Substratos alternativos para a produção de mudas de cafeeiro no sistema orgânico
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Universidade Federal de Lavras
Uma muda de cafeeiro com nutrição equilibrada desenvolve-se mais e torna-se menos suscetível ao ataque de pragas e patógenos. Por isso, as doses dos nutrientes minerais devem ser equilibradas, a fim de evitar prejuízos à lavoura. Atenção especial deve ser dada ao nitrogênio que é o nutriente mais exigido pelas plantas. Objetivou-se com esse trabalho buscar substratos alternativos para a produção de mudas de cafeeiro no sistema orgânico. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC), em esquema fatorial [(4 x 4 x 4) + 1] (Adubos x Doses x Épocas + Testemunha), com três repetições. Nos substratos das mudas de cafeeiro, foram utilizadas 4 fontes distintas de N (esterco de galinha, esterco bovino, ureia e super ureia) e 4 doses de nitrogênio, 50%, 100%, 150% e 200% da dose recomendada por Guimarães et al. (1999), mais a testemunha representada pela muda em substrato padrão. As características de crescimento das mudas (altura, diâmetro, número de folhas e desfolha, matéria seca da parte aérea) foram avaliadas em 4 épocas correspondentes a 7, 14, 21 e 27 semanas após o transplantio das mudas do germinador para os saquinhos. Verificou-se que na primeira avaliação que os tratamentos não apresentaram diferença significativa entre a altura, diâmetro das mudas e desfolha causada pela cercosporiose. Porém, apresentou um maior número de folhas e matéria seca da parte aérea nas mudas com a adubação proveniente de fontes nitrogenadas orgânicas quando comparado com as produzidas com os tratamentos com ureia e super ureia. Na segunda, terceira e quarta avaliações, observou-se que as mudas contendo os substratos com fontes de N via adubos orgânicos apresentaram maior resiliência e crescimento com maior tolerância à cercosporiose de modo geral. Concluiu-se que a utilização de ureia ou super ureia na produção de mudas de cafeeiro, não substituem a adição dos estercos de bovino ou de galinha ao substrato, pois essas fontes orgânicas possibilitam maior crescimento das mudas e menor severidade quando da ocorrência de cercosporiose.
A coffee seedling that has an adequate nutrient balance tends to develop better and become less susceptible to crop plagues as well as plant pathogens. Due to that, it is important to balance the mineral nutrients available to plant so damage to the crop field can be avoided. Special attention should be given to nitrogen as it is the nutrient plants need the most. This paper aims to assess the progress of eyespot in coffee seedlings growing in different soils. The experimental design was completely randomized, at a factorial scheme [(4 x 4 x 4) + 1] (fertilizer x Dose x period + control), with three repetitions. At the substrate with coffee seedlings , it was used 4 different sources of N (chicken manure, cattle manure, urea and super urea ) and 4 dosages of Nitrogen , 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% from the recommended dosage plus the control represented by the standard substrate. Growth characteristics (height, diameter, number of leaves and defoliation, dry matter of shoots) were assessed at 4 periods corresponding to 7, 14, 21 and 27 weeks after replanting the seedlings. It was found in the first assessment that the treatments had no considerable difference among height, diameter and defoliation caused by eyespot. Nevertheless, the aerial part of the plant showed a greater leaf number and dry matter in the seedlings that received fertilizer with nitrogen from organic sources when compared to the urea and super urea treatments. In the second, third and fourth evaluations it was observed that seedlings cultivated in the substrate with organic nitrogen showed greater resilience and growth due to more general tolerance to diseases. This work concluded that substrate with organic sources (chicken manure and cow manure) can tolerate better eyespot, therefore, they have shown better growth and development.
A coffee seedling that has an adequate nutrient balance tends to develop better and become less susceptible to crop plagues as well as plant pathogens. Due to that, it is important to balance the mineral nutrients available to plant so damage to the crop field can be avoided. Special attention should be given to nitrogen as it is the nutrient plants need the most. This paper aims to assess the progress of eyespot in coffee seedlings growing in different soils. The experimental design was completely randomized, at a factorial scheme [(4 x 4 x 4) + 1] (fertilizer x Dose x period + control), with three repetitions. At the substrate with coffee seedlings , it was used 4 different sources of N (chicken manure, cattle manure, urea and super urea ) and 4 dosages of Nitrogen , 50%, 100%, 150% and 200% from the recommended dosage plus the control represented by the standard substrate. Growth characteristics (height, diameter, number of leaves and defoliation, dry matter of shoots) were assessed at 4 periods corresponding to 7, 14, 21 and 27 weeks after replanting the seedlings. It was found in the first assessment that the treatments had no considerable difference among height, diameter and defoliation caused by eyespot. Nevertheless, the aerial part of the plant showed a greater leaf number and dry matter in the seedlings that received fertilizer with nitrogen from organic sources when compared to the urea and super urea treatments. In the second, third and fourth evaluations it was observed that seedlings cultivated in the substrate with organic nitrogen showed greater resilience and growth due to more general tolerance to diseases. This work concluded that substrate with organic sources (chicken manure and cow manure) can tolerate better eyespot, therefore, they have shown better growth and development.
Dissertação de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de Lavras
Cafeicultura Orgânica, Nutrição equilibrada, Trofobiose, Substratos para cafeeiros, Agroecologia
ANDRADE, D. Substratos alternativos para a produção de mudas de cafeeiro no sistema orgânico. 2014. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2014.