O comportamento dos custos de produção do café arábica em relação a venda de máquinas agrícolas no estado de Minas Gerais
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Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
O Brasil se destaca no cenário mundial no que diz respeito à comercialização de produtos agrícolas, ocupando a terceira posição no ranking mundial, quando se trata de exportação, segundo dados da Organização Mundial do Comércio – OMC (2011). O setor agropecuário é o segundo em nível de empregabilidade no país, conforme divulga o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia Econômica – IBGE (2011), o que mostra a importância deste setor econômico para o país. Deste setor, há de ressaltar a cultura cafeeira, em que o país é líder em produção e ocupa a segunda posição mundial no quesito consumo. O estado de Minas Gerais é responsável por, aproximadamente, 50% da produção total do café, com ênfase ao café tipo arábica. Embora seja crescente a introdução de máquinas agrícolas, na busca da redução dos custos de produção e, consequentemente, melhoria de resultados do empreendimento, é consenso entre os pesquisadores que não existe um grau ideal de mecanização. Assim, para decidir mecanizar o processo produtivo, ou qualquer outra alteração no trato cultural, é prudente um estudo no sentido de analisar qual a melhor relação custo e benefício. Diante do exposto, este estudo procura responder aos questionamentos: Como tem sido a evolução dos custos de produção do café (“tamanho do bolo”) em relação ao aumento do emprego de máquinas agrícolas? Qual a relação do aumento da introdução de máquinas agrícolas e os diversos elementos de custo (“fatias do bolo”)? Esta pesquisa utilizou-se dos dados referentes aos custos de produção do café arábica, divulgados pela Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento – CONAB – e corrigidos monetariamente pelo IGP-DI. Os anos analisados foram de 2003 a 2010, relativos às cidades de Guaxupé, Patrocínio e São Sebastião do Paraíso. Os dados referentes a mecanização foram extraídos do anuário da Associação Nacional dos Fabricantes de Veículos Automotores – ANFAVEA – em que foi adotado, como proxi de mecanização, o número de tratores de rodas vendidos no estado de Minas Gerais. Após a análise das estimativas de média, desvio padrão e variância, empregou-se o teste de Shapiro-Wilk para testar a normalidade dos dados. Calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson, para os dados cuja distribuição foi tida como normal e, para os não normais, o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman, observando o nível de significância. A partir da obtenção da equação de regressão linear, utilizada para a verificação do nível de dependência entre as variáveis, calculou-se o coeficiente de explicação (R2), a fim de medir o poder explicativo do modelo de regressão adotado. Por fim, a pesquisa serviu-se da técnica da correlação canônica, separando as variáveis de custos agrupadas segundo critérios da CONAB, e associando estas à variável quantidade de tratores vendidos. O resultado evidenciou que todos os grupos demonstraram bons níveis de correlação, e um nível descritivo abaixo do valor nominal 0,05, e assim, comprovando a influencia entre a venda de tratores e os elementos de custo. O grupo formado pelos custos variáveis se sobressaiu por apresentar maior correlação com a variável venda de tratores. Após os resultados da análise de normalidade dos resíduos, do coeficiente de determinação e nível descritivo, apresentarem-se consideravelmente positivos, pode-se associar o comportamento das variáveis estudadas, por meio dos modelos de regressão utilizados. Evidenciou-se que embora pesquisas, levem a acreditar que a introdução de máquinas tenha como foco, a redução de custos, nas cidades analisadas, houve elevação dos custos totais.
Brazil stands out on the world stage with regard to the marketing of agricultural products, ranking third in the world rankings when it comes to exports, according to the World Trade Organization - WTO (2011). The agricultural sector is the second-level employment in the country, according to the Brazilian Institute publishes Economic Geography - IBGE (2011), which shows the importance of this economic sector for the country. In this sector, there to emphasize the coffee culture in the country is a leader in production and ranks second worldwide in the item consumption. The state of Minas Gerais is responsible for approximately 50% of total production of coffee, with emphasis on type Arabica coffee. Although increasing the introduction of agricultural machinery, in search of lower costs of production and, consequently, improved results of the project, the consensus among researchers that there is no ideal level of mechanization. Thus, to decide mechanize the production process, or other change in cultural tract, it is prudent to study in order to analyze which best cost and benefit. Given the above, this study seeks to answer the questions: What has been the trend in costs of production of coffee ("size of the pie") in relation to the increased use of farm machinery? What is the relationship of increased introduction of agricultural machinery and various cost elements ("slices of cake")? This research used data relating to the costs of production of Arabica coffee, released by the National Supply Company - CONAB - and restated by the IGP-DI. The years were analyzed from 2003 to 2010, relative to cities Guaxupé, Sponsorship and São Sebastião do Paraíso. The data were extracted from the mechanization yearbook of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers - ANFAVEA - that was adopted as a proxy of mechanization, the number of wheeled tractors sold in the state of Minas Gerais. After reviewing the estimates of mean, standard deviation and variance, we used the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of the data. We calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient for the data whose distribution was seen as normal and not normal for the Spearman correlation coefficient, noting the significance level. Upon obtaining the linear regression equation, used for checking the level of dependence between variables, we calculated the coefficient of determination (R2) in order to measure the explanatory power of the regression model adopted. Finally, research has used the technique of canonical correlation, separating variable cost by criteria CONAB, and associating the variable amount of these tractors sold. The result showed that all groups showed good levels of correlation, and a descriptive level below the nominal 0.05, and thus proving the influence between the sale of tractors and the cost elements. The group formed by variable costs stood out due to its higher correlation with variable selling tractors. After the results of the analysis of normal errors, the coefficient of determination and descriptive level, presenting considerably positive, one can associate the behavior of the variables studied by means of regression models used. It was evident that although research, lead to believe that the introduction of machines have focused on the reduction of costs in the cities analyzed, there was an increase of total costs.
Brazil stands out on the world stage with regard to the marketing of agricultural products, ranking third in the world rankings when it comes to exports, according to the World Trade Organization - WTO (2011). The agricultural sector is the second-level employment in the country, according to the Brazilian Institute publishes Economic Geography - IBGE (2011), which shows the importance of this economic sector for the country. In this sector, there to emphasize the coffee culture in the country is a leader in production and ranks second worldwide in the item consumption. The state of Minas Gerais is responsible for approximately 50% of total production of coffee, with emphasis on type Arabica coffee. Although increasing the introduction of agricultural machinery, in search of lower costs of production and, consequently, improved results of the project, the consensus among researchers that there is no ideal level of mechanization. Thus, to decide mechanize the production process, or other change in cultural tract, it is prudent to study in order to analyze which best cost and benefit. Given the above, this study seeks to answer the questions: What has been the trend in costs of production of coffee ("size of the pie") in relation to the increased use of farm machinery? What is the relationship of increased introduction of agricultural machinery and various cost elements ("slices of cake")? This research used data relating to the costs of production of Arabica coffee, released by the National Supply Company - CONAB - and restated by the IGP-DI. The years were analyzed from 2003 to 2010, relative to cities Guaxupé, Sponsorship and São Sebastião do Paraíso. The data were extracted from the mechanization yearbook of the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers - ANFAVEA - that was adopted as a proxy of mechanization, the number of wheeled tractors sold in the state of Minas Gerais. After reviewing the estimates of mean, standard deviation and variance, we used the Shapiro-Wilk test for normality of the data. We calculated the Pearson correlation coefficient for the data whose distribution was seen as normal and not normal for the Spearman correlation coefficient, noting the significance level. Upon obtaining the linear regression equation, used for checking the level of dependence between variables, we calculated the coefficient of determination (R2) in order to measure the explanatory power of the regression model adopted. Finally, research has used the technique of canonical correlation, separating variable cost by criteria CONAB, and associating the variable amount of these tractors sold. The result showed that all groups showed good levels of correlation, and a descriptive level below the nominal 0.05, and thus proving the influence between the sale of tractors and the cost elements. The group formed by variable costs stood out due to its higher correlation with variable selling tractors. After the results of the analysis of normal errors, the coefficient of determination and descriptive level, presenting considerably positive, one can associate the behavior of the variables studied by means of regression models used. It was evident that although research, lead to believe that the introduction of machines have focused on the reduction of costs in the cities analyzed, there was an increase of total costs.
Dissertação de mestrado defendida na Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios - Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Agronegócios, Café arábica, Custos
PEREIRA, C. A. O comportamento dos custos de produção do café arábica em relação a venda de máquinas agrícolas no estado de Minas Gerais . 2012. 119 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia. 2012.