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O contexto vivido pelas cadeias agroindustriais tem exigido adaptações e interações entre setores e segmentos para manutenção da competitividade. Vive-se um momento de demandas crescentes por inovações que tragam soluções para a superação de gargalos, assim como vantagens competitivas aos diferentes elos das cadeias produtivas. Neste sentido, o presente estudo convida para uma nova visão sobre o sistema agroindustrial do café, analisando o ambiente de inovação demandado e o modelo de coordenação dos atores envolvidos neste processo. Utiliza como objeto de análise o Polo de Excelência do Café (PEC) como representante da articulação entre universidade, empresa e governo (U-E-G), como destacada pela Teoria da Hélice Tríplice, e como método o estudo de caso. Neste ambiente de interação, cada hélice tem experimentado novos papéis e convivido com os desafios de participar de uma rede de inovação que agrega atores de diferentes segmentos. Para a eficiência deste sistema, confirma-se neste estudo a importância de um agente articulador central para a coordenação do espaço de conversação entre todos os atores. Como resultado, sugere-se a criação de uma arquitetura da informação que promova consonâncias entre as necessidades informativas das empresas do setor com o conhecimento gerado pelos centros de pesquisa e universidades, tendo o aporte do governo como incentivo para suas inter-relações. Neste sentido, a comunicação e os fluxos de informação entre os atores e segmentos favorecem o equilíbrio da rede de inovação, consolidando o ambiente de inovação desejado e agregando competitividade para todo o sistema agroindustrial do café.
In order to keep competitiveness in today’s economical context agribusiness chains have been challenged to promote adaptations and interactions among their sectors and segments. This is a time of growing demands for innovations which can bring solutions for bottlenecks as well as competitive advantages to the different productive chain bonds. This work proposes a new view of the coffee agribusiness system through the analysis of the demanded innovation environment, as well as the coordination pattern of the agents involved in this process. The Polo de Excelência do Café which stands for the university, enterprises and government (U-E-G) interaction, as highlighted by the Triple Helix Theory, and as a method, the case study. In this context each helix has played new roles and also faced the challenge of participating in an innovation network aggregating actors from different segments. In order to guarantee this system effectiveness, the importance of a main agent to articulate and support both the communication and coordinate the conversation space among all the other actors is stressed in this study. As a result, it is suggested that an information system which promotes a match between the information needs of the enterprises and the knowledge generated by research centers and universities be created and have their inter relationships incentivated by the government. In this sense, either the communication or the information flows which take place between actors and segments favor the innovation network balance, consolidate the aimed innovation environment, and aggregate competitiveness to the coffee agribusiness system.
In order to keep competitiveness in today’s economical context agribusiness chains have been challenged to promote adaptations and interactions among their sectors and segments. This is a time of growing demands for innovations which can bring solutions for bottlenecks as well as competitive advantages to the different productive chain bonds. This work proposes a new view of the coffee agribusiness system through the analysis of the demanded innovation environment, as well as the coordination pattern of the agents involved in this process. The Polo de Excelência do Café which stands for the university, enterprises and government (U-E-G) interaction, as highlighted by the Triple Helix Theory, and as a method, the case study. In this context each helix has played new roles and also faced the challenge of participating in an innovation network aggregating actors from different segments. In order to guarantee this system effectiveness, the importance of a main agent to articulate and support both the communication and coordinate the conversation space among all the other actors is stressed in this study. As a result, it is suggested that an information system which promotes a match between the information needs of the enterprises and the knowledge generated by research centers and universities be created and have their inter relationships incentivated by the government. In this sense, either the communication or the information flows which take place between actors and segments favor the innovation network balance, consolidate the aimed innovation environment, and aggregate competitiveness to the coffee agribusiness system.
Trabalho apresentado no Simpósio de Pesquisa dos Cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011
Articulação. Informação. Rede., Coordination. Information. Network.
Aguiar, Cibele Maria Garcia de; Sugano, Joel Yukata; Pereira, Sérgio Parreiras; Carvalho, Nádia. Ambiente de inovação para o café: articulação entre universidade-empresa-governo. In: Simpósio de Pesquisa dos cafés do Brasil (7. : 2011 : Araxá, MG). Anais Brasília, D.F: Embrapa - Café, 2011 (1 CD-ROM), 8p.