Utilização da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e quimiometria na identificação do café torrado e moído adulterado
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Neste trabalho são combinadas as potencialidades das técnicas quimiométricas e as facilidades na obtenção de espectros apresentadas pelas técnicas de espectroscopia na região do infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR), através de reflectância total atenuada (ATR), reflectância difusa (DRIFT) e transmitância, visando à identificação de cevada (substância usada como adulterante) em café torrado e moído. A região espectral analisada foi a região do infravermelho médio. Foram utilizadas amostras de café arábica de bebida dura. Os grãos de café foram torrados com torra de padrão comercial e moídos em seguida. Ao café torrado e moído foi adicionada cevada nas proporções de 0%, 0,5%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15% e 20%. Foram feitas três repetições de cada, totalizando 24 amostras. As amostras adulteradas foram submetidas à liofilização para se evitar a interferência das bandas de água no espectro e deixadas em dessecador com sílica gel por 24h. Em seguida, foram realizadas as leituras dos espectros. Os dados foram organizados em matrizes e centrados na média. Os métodos quimiométricos empregados foram: análise de componentes principais (PCA), análise de agrupamentos hierárquicos (HCA) utilizando distância euclidiana para cálculo da matriz de distâncias e o método do vizinho mais distante, e regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS), por meio de validação cruzada. Utilizou-se o software R para o tratamento dos dados com as funções adequadas. Os métodos empregados permitiram separar o café com cevada do café puro por meio da reflectância difusa (DRIFT) e da reflectância total atenuada (ATR), com exceção das amostras contendo 0,5% de cevada. Os métodos quimiométricos possibilitaram, também, distinguir amostras com 20% de cevada pelas técnicas de reflectância total atenuada (ATR) e reflectância difusa (DRIFT). A técnica de transmitância não foi eficaz na identificação de cevada em café torrado e moído. Na análise de regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios somente para a análise de ATR, na qual se estabeleceu um bom ajuste entre os valores verdadeiros e os valores estimados de cevada. Um coeficiente de correlação de 98% foi encontrado.
In this work the potentialities of the chemometric techniques and the eases in the obtaining of spectra presented by the spectroscopy techniques in the infra-red region with Fourier transform (FTIR) through the attenuated total reflectance (ATR), drift reflectance (DRIFT) and transmittance, aiming at the identification of barley (substance used as an adulterant) in a ground and toasted coffee are combined. The analyzed spectral region was the medium infrared region. Arabic coffee samples of hard beverage were utilized. The coffee beans were toasted with standard commercial toasting and ground next. To the toasted and ground coffee was added barley at the ratios of 0%, 0,5%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Three replicates of each one amounting to 24 samples were done. The adulterated samples were submitted to freeze-drying to avoid the interference of the water bands into the spectrum and left in a dissecator with silica gel for 24 h. Next, the spectra were obtained. The data were organized into matrices and centered on the mean. The chemometric methods employed were: principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA), by utilizing euclidean distance for calculation of the distance and the complete linkage method and partial least squares regression (PLS) with cross validation. The R software was utilized for the treatment of the data with adequate functions. The employed methods allowed to separate the coffee with barely from the pure coffee using the diffuse reflectance (DRIFT) and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) with the exception of the samples containing 0.5% of barley. The chemometric methods also allowed to distinguish samples with 20% of barley through the techniques of attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and diffuse reflectance (DRIFT). The transmittance technique was not effective in identifying barley in toasted and ground coffee. In the partial least squares regression analysis, satisfactory results were obtained only for the ATR technique, finding a good adjust between the true values and the estimated values of barley. A correlation coefficient of 98% was found.
In this work the potentialities of the chemometric techniques and the eases in the obtaining of spectra presented by the spectroscopy techniques in the infra-red region with Fourier transform (FTIR) through the attenuated total reflectance (ATR), drift reflectance (DRIFT) and transmittance, aiming at the identification of barley (substance used as an adulterant) in a ground and toasted coffee are combined. The analyzed spectral region was the medium infrared region. Arabic coffee samples of hard beverage were utilized. The coffee beans were toasted with standard commercial toasting and ground next. To the toasted and ground coffee was added barley at the ratios of 0%, 0,5%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Three replicates of each one amounting to 24 samples were done. The adulterated samples were submitted to freeze-drying to avoid the interference of the water bands into the spectrum and left in a dissecator with silica gel for 24 h. Next, the spectra were obtained. The data were organized into matrices and centered on the mean. The chemometric methods employed were: principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA), by utilizing euclidean distance for calculation of the distance and the complete linkage method and partial least squares regression (PLS) with cross validation. The R software was utilized for the treatment of the data with adequate functions. The employed methods allowed to separate the coffee with barely from the pure coffee using the diffuse reflectance (DRIFT) and attenuated total reflectance (ATR) with the exception of the samples containing 0.5% of barley. The chemometric methods also allowed to distinguish samples with 20% of barley through the techniques of attenuated total reflectance (ATR) and diffuse reflectance (DRIFT). The transmittance technique was not effective in identifying barley in toasted and ground coffee. In the partial least squares regression analysis, satisfactory results were obtained only for the ATR technique, finding a good adjust between the true values and the estimated values of barley. A correlation coefficient of 98% was found.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Espectroscopia, FTIR, Quimiometria
SANTOS, M. C. S. Utilização da espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (FTIR) e quimiometria na identificação do café torrado e moído adulterado. 2005. 65 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agroquímica) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2005.