Revista Ceres

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Spatial variability of particle size fractions of an Oxisol cultivated with conilon coffee
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2012-11) Lima, Julião Soares de Souza; Oliveira, Rone Batista de; Silva, Samuel de Assis
    Information on the spatial distribution of particle size fractions is essential for use planning and management of soils. The aim of this work to was to study the spatial variability of particle size fractions of a Typic Hapludox cultivated with conilon coffee. The soil samples were collected at depths of 0-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m in the coffee canopy projection, totaling 109 georeferentiated points. At the depth of 0.2-0.4 m the clay fraction showed average value significantly higher, while the sand fraction showed was higher in the depth of 0-0.20 m. The silt showed no significant difference between the two depths. The particle size fractions showed medium and high spatial variability. The levels of total sand and clay have positive and negative correlation, respectively, with the altitude of the sampling points, indicating the influence of landscape configuration.