Menard, Louiz NeptuneMalavolta, E.2023-04-102023-04-101962-02-02MENARD, Louiz Neptune; MALAVOLTA, E. Estudos sôbre alimentação mineral do cafeeiro.: VII. Interação entre fósforo e ferro em cafeeiro (Coffe arabica L., var. Caturra KMC) cultivado em solução nutritiva. Anais da Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Piracicaba, v. 19, p. 23-33, 02 fev. 1962. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jan. 2023.2316-8935 present work was carried out in order to study: 1 - The effect of several levels of P and Fe on the chemical composition of young coffee plants (Coffea arabica L., var. Caturra, KMC); 2 - The influence of P and Fe in the up take of N, K, Ca, and Mg as revealed by the chemical analyses of coffee tissues. Five treatments with two replicates were used, namely: 1 - Control - plants grown in the solution 2 of HOAGLAND & ARNON (1950); 2 - Omission of P; 3 - 310 p. p.m. of P; 4 - Omission of Fe; 5-28 p. p.m. of Fe. The experiment was carried out in the grenhouse, the pH of the different solutions being kept between 5. 0 and 5. 5; aeration was provided to the solutions. The following conclusions wen drawn: 1 - When P was omitted from the nutrient solution, there was an increase in N, K and Fe content of the plant as compared to the levels found in control plants; 2 - Raising the P level in the substrate brought about an apparent luxury consumption of this element as well as an increase in plant Mg; 3 - High P in the nutrient solution on the other hand, decreased Fe up take but increased the K content; 4 - K content was even higher in plants corresponding to the excess Fe treatment; 5 - A very high P content was found in the roots from the excess Fe treatment, this suggesting the formation of ferric phosphate in those organs; 6 - The control plants had less Fe than those corresponding to the minus Fe treatment.pdfpt-BROpen AccessEfeitos do fósforo e do ferro sobre a composição química do cafeeirointerdependência de nutrientesnitrogênio, o potássio, o cálcio e o magnésio no crescimento e na composição química da plantaCafeicultura::Solos e nutrição do cafeeiroEstudos sôbre alimentação mineral do cafeeiro.: VII. Interação entre fósforo e ferro em cafeeiro (Coffe arabica L., var. Caturra KMC) cultivado em solução nutritivaArtigo