future market provided a real basis for conducting the storage, facihtating the buyingor selling decisions.
The focus of this study was the evaluation of the performance of coffee future contract from the Brazilian Futures Exchange (BM&F) for hedging in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Tne hedging was measured by its abihty to reduce the price risk of holding a cash position. Also, the usefulness of future contract toperform coffee inventories, fecilitating the decisions on buying or selling such goods was evaluated. To evaluate the potential of risk reduction it was considered that the hedgers could assume a future position equal to their spot position or, alternatively, that the hedgers could use a portfolio model to assume a minimum-risk position. So, the basis risk, the price risk, the hedging effectiveness and the minimum-risk hedge ratio were used to analyze the hedging in coffee market, considering the following factors: the local market, the contract maturity month, the year andthe hedging duration. To evaluate the utility of future contract to allocate inventories, the monthly basis was modeled as a function of supply and demand factors, convenience yield, risk premium, üquidity and climate conditions. Altogether, nine variables were used to explain the coffee basis in the following markets: Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba, Zona da Mataand Sul de Minas. Tne results pointed out that the basis risk was significatively smaller than the price risk, demonstrating the hedging ability as a risk reducer. Tne hedging bytheportfolio model was also effective at reducing the prices variability, the minimum-variance hedge ratio usually being lower than one. According to the factors in analysis, a higher levei of basis risk was observed for the July and September maturity, indicating larger risks for the anticipatory hedging. The hedging effectiveness was lower for the Zona da Mata market as wellas for six-month duration. Also, higher leveis of effectiveness for the March maturity and an increase of effectiveness in recent years were observed. The results ofthe econometric model ofthe basis showed that a great part of variability of the basis valuewas explained by the independent variables, thus supporting the theory of storage and the usefulness of the coffee future market in Brazil. The model best fitted for the coffee markets of Triângulo Mineiro, Alto Paranaíba and Sul de Minas. For the market of Zona da Mata the model showed an inferior capacity to explain coffee basis. As a final conclusion, the future contract traded by the Brazilian Futures Exchange (BM&F) was considered efficient at reducing the price risk for the coffee agribusiness in Minas Gerais, as well as, the future market provided a real basis for conducting the storage, facihtating the buyingor selling decisions.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Café - Agronegócio, Hedge, Efetividade do Hedging, Base, Risco de base
FILENI, D. H. O risco de base, a efetividade do hedging e um modelo para a estimativa da base: uma contribuição ao agronegócio do café em Minas Gerais. 1999. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 1999.