Silva, Douglas Ramos GuelfiEmerick, Michell Bahia Dutra2019-04-112019-04-112018-04-05EMERICK, M. B. D. Utilização da água do processamento dos grãos de café: potássio no solo, na planta e produção de capim angola. 2018. 62 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologias e Inovações Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras. 2018.ção de Mestrado defendida na Universidade Federal de LavrasO processamento pós-colheita via úmida gera a água do processamento do café (APC), que contém potássio (K), tornando-se, portanto, se mal disposta, uma preocupação ambiental, dado o risco de lixiviação de K. A fertirrigação é uma alternativa para a disposição da APC. Considerando que a aplicação da APC pode promover alterações nos teores de K do solo, bem como propiciar alteração da produção de massa seca do Brachiaria mutica (capim-angola), sem que haja desbalanceamento nutricional da planta, objetivou-se, no presente trabalho, avaliar os teores disponíveis de K no perfil de um Neossolo Flúvico na planta e a produção de massa seca do capim-angola, decorrentes da aplicação de diferentes doses de APC. Realizou-se uma pesquisa em uma propriedade rural localizada no município de Ibatiba, ES, tendo a APC sido coletada em sua unidade beneficiadora de frutos do café. Com base nas análises de conteúdo de K da APC filtrada foram estabelecidas as doses de APC a serem aplicadas ao solo, conforme o tratamento. O experimento foi montado em área com pastagem implantada, sendo realizadas quatro repetições. As parcelas receberam cinco tratamentos, sendo doses de APC 0, 57, 114, 171 e 228 m3/ha, calculadas de forma que a dose de 114 m3/ha elevasse o teor de K a 5% na CTC (T) do solo. Foram coletadas amostras de solo, aos 45 e aos 90 dias após a aplicação da APC, nas profundidades de 0 a 20 cm, 20 a 40 cm, 40 a 60 cm e 60 a 80 cm, sendo coletadas, no mesmo período, amostras para análise foliar e de massa seca. A aplicação de APC, até a dose de 114 m3/ha, promoveu incremento de K no solo na profundidade 0-20 cm, ocorrendo seu incremento nas camadas inferiores apenas nas dosagens superiores. Não houve diferença na produção de biomassa e teores de nutrientes na planta. O emprego da fertirrigação com APC, respeitando-se a dose de 114 m3/ha, apresentou-se eficaz na reposição de K na camada superficial do solo, mantendo o teor de K ao limite de 5% da CTCpH7.The wet post-harvest processing generates water from coffee processing (APC), which contains potassium (K), becoming, if badly disposed, an environmental concern, given the risk of potassium leaching. Fertigation is an alternative to APC disposal. Considering that the application of the APC can promote changes in soil K levels, as well as cause a change in the production of Brachiariamutica dry mass (angola grass), without nutritional imbalance of the plant, the objective of this study was to evaluate the available levels of K in the profile of a Fluovian Neosol in the plant and the production of dry mass of angola grass, due to the application of different APC doses. A survey was carried out in a rural property located in Ibatiba county, ES, and APC was collected in its coffee processing unit. Based on the K content analyzes of the filtered APC, it was established the APC doses to be applied to the soil, according to the treatment. The experiment was set up in an area with implanted pasture, and four replications were made. The plots received five treatments: APC doses 0, 57, 114, 171 and 228 m3 / ha, calculated so that a dose of 114 m3 / ha raised the K content to 5% in the CTC (The wet post-harvest processing generates water from coffee processing (APC), which contains potassium (K), becoming, if badly disposed, an environmental concern, given the risk of potassium leaching. Fertigation is an alternative to APC disposal. Considering that the application of the APC can promote changes in soil K levels, as well as cause a change in the production of Brachiariamutica dry mass (angola grass), without nutritional imbalance of the plant, the objective of this study was to evaluate the available levels of K in the profile of a Fluovian Neosol in the plaThe wet post-harvest processing generates water from coffee processing (APC), which contains potassium (K), becoming, if badly disposed, an environmental concern, given the risk of potassium leaching. Fertigation is an alternative to APC disposal. Considering that the application of the APC can promote changes in soil K levels, as well as cause a change in the production of Brachiariamutica dry mass (angola grass), without nutritional imbalance of the plant, the objective of this study was to evaluate the available levels of K in the profile of a Fluovian Neosol in the plant and the production of dry mass of angola grass, due to the application of different APC doses. A survey was carried out in a rural property located in Ibatiba county, ES, and APC was collected in its coffee processing unit. Based on the K content analyzes of the filtered APC, it was established the APC doses to be applied to the soil, according to the treatment. The experiment was set up in an area with implanted pasture, and four replications were made. The plots received five treatments: APC doses 0, 57, 114, 171 and 228 m3 / ha, calculated so that a dose of 114 m3 / ha nt and the production of dry mass of angola grass, due to the application of different APC doses. A survey was carried out in a rural property located in Ibatiba county, ES, and APC was collected in its coffee processing unit. Based on the K content analyzes of the filtered APC, it was established the APC doses to be applied to the soil, according to the treatment. The experiment was set up in an area with implanted pasture, and four replications were made. The plots received five treatments: APC doses 0, 57, 114, 171 and 228 m3 / ha, calculated so that a dose of 114 m3 / ha T) of the soil. Soil samples were collected at 45 and 90 days after APC application at depths of 0 to 20 cm, 20 to 40 cm, 40 to 60 cm and 60 to 80 cm, being collected, in the same period, samples for leaf analysis and dry mass. APC application, up to the dose of 114 m3 / ha, promoted increase of K in the soil at depth 0-20 cm, occurring its increase in the lower layers only at the higher dosages. There was no difference in biomass production and nutrient content in the plant. APC fertigation uses at a dose of 114 m3 / ha was effective in replacing K in the soil surface layer, maintaining the 5% content of CTCpH7.62 folhaspt-BRÁgua processamento do caféLixiviaçãoFertirrigaçãoCafeicultura::Resíduos e subprodutos do caféUtilização da água do processamento dos grãos de café: potássio no solo, na planta e produção de capim angolaUsing of coffee processing water: potassium in the soil, in the plant and the production of angolan grassDissertação