Equilíbrio higroscópico das sementes de café, fumo e várias hortaliças
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Instituto Agronômico (IAC)
O presente trabalho refere-se às determinações dos equilíbrios higroscópicos das sementes de café, fumo e várias hortaliças, correspondentes às umidades relativas de 10% a 90%. A julgar pelos pesos secos relativamente baixos de tôdas as amostras provenientes da umidade relativa de 90%, parece não haver dúvida de que os elevados teores de umidade obtidos para essas amostras foram, em parte, motivados por uma redução na matéria sêca das sementes.
This paper deals with the determination, of the hygroscopic equilibrium of coffee, tobacco, and vegetable seeds corresponding to relative humidities of their environment varying from 10% to 90%. Judging by the relatively low dry weights of all the samples held at 90% relative humidity, there seems to be no doubt that the high moisture content obtained for these samples were partly due to a decrease in seed dry matter. The rate of change in moisture with change in humidity differed greatly among the various kinds of seeds. Coffee and garden beans gained 0.18% in moisture with increase of 1% in humidity, while lettuce and tobacco gained half that amount.
This paper deals with the determination, of the hygroscopic equilibrium of coffee, tobacco, and vegetable seeds corresponding to relative humidities of their environment varying from 10% to 90%. Judging by the relatively low dry weights of all the samples held at 90% relative humidity, there seems to be no doubt that the high moisture content obtained for these samples were partly due to a decrease in seed dry matter. The rate of change in moisture with change in humidity differed greatly among the various kinds of seeds. Coffee and garden beans gained 0.18% in moisture with increase of 1% in humidity, while lettuce and tobacco gained half that amount.
BACCI, O. Equilíbrio higroscópico das sementes de café, fumo e várias hortaliças. Bragantia, Campinas, v. 18, n. 15, p. 225-232,1959.