Silva, Vânia AparecidaAbrahão, Juliana Costa de RezendeLima, Luiz AntônioCarvalho, Gladyston RodriguesFerrão, Maria Amélia GavaSalgado, Sônia Maria LimaVolpato, Margarete LordeloBotelho, César Elias2021-12-022021-12-022019SILVA, V. A. et al. Selection of conilon coffee clones tolerant to pests and diseases in Minas Gerais. Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, Viçosa, v. 19, n. 3, p. 269-276, jul./set. 2019.1984-7033 70332019v19n3a38 the northern Minas region, the dry-warm climate predisposes coffee plants to the occurrence of leaf miners, mites, cercosporiosis, and leaf scald. Aiming for the development of a cultivar adapted to these conditions, Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner clones were selected through genetic parameters under an irrigated system, without agrochemicals. Eighteen agronomic traits were evaluated. The survival rate, number of nodes per plagiotropic branch, leaf miner infestation and cercosporiosis incidence were chosen as characteristics for selection of ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’, once they have shown superiority of the genetic parameters. The survival rate variable was used to rank the EMCAPA 8141 Robustão Capixaba clones. Clones V2, V4, V6, V13, RC7, and RC9 were selected as more tolerant to pests and diseases and can provide genetic improvements in conilon breeding program for region. The genetic dissimilarity identified between clones allowed suitable clone combinations to be proposed for use in future crosses.pdfenOpen AccessCoffea canephoraVitória Incaper 8142EMCAPA 8141 Robustão CapixabaMultivariateMixed modelsCafeicultura::Genética e melhoramentoSelection of conilon coffee clones tolerant to pests and diseases in Minas GeraisArtigo