Biblioteca do Café
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3 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Mobile Application for Adjusting Air-Bast Sprayers in Coffee Plantation(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2022-09-13) Cunha, João P. A. R. da; Alves, Thales C.; Penha, Rafael S. A.Mobile application development advances, particularly for smartphones and tablets, have allowed farmers to make decisions more assertively in their agrobusiness management. This article addresses the development and evaluation of an app aimed at people who deal with the pesticide application technology in coffee farming, more specifically, adjustment and calibration of sprayers. This mobile app provides the main data necessary for a correct calibration of air-blast sprayers to apply pesticides in coffee planting. Its functionalities include calculation of the application rate for each situation (L ha-1) based on data obtained in the field, such as canopy volume. The app, called SprayCafé, was developed for the Android platform using the Java programming language in the integrated development environment Android Studio. After the development, the application was evaluated, based on a questionnaire answered by 139 users, who ranked the following requirements: ease of use, loading time, adequacy of screen resolution, data relevance, sequence of information, and applicability, among others. The system proved to be simple and robust; it was thus assessed as adequate to the field and to be of great value for coffee planting, especially because it allows safer and more adequate pesticide application. The graphical user interface is interactive and easy to use.Item Mobile application for adjusting air-blast sprayers in coffee plantation(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2022-09-13) Cunha, João P. A. R. da; Alves, Thales C.; Penha, Rafael S. A.Mobile application development advances, particularly for smartphones and tablets, have allowed farmers to make decisions more assertively in their agrobusiness management. This article addresses the development and evaluation of an app aimed at people who deal with the pesticide application technology in coffee farming, more specifically, adjustment and calibration of sprayers. This mobile app provides the main data necessary for a correct calibration of air-blast sprayers to apply pesticides in coffee planting. Its functionalities include calculation of the application rate for each situation (L ha-1) based on data obtained in the field, such as canopy volume. The app, called SprayCafé, was developed for the Android platform using the Java programming language in the integrated development environment Android Studio. After the development, the application was evaluated, based on a questionnaire answered by 139 users, who ranked the following requirements: ease of use, loading time, adequacy of screen resolution, data relevance, sequence of information, and applicability, among others. The system proved to be simple and robust; it was thus assessed as adequate to the field and to be of great value for coffee planting, especially because it allows safer and more adequate pesticide application. The graphical user interface is interactive and easy to use.Item Deposição de calda em folhas de cafeeiro e perdas para o solo com diferentes taxas de aplicação e pontas de pulverização(Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2014-12) Silva, João E. R.; Cunha, João P. A. R. da; Nomelini, Quintiliano S. S.O cafeeiro apresenta diversos desafios para a tecnologia de aplicação dos produtos fitossanitários, principalmente no que se refere à penetração da calda no dossel da cultura e à redução da deriva. Objetivou-se analisar a deposição de calda pulverizada na folhagem do cafeeiro e a perda para o solo, proporcionada pela aplicação com diferentes taxas e pontas de pulverização. O experimento foi conduzido no esquema fatorial 2 x 2 e oito repetições, sendo os fatores pontas de pulverização (jato cônico vazio - ATR e jato cônico vazio com indução de ar - TVI) e taxas de aplicação de calda (200 e 500 L ha -1 ). Em todos os tratamentos as aplicações foram realizadas utilizando-se um pulverizador hidropneumático e o marcador Azul Brilhante, o qual foi quantificado por espectrofotometria. Para avaliação de depósito foram coletadas folhas das metades superior e inferior das plantas e também lâminas de vidro já posicionadas junto à superfície do solo. O uso de pontas com indução de ar mostrou-se viável quanto à deposição de calda no cafeeiro, principalmente junto ao uso da maior taxa de aplicação. O emprego da menor taxa (200 L ha -1 ) mostrou-se viável junto ao uso da ponta de jato cônico vazio. A ponta com indução de ar proporcionou maiores perdas para o solo.