Colodetti, Tafarel VictorRodrigues, Wagner NunesBrinate, Sebastião Vinícius BatistaMartins, Lima DeleonCavatte, Paulo CezarTomaz, Marcelo Antonio2022-02-082022-02-082020COLODETTI, T. V. et al. The management of orthotropic stems modulates the photosynthetic performance and biomass allocation of productive plants of Arabica coffee. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 67, n. 6, p. 454-463, nov./dez. 2020.2177-3491 to the possibility of enhancing the physiological responses by modulating the architecture of coffee trees, the objective of the study was to analyze the leaf gas exchanges and biomass allocation of Arabica coffee cultivated with different numbers of orthotropic stems. The experiment was carried out in a plantation located in Santa Teresa-ES, Brazil, cultivated with spacing of 2.5×1.0 m, using the cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC44. The gas exchange rates were monitored along stages of the phenological cycle (2014/2015), following a split-plot scheme, 3×3 (number of orthotropic stems per plant in three levels: 1, 2 and 3; and the phenological stages in three levels: flowering, fruit formation and maturation). The allocation of biomass in the plagiotropic branches was also analyzed during the phenological stage of fruit maturation. The management of the number of orthotropic stems affected the photosynthetic responses and biomass allocation of coffee trees. Under the studied conditions, cultivating the plants with two orthotropic stems created conditions which promoted the photosynthetic responses. Keeping more stems promotes the availability of leaves per amount of produced fruits in the plagiotropic branches, allowing the plant to sustain the production with less metabolic earing.pdfenOpen AccessCoffea arabicaGas exchangeDry matterManagementPruningCafeicultura::Implantação e manejo da lavouraThe management of orthotropic stems modulates the photosynthetic performance and biomass allocation of productive plants of Arabica coffeeArtigo