Martins, Kleber MoreiraSabino, Paulo Henrique de SiqueiraSilva, Adriano Bortolotti daOliveira Júnior, Geraldo Gomes deRamirio, Lucas Deleon2022-11-072022-11-072022-08-29MARTINS, Kleber Moreira; SABINO, Paulo Henrique de Siqueira; SILVA, Adriano Bortolotti da; OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, Geraldo Gomes de; RAMIRIO, Lucas Deleon. Occupational noise level emitted by self-propelled harvesters during mechanized coffee harvesting. Ciência Rural, Santa Maria, v. 53, n. 6, p. 1-4, 29 ago. 2022. Available from: Accessed: 7 nov.2022.1678-4596 study evaluated the level of occupational noise emitted by automotive harvesters during coffee harvest. For the evaluations, three self-propelled harvesters were used: Case-IH® model Coffee Express 200, with cabin; Korvan® model 9200, without cabin; and Oxbo® model 9220, with cabin. Data were collected using a noise dosimeter model DOS-700. Noise levels were assessed for the operator and assistant of each harvester. Five repetitions were performed for the operator and assistant, with each repetition consisting of 2 h of evaluation. Results obtained were compared with the action level and exposure limit of the Regulatory Norms (NR) 15 and Occupational Hygiene Norms (NHO) 01. The action levels of the NHO 01 (82 dB) and NR 15 (80 dB) regulations were exceeded for the operator and assistant in the three evaluated harvesters. Regarding the exposure limit (85 dB), the level was exceeded for the operator of the Korvan® and Case-IH® harvesters in accordance with NHO 01. In the NR 15 regulation, the exposure limit was > 85 dB for the operator of the Korvan® harvester. For the assistant, all harvesters emitted noise levels > 85 dB based on both the NHO 01 and NR 15 regulations.pdfenOpen AccessCoffeeMechanizationNR 15NHO 01Rural workersCafeicultura::Mecanização do cafeeiroOccupational noise level emitted by self-propelled harvesters during mechanized coffee harvestingArtigo