Biblioteca do Café
URI permanente desta comunidade
26 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Drying of arabica coffee and its effect on the gene expression and activity of enzymes linked to seed physiological quality(Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2023) Carvalho, Mayara Holanda de; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Coelho, Stefânia Viias Boas; Guimarães, Cristiane Carvalho; Martins, Rayana de Sá; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Paiva, Luciano VilelaThe reduced longevity of coffee seeds has been attributed to their sensitivity to desiccation. Studies related to gene expression and enzyme activity in coffee seeds under drying are important for understanding the effects of drying on their physiological quality. The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular aspects of seeds under different drying methods and associate them with physiological quality. Coffee seeds with different water contents were dried both slowly and rapidly. Enzymatic activity was analysed, as well as the expression of genes that encode the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxiredoxins, isocitrate lyase, and endo-ß-mannanase. There was a significant effect of drying speed and final water content on enzyme activity and on the expression of the different genes analysed. In seeds under rapid drying, there was greater expression of the genes that encode the enzymes catalase and endo-ßmannanase. Greater expression of the 1 CYS PRX and SOD genes and greater activity of the ICL isoenzymes were found in seeds with superior physiological quality, but greater activity of the endo-β-mannanase and CAT enzymes occurred in seeds with lower physiological quality.Item Preparo das sementes de café para avaliação da viabilidade pelo teste de tetrazólio(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes, 2011-05-03) Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Carvalho, Maria Laene Moreira de; Guimarães, Renato Mendes; Zeviani, Walmes MarquesO teste de tetrazólio (TZ) é uma alternativa para avaliação rápida da viabilidade de sementes já adotada para a comercialização de sementes de café. Um dos entraves para a utilização do teste é a dificuldade na extração do endocarpo que demanda tempo e mão de obra especializada. A utilização de hipoclorito de sódio é recomendada para extração do endocarpo de sementes de café para acelerar o processo de germinação, no entanto essa metodologia ainda não foi testada na realização do teste de tetrazólio. Sementes de café de quatro lotes de duas cultivares foram submetidas a quatro metodologias para a realização do teste: extração manual ou utilização de hipoclorito de sódio (200 mL de NaClO a 5%) para remoção do pergaminho e períodos de embebição das sementes em água (36 e 48 horas) para a retirada dos embriões. Os resultados de viabilidade pelo TZ foram comparados com os de germinação das sementes com diferentes teores de água. O uso do NaClO na concentração de 5% por 6 horas de embebição não é eficiente para a retirada do pergaminho e afeta negativamente os resultados do TZ em semente de café com teor de água abaixo de 25%. O período de embebição de sementes de café em água por 48 horas na fase de preparo, para a realização do TZ, facilita a extração dos embriões, não afetando os resultados do teste.Item Minimum period to assess the potential of germination of coffee seeds(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes - ABRATES, 2013) Guimarães, Gabriel Castanheira; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzette Veiga Franco da; Coelho, Luis Filipe Serafim; Veiga, Adriano Delly; Clemente, Aline da Consolação SampaioIn recent research, early stages of coffee seedling development were identified, after radicle protrusion, in which all the essential parts of the seedling can be assessed to demonstrate the potential of seed germination to generate normal plants. Thus, the objective of this research was to develop studies to reduce the time on the germination test. Ten seed lots of coffee were assessed through the germination test, every two days, from the tenth day of sowing, according to the morphological criteria of the seedlings. The data were compared to the standard germination test and analyzed by means of regression analysis and segmented nonlinear regression and planteau response model. It was concluded that the assessment of coffee seedlings at 16 days, in stage S1, provides the similar result of the pattern germination test, allowing a significant reduction of time in order to demonstrate the germination of the seed lots; the seedling assessment coffee in stage S2 does not have reduction of the time for assessing the coffee germination, in relation to the pattern.Item Desiccation sensitivity from different coffee seed phenological stages(Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Sementes - ABRATES, 2014) Santos, Flávia Carvalho; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Pinho, Édila Vilela de Rezende Von; Cirillo, Marcelo Angelo; Clemente, Aline da Consolação SampaioMaturity stage and drying method are the factors that most influence coffee seed quality. The objective of this study was to assess the physiological quality and investigate the electrophoretic patterns of catalase and endo-ß-mannanase enzymes and heat resistant proteins in coffee seeds harvested at different phenological stages and dried under different conditions. Physiological quality was assessed when the seeds had developed the green, greenish-yellow, cherry, overripe and dry stages after three treatments: no drying, conventional drying and fast drying. After each treatment, the physiological quality of the seeds was assessed using the germination test and electrophoretic patterns of heat resistant proteins and the activity of catalase and endo-ß-mannanase enzymes. Seeds harvested at the cherry phenological stage had the best physiological quality, and the drying process reduced quality at the cherry, overripe and dry stages. This reduction was greater under the faster drying process, but at the greenish-yellow stage, seeds had better physiological quality after slow drying. Regarding the results from electrophoretic analysis, endo-ß-mannanase and catalase activities increase as the ripeness stages advance; the activity of endo-ß-mannanase is directly associated with the deterioration process; the expression of heat resistant proteins increases with maturation process and is associated with seed physiological quality.Item Ultrastructural damage in coffee seeds exposed to drying and to subzero (°C) temperatures(Editora UFLA, 2020) Coelho, Stefânia Vilas Boas; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Lacerda, Laura Nardelli Castanheira; Silva, Luciano Coutinho; Fantazzini, Tatiana Botelho; Ribeiro, Fernando Augusto Sales; Castro, Elisa de MeloDuring drying and freezing, protective mechanisms act to maintain seed physiological quality. Some of these mechanisms contribute to the integrity of cell membranes. The damage caused to cell membranes due to cell stress can be seen in ultrastructural studies, comparing these results to those of physiological evaluation. The aim of this study was to investigate ultrastructural changes in endosperm cells of coffee seeds brought about by drying and by exposure to low temperatures. Seeds of Coffea arabica were dried in silica gel to moisture contents of 40, 20, and 5 % (wb) and brought to equilibrium at temperatures of 10, -20, and -86 oC. Germination, vigor, and tetrazolium tests were performed for evaluation of seed physiological quality. Ultrastructural damage was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Coffee seeds with 40% moisture content have whole, swollen, and expanded cells, with a filled lumen and without signs of damage. The physiological and ultrastructural quality of seeds exposed to below zero temperatures with 40% moisture content is compromised. They have null germination and empty cells, indicating leakage of cell content. Drying of coffee seeds leads to uniform contraction of inner cell content. Drying of coffee seeds to 5% moisture content leads to intense contraction of cell volume, with physiological and ultrastructural damage.Item Alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes de café secas em sílica gel e soluções salinas saturadas(Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2015-06) Coelho, Stefania Vilas Boas; Figueiredo, Madeleine Alves de; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Coelho, Luis Filipe Serafim; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco daO objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações fisiológicas e bioquímicas em sementes de café submetidas à secagem rápida, em sílica gel, e à secagem lenta, em soluções salinas saturadas. As sementes foram secas até que atingissem os seguintes teores de água: 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 e 5% (base úmida). Após a secagem, uma parte das sementes foi imediatamente avaliada quanto ao desempenho fisiológico e ao perfil de enzimas do processo oxidativo, e outra parte foi avaliada após armazenagem em condição hermética, em câmara fria e seca, por quatro meses. A velocidade de secagem e o teor final de água tiveram efeito significativo sobre a qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Após a secagem rápida em sílica gel, as sementes toleraram teores finais de água mais baixos. No entanto, após a secagem lenta, as sementes com teores finais de água mais elevados apresentaram maior qualidade. O período de armazenamento não afetou a germinação, mas prejudicou o vigor das sementes. A secagem rápida apresenta maior potencial de dano ao endosperma do que aos embriões. O perfil enzimático das sementes de café é afetado pelo teor final de água e pela velocidade de secagem.Item Quality evaluation of Coffea canephora ‘Apoatã’ seeds for rootstock production(Editora UFLA, 2018-01) Espíndula, Marcelo Curitiba; Botelho, Frederico José Evangelista; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Teixeira, Alexsandro Lara; Alves, Gleice Quele Fonseca; Oliveira, Roseane Maria EvangelistaCoffea canephora ‘Apoatã’ seeds are used for the formation of rootstocks for grafting of C. arabica seedlings. The quality of seeds and the individualization of used genotypes are prevalent factors for the formation of vigorous rootstocks that will enhance the formation of quality seedlings. The aim of the present study was to characterize and evaluate the seed quality of C. canephora ‘Apoatã’ genotypes for potential use of rootstocks for C. arabica species. Were used seeds of 30 C. canephora ‘Apoatã’ genotypes, obtained from the experimental field of Embrapa Rondônia in Ouro Preto do Oeste, RO, Brazil. The seeds were processed and subjected to germination, first germination count and tetrazolium tests. Moisture, 100- seed mass and chemical composition analyses of seeds were also determined. The mass, physiological quality and chemical composition of C. canephora ‘Apoatã’ seeds vary according to the genotype. The variation of the physiological quality of C. canephora ‘Apoatã’ seeds is not related individually to caffeine, total sugars, ash, ether extract, crude fiber protein and chlorogenic acid. Seed batches of C. canephora ‘Apoatã’ from different genotypes contain seeds of different sizes, being indicated the classification before the processing stage in order to prevent mechanical damages.Item Suitability of the tetrazolium methodology for recently harvested and stored coffee seeds(Editora UFLA, 2012-07) Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Carvalho, Maria Laene Moreira de; Guimarães, Renato MendesGermination of coffee seeds occurs in a slow and non-uniform manner and the tetrazolium test (TZ) may be a quick alternative for assessment of viability, as long as the preparation and imbibition of the seeds is established. This study was performed in two stages: in the first, recently harvested seeds from three coffee cultivars were submitted to four methodologies for removal of the parchment: manual extraction or use of sodium hypochlorite (NaClO at 5%) and two periods of imbibition of the seeds in water (36 and 48 hours) for removal of the embryos. In the second phase, manual removal and the use of NaClO were compared for elimination of the parchment of stored seeds for monthly performance of the tetrazolium test for six months. Sodium hypochlorite is not efficient in total extraction of the parchment and has a negative effect on the results of the TZ test on low moisture coffee seeds. An imbibition time of 48 hours facilitates extraction of embryos and does not affect test results. The tetrazolium test on coffee seeds with different moisture and deterioration levels must be undertaken with manual removal of the parchmentsItem Tolerance of Coffea arabica L. seeds to sub zero temperatures(Editora UFLA, 2017-05) Coelho, Stefania Vilas Boas; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco da; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Figueiredo, Madeleine Alves de; Reis, Leandro VilelaPreservation of the quality of coffee seeds is hindered by their intermediate behavior in storage. However, long-term storage at sub zero temperatures may be achieved by adjusting the water content of the seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the tolerance of coffee seeds to freezing, in relation to physiological and enzymatic modifications. Coffee seeds were dried in two manners, rapid and slow, to water contents of interest, 0.67, 0.43, 0.25, 0.18, 0.11, and 0.05 g H2O g-1 dw (dry basis). After drying, the seeds were stored at a temperature of -20 oC and of 86 oC for 24 hours and for 12 months, and then compared to seeds in cold storage at 10 oC. The seeds were evaluated through calculation of percentage of normal seedlings, percentage of seedlings with expanded cotyledonary leaves, dry matter of roots and of hypocotyls, and viability of embryos in the tetrazolium test. Expression of the enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, and peroxidase were evaluated by means of electrophoretic analysis. Only seeds dried more slowly to 0.18 g H2O g-1 dw present relative tolerance to storing at -20 °C for 12 months. Coffee seeds do not tolerate storage at a temperature of -86 oC for 12 months. Water contents below 0.11g H2O g-1 dw and above 0.43 g H2O g-1 dw hurt the physiological quality of coffee seeds, regardless of the type of drying, temperature, and storage period. Coffee seed embryos are more tolerant to desiccation and to freezing compared to whole seeds, especially when the seeds are dried to 0.05 g H2O g-1 dw. The catalase enzyme can be used as a biochemical marker to study tolerance to freezing in coffee seeds.Item Alterações na coloração de grãos de café em função das operações pós-colheita(Editora UFLA, 2015-10) Abreu, Giselle Figueiredo de; Pereira, Cristiane Carvalho; Malta, Marcelo Ribeiro; Clemente, Aline da Consolação Sampaio; Coelho, Luis Filipe Serafim; Rosa, Sttela Dellyzete Veiga Franco daA avaliação da cor de grãos de café torna-se importante uma vez que cafés com coloração atípica ou com diferentes níveis de branqueamento receberão menores preços no mercado. Além da desvalorização comercial, a alteração na cor é indicativos da ocorrência de processos oxidativos e alterações bioquímicas que podem modificar os precursores do sabor e aroma dos grãos, reduzindo a qualidade da bebida. Objetivou-se, neste estudo, avaliar as características de cor de grãos de café de diferentes qualidades, os quais foram processados e beneficiados por meio de diferentes métodos, e armazenados em diferentes condições. Frutos de Coffea arabica foram colhidos no estádio cereja e processados, por via úmida e por via seca. Os grãos foram secados até atingirem 11% de teor de água e submetidos a três formas de beneficiamento (manual, mecânico e sem beneficiamento) e a duas condições de armazenamento (10 oC e 50% de umidade relativa; e 25 oC sem controle de umidade relativa). Após o armazenamento por oito meses, os parâmetros de cor dos grãos e a qualidade fisiológica e sensorial foram avaliados. A intensidade das cores verde e azul e a luminância dos grãos de café são afetadas pelos métodos de processamento, beneficiamento e condições de armazenamento. Cafés despolpados apresentam coloração verde mais intensa, em comparação aos cafés naturais. O resfriamento do ar de armazenamento de grãos de café a 10oC propicia menores índices de luminância e da coordenada b, bem como melhor qualidade fisiológica.
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