Produtividade do cafeeiro e atributos de fertilidade de latossolo sob influência de adensamento da lavoura e manejo da calagem
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Com este estudo, teve-se por objetivo avaliar os efeitos de densidades de plantio e de manejo da calagem sobre os atributos de fertilidade de Latossolo e sobre o estado nutricional e produtividade do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.). O estudo foi con- duzido de fevereiro de 2000 a junho de 2003 na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, em São Sebastião do Paraíso (MG). Os tratamentos testados consistiram da combinação de duas densidades populacionais (2.857 e 10.000 plantas ha -1 ) com três métodos de manejo de calagem (sem aplicação de calcário; calagem superficial e incorporação de calcário de 0 a 20 cm), além de um tratamento com aplicação de calcário (0 a 20 cm) e gesso. O solo foi amostrado nas camadas de 0 a 10, 10 a 20 e 20 a 40 cm de pro- fundidade, em quatro épocas de amostragem, sendo realizadas as seguintes determinações analíticas: pH, Ca e Mg trocáveis, P (Mehlich-1), sulfato, nitrato e amônio, além da saturação por bases. Os métodos de manejo da calagem reduziram a acidez na camada de solo de 0 a 10 cm; contudo, somente na quarta amostragem foi verificada movimentação no perfil de solo do calcário aplicado em superfície. Os atributos de fertilidade do Latossolo não foram influenciados pelos sistemas de plantio de cafeeiro. O adensamento da lavoura resultou em um acréscimo médio na produtividade de cafeeiro de 14 e 33 sacas ha -1 , respectivamente, para a 1 a e 2 a colheitas.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of coffee population density and liming management practices on the fertility attributes of a Latosol, and in the nutritional status and yield of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). The experiment was carried out from February 2000 to June 2003 in the Experimental Farm of Epamig (São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG). The treatments tested consisted of the combination of two coffee population densities (2,857 and 10,000 plants ha -1 ) with three methods of liming management (without lime; lime incorporation at 0 to 20 cm soil layer, and surface liming). As an additional treatment, liming (0 to 20 cm) plus phosphogypsum were applied in an area with 10.000 pl ha -1 . Soil samples were collected at soil depths of 0 to10, 10 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm, in four sampling times. The samples were analyzed for: pH, Ca and Mg exchangeable, P (Mehlich-1 solution), sulfate, nitrate e ammonium, and the saturation for bases. The liming management practices reduced the acidity until the soil depth of 0 to 10 cm. Transport of lime applied at soil surface was verified only at the forth sampling. The soil fertility attributes analyzed were not influenced by coffee population density. In average, the coffee yield in the higher plant density was 14 and 33 bags ha -1 higher than in the lower plant density, respectively in the first and second harvest seasons.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of coffee population density and liming management practices on the fertility attributes of a Latosol, and in the nutritional status and yield of coffee (Coffea arabica L.). The experiment was carried out from February 2000 to June 2003 in the Experimental Farm of Epamig (São Sebastião do Paraíso, MG). The treatments tested consisted of the combination of two coffee population densities (2,857 and 10,000 plants ha -1 ) with three methods of liming management (without lime; lime incorporation at 0 to 20 cm soil layer, and surface liming). As an additional treatment, liming (0 to 20 cm) plus phosphogypsum were applied in an area with 10.000 pl ha -1 . Soil samples were collected at soil depths of 0 to10, 10 to 20 and 20 to 40 cm, in four sampling times. The samples were analyzed for: pH, Ca and Mg exchangeable, P (Mehlich-1 solution), sulfate, nitrate e ammonium, and the saturation for bases. The liming management practices reduced the acidity until the soil depth of 0 to 10 cm. Transport of lime applied at soil surface was verified only at the forth sampling. The soil fertility attributes analyzed were not influenced by coffee population density. In average, the coffee yield in the higher plant density was 14 and 33 bags ha -1 higher than in the lower plant density, respectively in the first and second harvest seasons.
Densidade populacional, Acidez do solo, Estado nutricional dos cafeeiros, Lixiviação de cátions, Coffea arabica
SILVA, C. A. et al. Produtividade do cafeeiro e atributos de fertilidade de latossolo sob influência de adensamento da lavoura e manejo da calagem. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, Lavras, v. 28, n. 5, p. 1066-1076, set./out. 2004.