Estratégias de manejo ecológico de pragas na cafeicultura orgânica.
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A produção de café orgânico vem crescendo no Brasil, como reflexo de um mercado mais exigente por tipos especiais de café. O manejo adequado dos herbívoros tem sido um desafio à cafeicultura orgânica, de forma que possa garantir a produção utilizando métodos sustentáveis de controle. Então, surge à necessidade de um manejo ecológico de pragas (MEP), que busque manipular os agroecossistemas de forma compatível com a natureza, preocupando-se com os processos e interações ecológicas que promovam fatores naturais de regulação das populações de herbívoros. O MEP tem como estratégia principal o aumento da diversidade funcional como forma de manejo ambiental, no intuito de alcançar a estabilidade do agroecossistema e como estratégias complementares à utilização, além de outros produtos, biofertilizantes e caldas fitoprotetoras. No capítulo I através da manipulação de leguminosas no cultivo de café (Coffea arabica L.) avaliou-se o efeito do aumento da diversidade de espécies de plantas e do aumento da complexidade de arquitetura de plantas sobre a população de bicho- mineiro (Leucoptera coffeella (Guér-Mènev.), Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) e de ácaro vermelho (Oligonychus ilicis, Acari: Tetranychida), além de efeitos sobre a opulação e ação de inimigos naturais. Os sistemas de diversidade de vegetação foram compostos através do plantio de leguminosas, em sistema parcialmente sombreado (com banana) e não sombreado (com guandu), onde se realizou um experimento com o aumento da diversidade de plantas. Em outro experimento onde se trabalhou a alteração da complexidade da vegetação avaliou-se a variação da altura das leguminosas sobre os artrópodos. Nos dois experimentos avaliou-se duas hipóteses relacionadas com o manejo de ecológico de pragas: (i) concentração de recursos e (ii) inimigos naturais. Assim, avaliaram-se folhas com minas de L. coffeella, quantidade de minas por folhas, proporção de minas predadas e parasitadas; e número total de O. ilicis, ácaros predadores da família Phytoseidade e ácaros da Família Tydeidae. O aumento da altura das leguminosas aumentou o ataque de L. coffeella. O aumento da diversidade de plantasdiminuiu a predação em sistemas parcialmente sombreados e aumentou em sistemas não sombreados. Os resultados indicam que o manejo da diversidade influencia o controle de pragas, no entanto deve-se determinar quais espécies de leguminosas mais adaptadas ao sistema do cafeeiro e que forneça condições para o desenvolvimento e atuação dos inimigos naturais. No capítulo II, foram conduzidos experimentos para verificar a ação da calda Viçosa (CV), da calda sulfocálcica (CS) e do iosupermagrolt (SM) sobre duas pragas chave do café: bicho-mineiro L. coffeella e ácaro vermelho O. ilicis; além da determinação da ação sobre o ácaro predador Iphiseiodes zuluagai (Acari: Phytoseiidae). Testou-se ação dos caldas fitoprotetoras e biofertilizante iisupermagrolt, através da avaliação dos seguintes efeitos: (1) efeito de repelência; (2) efeito de mortalidade; (3) efeito na biologia dos artrópodes. No teste de repelência adultos de L. coffeella foram expostos a plantas tratadas com SM, ou com CV, ou com CS e a plantas controle (água) e avaliou-se a percentagem de ovos depositados nas folhas; no teste com O. ilicis e I. zuluagai, foram conduzidos testes com chance de escolha em discos de folhas de café com uma metade do disco tratado com SM, ou com CV, ou CS, enquanto a outra metade foi aplicada água (controle). No teste de efeito de mortalidade avaliou-se o efeito de mortalidade dos produtos alternativos sobre ovos de L. coffeella e O. ilicis, além do efeito sobre fêmeas adultas do ácaro predador I. zuluagai. No teste do ciclo biológico, plantas de café tratadas, por dois meses, com SM, ou com CV e com CS foram oferecidas a L. coffeella e O. ilicis, assim avaliou-se o tempo médio para completar o ciclo ovo-adulto, além da taxa de oviposição de O. ilicis. A calda sulfocálcica, mesmo tendo controlado os herbívoros, não foi seletiva ao ácaro predador, o que pode limitar sua utilização no MEP. O biofertilizante iisupermagrolt e a calda Viçosa apresentaram resultados positivos no controle de pragas e seletividade ao ácaro predador, no entanto maiores estudos são necessários para determinar os mecanismos envolvidos no controle e sua ação sobre outros inimigos naturais.
The production of organic coffee has been growing in Brazil due to a more demanding market for special types of coffee. The appropriate handling of herbivores has been a challenge to the growth of organic coffee when it comes to the employment of sustainable methods of control. Therefore, the need of an Ecological Pest Management comes up, one that looks to manipulating the agroecosystems in an eco-friendly way observing both the processes and ecological interactions which will favor the natural factors supposed to control the herbivorous population. The main strategy of the main strategy of Ecological Pest Management (EPM) is the increase of functional diversity as an environmental handling in order to achieve a balance in the agroecosystems, and as supplementary strategies the employment of biofertilizers, alternative syrups, among other products. Chapter I assesses the impact of the increase of the diversity of plants and also the increase of the complexity of plants make-up on the population coffee leaf-miner (Leucoptera coffeella (Guér-Mènev.), Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) and coffee red mite (Oligonychus ilicis, Acari: Tetranychida), the effects on the population of natural enemies were also assessed. The systems of vegetation diversity increased were formed by planting leguminous, in partially shaded system and non-shaded. Another experiment which involved the alteration of the complexity of the vegetation we observed a variation in the height of the leguminous over the arthropods. We analyzed in both experiments the following hypothesis as to the ecological pest management: (i) concentration of resources and (ii) natural enemies. We analyzed leaves mines of L. coffeella, quantity of mines per leaves, proportion of both preyed and parasite-infected leaves; and the total of O. ilicis, predator acari of the Phytoseidade family and also of the Tydeidae family. The increase in the height of the leguminous increased the attack of L. coffeella. The increase in plants diversity diminished predatory activities in systems partially shaded and increased them in systems non-shaded. The results show that diversity management influences on pests control. However, We should determine which species of leguminous are most adaptable to the coffee system. Chapter II addresses the experiments performed to check the impact of "calda Viçosa" (CV), "Ccalda sulfocálcica"_ (CS) and biofertilizer "supermagro"_ (SM) on two leading coffee pests: coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guér-Mènev.), (Lepidoptera:Lyonetiidae) and coffee red mite Oligonychus ilicis (Acari: Tetranychidae); besides determining the impact on predator mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai (Acari: Phytoseiidae). We also tested the effectiveness of alternative syrups and biofertilizer "supermagro" by assessing the following effects: (1) repellent effect, (2) mortality effect, (3) biological effect. The repellent test for adult L. coffeella involved its exposition to plants treated with SM, CV, CS and to control plants (water) and assessed the percentage of eggs laid on the leaves. The tests for O. ilicis e I. zuluagai involved the coffee leaves with its half treated with SM, CV, CS, while to the other half we applied control water. The mortality test assessed the effectiveness of mortality of alternative products on L. coffeella eggs and O. ilicis eggs, besides checking its effects on I. zuluagai adult females. The biological cycle test involved the exposition of coffee plants treated for two months with SM, or with CV and with CS to L. coffeella and O. ilicis, thus, assessing the average amount of time required to complete the cycle, besides the egg-laying rate of O. ilicis. Although the CS was effective when it comes to controlling the herbivores, it was not selective to predator acari which may limit its employment in EPM. The biofertilizer "supermagro" and "calda Viçosa" both presented positive results in controlling pests and also selectiveness towards predator acari, further experiment, however, are necessary in order to determine the mechanism involved in controlling and also its effect on other natural enemies.
The production of organic coffee has been growing in Brazil due to a more demanding market for special types of coffee. The appropriate handling of herbivores has been a challenge to the growth of organic coffee when it comes to the employment of sustainable methods of control. Therefore, the need of an Ecological Pest Management comes up, one that looks to manipulating the agroecosystems in an eco-friendly way observing both the processes and ecological interactions which will favor the natural factors supposed to control the herbivorous population. The main strategy of the main strategy of Ecological Pest Management (EPM) is the increase of functional diversity as an environmental handling in order to achieve a balance in the agroecosystems, and as supplementary strategies the employment of biofertilizers, alternative syrups, among other products. Chapter I assesses the impact of the increase of the diversity of plants and also the increase of the complexity of plants make-up on the population coffee leaf-miner (Leucoptera coffeella (Guér-Mènev.), Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) and coffee red mite (Oligonychus ilicis, Acari: Tetranychida), the effects on the population of natural enemies were also assessed. The systems of vegetation diversity increased were formed by planting leguminous, in partially shaded system and non-shaded. Another experiment which involved the alteration of the complexity of the vegetation we observed a variation in the height of the leguminous over the arthropods. We analyzed in both experiments the following hypothesis as to the ecological pest management: (i) concentration of resources and (ii) natural enemies. We analyzed leaves mines of L. coffeella, quantity of mines per leaves, proportion of both preyed and parasite-infected leaves; and the total of O. ilicis, predator acari of the Phytoseidade family and also of the Tydeidae family. The increase in the height of the leguminous increased the attack of L. coffeella. The increase in plants diversity diminished predatory activities in systems partially shaded and increased them in systems non-shaded. The results show that diversity management influences on pests control. However, We should determine which species of leguminous are most adaptable to the coffee system. Chapter II addresses the experiments performed to check the impact of "calda Viçosa" (CV), "Ccalda sulfocálcica"_ (CS) and biofertilizer "supermagro"_ (SM) on two leading coffee pests: coffee leaf-miner Leucoptera coffeella (Guér-Mènev.), (Lepidoptera:Lyonetiidae) and coffee red mite Oligonychus ilicis (Acari: Tetranychidae); besides determining the impact on predator mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai (Acari: Phytoseiidae). We also tested the effectiveness of alternative syrups and biofertilizer "supermagro" by assessing the following effects: (1) repellent effect, (2) mortality effect, (3) biological effect. The repellent test for adult L. coffeella involved its exposition to plants treated with SM, CV, CS and to control plants (water) and assessed the percentage of eggs laid on the leaves. The tests for O. ilicis e I. zuluagai involved the coffee leaves with its half treated with SM, CV, CS, while to the other half we applied control water. The mortality test assessed the effectiveness of mortality of alternative products on L. coffeella eggs and O. ilicis eggs, besides checking its effects on I. zuluagai adult females. The biological cycle test involved the exposition of coffee plants treated for two months with SM, or with CV and with CS to L. coffeella and O. ilicis, thus, assessing the average amount of time required to complete the cycle, besides the egg-laying rate of O. ilicis. Although the CS was effective when it comes to controlling the herbivores, it was not selective to predator acari which may limit its employment in EPM. The biofertilizer "supermagro" and "calda Viçosa" both presented positive results in controlling pests and also selectiveness towards predator acari, further experiment, however, are necessary in order to determine the mechanism involved in controlling and also its effect on other natural enemies.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Café Doenças e pragas Controle biológico
Amaral, Dany Silvio Souza Leite. Estratégias de manejo ecológico de pragas na cafeicultura orgânica. Viçosa: UFV, 2003, 61p. : il. (Dissertação - Mestrado em Entomologia): Orientador: Angelo Pallini Filho. T 633.73996 A485e 2003