Biblioteca do Café

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Hormesis with glyphosate depends on coffee growth stage
    (Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2013) Carvalho, Leonardo B. de; Alves, Pedro L. C. A.; Duke, Stephen O.
    Weed management systems in almost all Brazilian coffee plantations allow herbicide spray to drift on crop plants. In order to evaluate if there is any effect of the most commonly used herbicide in coffee production, glyphosate, on coffee plants, a range of glyphosate doses were applied directly on coffee plants at two distinct plant growth stages. Although growth of both young and old plants was reduced at higher glyphosate doses, low doses caused no effects on growth characteristics of young plants and stimulated growth of older plants. Therefore, hormesis with glyphosate is dependent on coffee plant growth stage at the time of herbicide application.