Tropical Plant Pathology

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    Effects of UV-B radiation on Lecanicillium spp., biological control agents of the coffee leaf rust pathogen
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2014) Galvão, José A. H.; Bettiol, Wagner
    Coffee leaf rust is the main disease of coffee and its causal agent is naturally hyperparasited by Lecanicillium lecanii, indicating its potential for biocontrol. Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation is an important factor that interferes on application of biocontrol agents, and Lecanicillium can be affected by UV-B. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of UV-B on Lecanicillium isolates and on its capacity to colonize rust lesions. There were variations among Lecanicillium strains in sensitivity to UV-B radiation, causing inactivation and delayed spore germination. The most tolerant strain (CCMA-1143) had LD50=1.63 kJ/m2 of UV-B. The incidence and colonization of Lecanicillium on coffee leaf rust lesions were influenced by the dose of UV-B radiation, and were increased when the isolate CCMA-1143 was sprayed on rust lesions. The effects of UV-B should be considered on efficacy studies for the development of biopesticides.
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    Effect of foliar application of potassium silicate on the progress of coffee leaf rust
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Lopes, Ueder Pedro; Zambolim, Laércio; Souza Neto, Pedro Nery; Souza, Antônio Fernando; Capucho, Alexandre Sandri; Rodrigues, Fabricio de Ávila
    In order to evaluate the effect of potassium silicate spray on the control of coffee leaf rust and coffee yield, an experiment was conducted during the 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 growing seasons on Coffea arabica cv. Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, in a location situated at an elevation of 850 m in Coimbra, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The treatments consisted of: 1 - potassium silicate; 2 - potassium silicate + copper hydroxide; 3 - copper hydroxide; 4 - epoxiconazole formulated with pyraclostrobin and 5 - control treatment. Six applications of potassium silicate and copper hydroxide were made twice per month from December to March of each year. Two applications of the systemic fungicide were done in December and March of each year. Potassium silicate alone or in combination with copper hydroxide was not efficient in reducing coffee leaf rust incidence and increasing yield under high incidence of coffee leaf rust.
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    New coffee (Coffea arabica) genotypes derived from Coffea canephora exhibiting high levels of resistance to leaf rust and Ceratocystis canker
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Caicedo, Bertha Lucía Castro; Guerrero, Hernando A. Cortina; Roux, Jolanda; Wingfield, Michael J.
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the resistance to coffee leaf rust (CLR) caused by Hemileia vastatrix and to Ceratocystis canker (Cc) in coffee genotypes derived from crosses of Coffea arabica var. Caturra with accessions of C. canephora backcrossed to Caturra. Twenty-three F3BC1 progenies including C. arabica var. Caturra and var. Colombia as controls were established in a field experiment. CLR evaluations were made during five years of natural infection, using an incidence rating scale. For Cc, artificial stem inoculations were made with an isolate of Ceratocystis colombiana and the results were assessed after one year. The selection process also included agronomic aspects such as plant height, canopy diameter, number of branch pairs, yield and grain characteristics. Twenty progenies showed >70% of rust resistance. Twelve progenies exhibited >80% of Cc resistance, while no resistance was observed in either of the controls. Only three progenies performed well for all criteria, including resistance to both pathogens and agronomic characteristics.
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    Volatile organic compounds for the control of Meloidogyne exigua in Coffea arabica
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Silva, Willian R. J.; Machado, Alan R. T.; Campos, Viviane A. C.; Zeri, Ana C. M.; Campos, Vicente P.; Oliveira, Denilson F.
    Meloidogyne exigua is a plant-parasitic nematode that causes great losses to coffee farmers. Thus, to contribute to the development of new products to control this parasite, the present work studied the effect of volatile organic compounds (VOC) on the nematode and coffee plants (Coffea arabica), since these compounds are known to be used in plant defense against other agronomical pests. The number of galls of M. exigua was reduced when the aerial part of coffee plants was sprayed with combinations of methyl jasmonate + jasmone, (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol + (E)-hex-3-en-1-ol + (Z)-hex-2-en-1-ol + (E)-hex-2-enal, (E)-hex-2-enyl acetate + hexyl acetate, meso-butane-2,3-diol + butane-1,2-diol + butane-1,3-diol + butane-1,4-diol, 3-hydroxybutan-2-one + 4-hydroxybutan-2-one or linalyl acetate + nerolidol. These VOC also caused alterations in the concentrations of substances such as alkaloids, phenols, amino acids and carbohydrates, in the roots of coffee plants. The findings suggest that these VOC may be explored as potential products for the control of M. exigua in coffee plants.
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    Efficiency of green manures for Cercospora leaf spot management in coffee plants
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Cardoso, Rogério Manuel de Lemos; Chaves, Júlio César Dias; Fantin, Denilson; Lourenço Jr., Valdir
    The use of Mucuna aterrima, Dolichos lab lab, Crotalaria mucronata, Arachis hypogaea, Mucuna deeringiana, C. spectabilis, and C. breviflora, intercropped with coffee plants, was evaluated as green manures in the management of Cercospora coffeicola under field conditions in Carlópolis and Jacarezinho counties in the state of Paraná in the crop seasons of 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. The main plot was comprised by treatments with green manures and urea, whereas subplots by the application or not of the poultry litter. There were two controls without green manure and urea: one with and another one without application of Beauveria bassiana, which was used to control Hypothenemus hampei. Similar founds were obtained at both municipalities. The percentage of diseased leaves (DL) was lower for most of the green manures and urea treatments. However, all the treatments reduced the DL in 2009/2010. Although A. hypogaea did not differ statistically from the controls in most of the experiments, the number of lesions per leaf was lower in the other treatments. Similarly, the percentage of healthy coffee berries was higher in the treatments than the controls in most of the experiments in both years. In general, there was no synergistic effect between green manures and urea with the poultry litter, and the efficiency of most green manures was similar to urea in the management of Cercospora leaf spot.
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    Defense responses to Meloidogyne exigua in resistant coffee cultivar and non-host plant
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Silva, Rodrigo V.; Oliveira, Rosângela D.L.; Ferreira, Patrícia S.; Ferreira, Aline O.; Rodrigues, Fabrício A.
    The resistance of coffee plants to Meloidogyne exigua is conferred by the gene Mex-1. However, the mechanisms of resistance still need to be clarified. Therefore, the penetration, development and reproduction of two populations of M. exigua (M1, isolated from the coffee plant and M2, from rubber tree) in susceptible (Coffea arabica ‘Catuai’) and resistant (C. canephora ‘Apoatã’) cultivars were studied. A greater quantity of J2 from M1 penetrated the susceptible cultivar, but there was no difference between the cultivars for M2. Although the resistant coffee cultivar formed some galls, the nematode did not reproduce. M2 did not induce the formation of galls or the production of eggs in either cultivars. Events related to hypersensitive reaction (HR) were observed as well as other defense responses of the coffee cultivar against M. exigua, which inhibited the formation of the feeding site, provoked emigration of the J2 and delayed or inhibited development and reproduction. The response of the non-host plant was more effective, because it did not allow development of the nematode or, consequently, its reproduction. It was concluded that the coffee cultivar’s resistance to M. exigua is not restricted to HR, but rather to a set of defense responses, both constitutive and induced, expressed after nematode penetration, especially phenolic-like compounds.
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    Additional physiological races of coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) identified in Kenya
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2012) Gichuru, Elijah K.; Ithiru, John M.; Silva, Maria C.; Pereira, Ana P.; Varzea, Vitor M.P.
    Coffee leaf rust (CLR), caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix, is among the most important diseases affecting coffee all over the world. In Kenya, it is currently the second most important disease, and breeding coffee to obtain new resistant cultivars has been a priority. Over time, new rust pathogenic races able to infect hitherto resistant coffee genotypes have been registered. To date, 49 races of the pathogen have been characterized all over the world. The most recent races to be characterized are able to infect derivatives of Timor Hybrid (HDT), which is a major source of resistance in breeding programs. This work aimed to identify new races of the pathogen in Kenya, emphasizing infected leaves sampled from CLR resistant varieties and breeding lines collected from two sites (Ruiru and Koru). Twenty-four samples were characterized, out of which 22 samples corresponded to new races of the pathogen. A total of six new races (III, XVII, XXIII, XXXVI, XLI and XLII) were characterized, revealing three new virulence genes (v1, v7, v8) and possibly a fourth virulence gene, the v9. This finding represents a serious threat to coffee production and also a challenge to coffee breeding programs that are in progress in Kenya.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Proteção local, não sistêmica, do silicato de potássio reduz os sintomas da ferrugem do cafeeiro
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2012) Carré-Missio, Vivian; Rodrigues, Fabrício Ávila; Schurt, Daniel Augusto; Moreira, Wiler Ribas; Rezende, Dalilla Carvalho; Korndörfer, Gaspar Henrique; Zambolim, Laércio
    No primeiro experimento, plantas de cafeeiro com três pares de folhas foram pulverizadas com silicato de potássio (K2SiO3), epoxiconazole, acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM) e água destilada de duas maneiras: pulverização do 3º par de folhas, a partir do ápice, protegendo o 2º par de folhas ou pulverização de um par de folhas da lateral esquerda da planta e protegendo o par de folhas da lateral direita. Após 24 h, a face abaxial dos pares de folhas protegidos foi inoculada com Hemileia vastatrix. No segundo experimento, o 3º par de folhas de plantas, a partir do ápice, foi pulverizado com K2SiO3, ASM e água destilada protegendo o 2º par de folhas. Aos 1, 5, 15, 25 e 35 dias após aplicação dos produtos, a face abaxial do 2º (proteção sistêmica) e do 3º par de folhas (proteção local) de oito plantas de cada tratamento foram inoculadas com H. vastatrix. O K2SiO3 pulverizado no 3º par de folhas ou em um par de folhas da lateral esquerda foi ineficiente em aumentar a concentração de silício e reduzir a intensidade da esporulação (IE), o número total de pústulas (NTP) por folha e a severidade da ferrugem no 2º par de folhas ou no par de folhas da lateral direita, ao contrário do epoxiconazole e do ASM, os quais apresentaram sistemicidade na planta. A pulverização do K2SiO3 no 3º par de folhas também não garantiu, devido a sua natureza não sistêmica, redução da IE, do NTP e da severidade da ferrugem comparado com a proteção local. Os resultados desse trabalho apontam para a possibilidade de se utilizar a pulverização com silicato de potássio para reduzir a intensidade da ferrugem do cafeeiro preventivamente.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Componentes epidemiológicos da ferrugem do cafeeiro afetados pela aplicação foliar de silicato de potássio
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2012) Carré-Missio, Vivian; Rodrigues, Fabrício Ávila; Schurt, Daniel Augusto; Rezende, Dalilla Carvalho; Moreira, Wiler Ribas; Korndörfer, Gaspar Henrique; Zambolim, Laércio
    A ferrugem, causada por Hemileia vastatrix, é a doença mais importante do cafeeiro. Existe uma necessidade urgente de se obter métodos alternativos de controle dessa doença que sejam menos nocivos ao meio ambiente. Este estudo avaliou o efeito da aplicação foliar de soluções de silicato de potássio (SP) nas doses de 0, 8, 20, 40 e 60 g/L, em pH 5,5 e 10,5, na intensidade da esporulação (IE) de H. vastatrix, número total de pústulas (NTP) por folha e severidade da ferrugem. Avaliou-se também o efeito dessas doses de SP, do fungicida oxicloreto de cobre (7,5 g/L) e da água destilada estéril em pHs 5,5, 7,5 e 10,5 na inibição da germinação de uredósporos de H. vastatrix. A concentração foliar de silício (Si) e de potássio (K) também foi determinada. A IE, o NTP e a severidade responderam de forma quadrática e negativa às doses crescentes de SP em pH 5,5 ou 10,5. Para as doses crescentes de SP em pH 5,5 ou 10,5, a resposta da IE, do NTP e da severidade foi linear e negativa. A concentração foliar de Si respondeu de forma linear e positiva às doses crescentes de SP com pH 5,5. Não houve efeito significativo das doses crescentes de SP em pH 10,5 na concentração foliar de Si e nem das doses crescentes de SP, nos dois valores de pH, na concentração foliar de K. A inibição da germinação dos uredósporos de H. vastatrix respondeu de forma linear e positiva às doses crescentes de SP nos três valores de pH. O fungicida oxicloreto de cobre reduziu significativamente a germinação dos uredósporos em comparação com as aplicações de SP. Os resultados desse trabalho apontam para a possibilidade da pulverização de solução de SP, em pH mais alcalino, visando reduzir a intensidade da ferrugem do cafeeiro.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Characterization of Meloidogyne incognita populations from São Paulo and Minas Gerais state and their pathogenicity on coffee plants
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2011) Oliveira, Dagoberto S.; Oliveira, Rosângela D’Arc Lima; Silva, Débora G.; Silva, Rodrigo V.
    Meloidogyne incognita is one of the most aggressive and harmful plant-parasitic nematodes attacking coffee plantations in Brazil. However, populations from Minas Gerais state (MG) do not incite disease on coffee plants as strongly as populations from São Paulo state (SP). This study aimed to compare the capacity to incite disease on coffee plants from SP and MG-populations based on penetration and post-infective development of second-stage juveniles (J2) stage. Both populations were confirmed as M. incognita by using esterase phenotype I1 and species-specific PCR. Physiologically they were classified as race 2 by differential host test. Susceptible (C. Arabica ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44’) and resistant coffee seedlings (C. canephora ‘Apoatã IAC 2258’) were inoculated with J2 and assessed for penetration and development from 2nd to 40th day after inoculation. Although the penetration rate of the J2 from both populations was higher in susceptible than in resistant seedlings, the SP-population showed a higher penetration than the MG-population for both variables. Post-infective development proceeded only in individuals of the SP-population in susceptible seedlings. The incompatibility between the MG-population and coffee seedlings was evident at the penetration phase, which was also followed by post-penetration resistance factors leading to significant J2 emigration, impeding nematode establishment.