Isolamento de fungos associados a grãos de café cv. Iapar 59 de origem de solo e árvore em diferentes tempos de colheita
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Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos
O Brasil vem perdendo espaço no mercado internacional devido à piora da qualidade do café. As substâncias tóxicas liberadas pelos fungos além de alterarem a qualidade da bebida, também podem ser prejudiciais à saúde dos consumidores. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o isolamento de fungos a partir de grãos de café da variedade IAPAR 59, relacionando-os com a qualidade da bebida. Foram realizadas colheitas de grãos da árvore e do solo em diferentes tempos (0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias). O isolamento dos fungos foi feito pelo método Pour-plate e para a identificação dos fungos utilizou-se o Microcultivo e a Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Houve diferença significativa no número absoluto de fungos encontrados nos grãos da árvore (5393), em relação aos grãos coletados no solo (1523). Foram identificados 7 gêneros: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Paecilomyces e Penicillium. Verificaram-se elevados níveis de Ocratoxina A em algumas amostras de café. A bebida perdeu a qualidade em função do tempo de permanência dos grãos na árvore e no solo, portanto, para a obtenção de uma bebida de melhor qualidade, deve-se evitar a permanência prolongada dos grãos em seus locais de origem.
Brazil is losing space in the international market due to the worsening in the quality of the coffee. The toxic substances released by fungi besides altering the quality of the drink, can also be harmful to the consumers’ health. The purpose of this work was the isolation of fungi from coffee beans of the variety IAPAR 59 to analyze their effect on the quality of the drink. Grains were harvested from trees and were picked from the ground at different times (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days). The isolation of the fungi was made by the method “Pour-plate”, and the Microcultive and Electronic Scanning Microscopy (MEV) was used to identify the fungi. There was a significant difference in the absolute number of fungi found in grains from trees (5393) in relation to the grains picked from the ground (1523). Seven genera were identified: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Paecilomyces e Penicillium. High levels of Ochratoxin A in some samples of coffee were identified. The drink lost quality according to the harvest time and the period the beans were left in the ground. In order to guarantee a better quality of the drink, it is recommended avoiding leaving the beans in their places of origin for too long before harvesting
Brazil is losing space in the international market due to the worsening in the quality of the coffee. The toxic substances released by fungi besides altering the quality of the drink, can also be harmful to the consumers’ health. The purpose of this work was the isolation of fungi from coffee beans of the variety IAPAR 59 to analyze their effect on the quality of the drink. Grains were harvested from trees and were picked from the ground at different times (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days). The isolation of the fungi was made by the method “Pour-plate”, and the Microcultive and Electronic Scanning Microscopy (MEV) was used to identify the fungi. There was a significant difference in the absolute number of fungi found in grains from trees (5393) in relation to the grains picked from the ground (1523). Seven genera were identified: Absidia, Acremonium, Aspergillus, Fusarium, Mucor, Paecilomyces e Penicillium. High levels of Ochratoxin A in some samples of coffee were identified. The drink lost quality according to the harvest time and the period the beans were left in the ground. In order to guarantee a better quality of the drink, it is recommended avoiding leaving the beans in their places of origin for too long before harvesting
Qualidade da bebida, IAPAR 59, Fungos, Coffea arabica
BOZZA, A. et al. Isolamento de fungos associados a grãos de café cv. Iapar 59 de origem de solo e árvore em diferentes tempos de colheita. Food Science and Technology, Campinas, v. 29, n. 3, p. 529-534, jul./set. 2009.