Biblioteca do Café
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9 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Assessment of leaf anatomic and physiological characteristics and genetic divergence among Coffea arabica L. cultivars in the Brazilian Savanna(Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2022-01-16) Santos, Cyntia Stephânia dos; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Mauri, Janaína; Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Veiga, Adriano Delly; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Carvalho, Milene Alves de FigueiredoThe knowledge on cultivars is essential for parental choosing on breeding programs. This research aimed to study the genetic divergence of Coffea arabica L. cultivars from a germoplasm bank of the Embrapa Cerrados, Brazil, for leaf anatomic and physiological characteristics. A total of 23 cultivars were evaluated: Acaiá Cerrado MG1474, Araponga MG1, Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG2, Catiguá MG3, Catiguá MG3 P4, Catiguá MG3 P5, Catiguá MG3 P7, Catiguá MG3 P9, Catiguá MG3 P23, Catiguá MG3 P51, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99, Caturra Vermelho MG0187, Guatenano Colis MG0207, Mundo Novo IAC 379-19, Paraíso MG1, Pau Brasil MG1, Sacramento MG1, San Ramon MG0198 and Topázio MG1190. In addition to the genetic divergence, the broad sense heritability and coefficient of genetic and environmental variation were also evaluated. All characteristics showed high coefficients of genetic variation and heritability values greater than 70 %, indicating a predominance of genetic over environmental factors, and that these are characteristics likely to obtain genetic gain. Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG3 P51 and Topázio MG1190 stood out, with superior gas exchange characteristics. Attributes related to gas exchange were important for cultivar differentiation, demonstrating that they can be used in the early selection of Coffea arabica L. genotypes.Item Morphological, physiological, and agronomic traits of crossings of 'Icatu' x 'Catimor' coffee tree subjected to water deficit(Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-07-27) Coelho, Larissa Sousa; Tassone, Guilherme Augusto Teixeira; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Nadaleti, Denis Henrique Silva; Silveira, Helbert Rezende de Oliveira; Botelho, Cesar EliasThe objective of this work was to select genotypes of Coffea arabica with good yield and potential tolerance to water deficit, as well as to try to understand the physiological and anatomical mechanisms involved in the adaptability of these genotypes to water stress. The physiological, anatomical, and agronomic traits of 19 genotypes of C. arabica were evaluated under the two following water conditions: regular irrigation and no irrigation (soil water deficit). The 'IPR 100', 2, 5, and 7 genotypes showed agronomic, physiological, and anatomical traits that contributed to a better water status maintenance in the initial development of coffee plants. Based on these results, these genotypes are potentially tolerant to water deficit. The 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 'Bourbon Amarelo IAC J10' genotypes show a lower adaptability of the anatomical structures under soil-water deficit conditions. The coffee tree genotypes display leaf plasticity, such as the thickness of palisade and spongy parenchyma, and the number, position, dimensions, and mobility of stomata under water deficit conditions.Item Leaf anatomy, physiology and vegetative growth of fertigated Coffee arabica L. trees after exposure to pruning(Editora UFLA, 2021) Soares, Daiane dos Santos; Silva, Elisângela Aparecida da; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Guimarães, Rubens JoséIn coffee plants, fertigation can be an alternative way to minimize the negative effects exerted by drought and maximize fertilizer use efficiency. However, the fertilization recommendations for fertigated coffee trees are still not very specific, and the recommendations for rainfed crops are used. In addition, little is known about the nutritional requirements for fertigated coffee trees that have undergone the low recepa pruning treatment. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizers on leaf anatomy, physiology, and veg etative growth of fertigated coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) that have been under the low recepa pruning treatment. During the first five years of growth, the cultivar Topázio MG-1190 of the coffee crop received 10, 40, 70, 100, 130, and 160% of the fertilization levels recommended for the rainfed coffee crop. After this period, the crop was exposed to low recepa pruning. It was concluded that different doses of N, P, and K fertilizers modified the internal structure of coffee plant leaves, as well as physiological responses and plant growth; there was stronger vegetative growth, sharper leaf blade, greater thickness of spongy parenchyma, larger phloem area, and higher xylem relative hydraulic conductivity as the N, P, and K fertilizer levels in fertigated coffee (Coffea arabica L.) plants, which received the low recepa pruning treatment, increased. This knowledge can be used as a solid basis for main fertilization recommendations for fertigated coffee trees after exposure to the low recepa pruning treatment.Item Coffee genotypes morphophysiological adaptation under coffee leaf rust biotic stress(Editora UFLA, 2021) Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Azevedo, Harianna Paula Alves de; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Guimarães, Rubens JoséThe identification of morphophysiological traits responsible for a better plant behavior when infected is useful for cultivar selection, and become crucial for breeding. We investigated the morphophysiological behavior of coffee genotypes before and after inoculation with the pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, causal agent of coffee rust. With multivariate techniques we identified the characteristics that most contribute to total genetic divergence of the geno types. Ten genotypes of Coffea arabica from the Germplasm Bank of Coffee from Minas Gerais were sown in a nursery and then take to a greenhouse with controlled temperature and humidity. After one month of acclimatization, the artificial inoculation with the fungus H. vastatrix was carried out. The anatomical and physiological evaluations were performed 1 day before inoculation and 160 days after inoculation. When the first symptom emerged, plants were evaluated according to a descriptive scale for coffee rust. We observed significant differences in rust severity and ostiole opening between genotypes. Different groups were formed by the K-means method, based on morphophysiological characteristics. This shows that genetic variability exists between the coffee genotypes evaluated before and after inoculation with the pathogen. The most important characteristics that contributed to the total genetic divergence were xylem vessel diameter and stomatal conductance. In conclusion, inoculation with H. vastatrix caused a change in coffee geno types based on morphophysiological characteristics.Item Comportamento estomático de Coffea canephora em condições de cerrado(Embrapa Café, 2019-10) Matos, Nagla Maria Sampaio de; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Veiga, Adriano Delly; Marraccini, Pierre; Bartholo, Gabriel FerreiraObjetivou-se com o presente estudo, analisar o comportamento estomático ao longo do dia de genótipos de Coffea canephora após o período de suspensão hídrica imposto no sistema de irrigação do Cerrado. Avaliou-se no ano de 2017 genótipos existentes no Banco Ativo de Germoplasma localizado na Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Cerrados), Planaltina-DF. Foram utilizados seis genótipos da espécie Coffea canephora, sendo 4 indivíduos selecionados de uma população de melhoramento da Embrapa Cerrados (8, 114, 30 e 125) e dois clones com características contrastantes de tolerância à seca (14 – tolerante e 22 - sensível) (FERRÃO et al., 1999). O plantio foi realizado em linhas, por material, utilizando um espaçamento de 3,7 x 1,0 m em sistema irrigado por pivô central, com manejo de suspensão da irrigação durante a estação seca, para sincronizar o desenvolvimento dos botões florais garantindo alta produtividade e qualidade do café. A irrigação foi suspensa por um período de 64 dias (26 de junho a 28 de agosto). A avaliação da condutância estomática foliar (CE-μmol m -2 s -1 ) foi realizada utilizando-se o porômetro (SC- 1, Decagon Devises), na face abaxial das folhas, em diferentes horários de avaliação ao longo do dia (8:30, 10:30, 12:30, 14:30 e 16:30). O potencial hídrico Ψw (MPa) foliar, foi medido no período antemanhã, com uma bomba de pressão tipo Scholander (PMS Instruments Plant Moisture - Modelo 1000). As medições foram realizadas no final do período de suspensão hídrica. Os menores valores médios de potencial hídrico apresentado pelos genótipos 30 e 22, podem indicar que os mesmos, acionaram um mecanismo de defesa de fechamento estomático para reduzir a perda de água durante esse período de estresse, mantendo os menores valores de condutância estomática ao longo do dia quando comparado aos demais. Já os maiores valores de condutância estomática observados nos genótipos 8, 14, 114, e 125 estão possivelmente associados aos maiores valores médios de potencial hídrico foliar quando comparado ao 22 e 30. Conclui-se com o presente estudo que a condutância estomática do primeiro horário da manhã está associada ao potencial hídrico foliar dos genótipos avaliados. As oscilações de condutância estomática observadas ao longo do dia são possivelmente associadas ao efeito do potencial hídrico aliado às variáveis climáticas. Diferentes estratégias de adaptação ao déficit hídrico imposto são observadas devido à variabilidade genética dos materiais avaliados.Item Divergência genética com base em características fisiológicas de genótipos de Coffea arabica L.(Embrapa Café, 2019-10) Santos, Cyntia Stephânia dos; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Mauri, Janaína; Viana, Mariana Thereza; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Veiga, Adriano Delly; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Carvalho, Milene Alves de FigueiredoObjetivou-se identificar as principais características fisiológicas na divergência de genótipos de Coffea arabica L. Foram avaliados 23 genótipos de cafeeiros do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma da Embrapa Cerrados, em Planaltina-DF, sendo eles: Acaiá Cerrado MG1474, Araponga MG1, Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG2, Catiguá MG3-S/M, Catiguá MG3-P4, Catiguá MG3-P5, Catiguá MG3-P7, Catiguá MG3-P9, Catiguá MG3-P23, Catiguá MG3-P51, Catuaí Amarelo IAC62, Catuaí Vermelho IAC15, Catuaí Vermelho IAC81, Catuaí Vermelho IAC99, Caturra Vermelho MG0187, Guatenano Colis MG0207, Mundo Novo IAC379-19, Paraíso MG1, Pau Brasil MG1, Sacramento MG1, San Ramon MG0198 e Topázio MG-1190. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, com os 23 genótipos e 6 repetições. As avaliações de trocas gasosas foram realizadas em folhas completamente expandidas, do terceiro ou quarto par, no terço médio dos ramos plagiotrópicos de três plantas de cada genótipo. Utilizou-se um sistema portátil de análise de gases por infravermelho (IRGA LICOR–6400XT) em que se obtiveram as seguintes características: taxa fotossintética líquida(A), condutância estomática (gs), carbono interno (Ci), transpiração (E), eficiência do uso da água (EUA – A/gs), concentração intercelular de CO 2 no mesofilo sobre a concentração de CO 2 externa atual (relação Ci/Ca - μmol CO 2 ) e eficiência de carboxilação (A/Ci). A análise multivariada de componentes principais foi realizada no software Genes. As características que mais se correlacionaram com o primeiro componente principal foram Ci/Ca, EUA, gs e Ci. Os genótipos Topázio MG1190, Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG3 P5 e Catiguá MG3 P51 se diferenciaram dos demais pelas características Ci/Ca, gs e A. Já os genótipos Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81 e Mundo Novo IAC 379-19 se diferenciaram dos demais pelas características de índices de clorofila a, b e total. Conclui- se que há variabilidade para os genótipos de Coffea arabica L. avaliados, sendo que as características que mais contribuíram para a distinção dos genótipos foram CiCa, EUA, gs, Ci e A.Item Simultaneous selection in coffee progenies of mundo novo by selection indices(Editora UFLA, 2019-01) Tasson, Guilherme Augusto Teixeira; Nadaleti, Denis Henrique Silva; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Andrade, Vinícius Teixeira; Botelho, César EliasCoffee cultivars that are better adapted and more productive can help reduce production costs and make coffee cultivation more profitable. The Mundo Novo cultivar has stood out as one of the most productive cultivars of Coffea arabica L. Therefore, the aim of this work was to select Mundo Novo progenies with high bean yield capacity and with other agronomic characteristics of interest. We evaluated the bean yield, seed size, plant height, upper and lower canopy diameter, stem diameter, and plant vigor of 24 F 4 progenies and one check cultivar. The experimental design consisted of a randomized complete block design with three replicates and experiments were carried out in two sites: São Sebastião do Paraíso (SSP) and Três Pontas (TP), MG, Brazil. The mixed model approach was used to calculate the genotypic value for each progeny, after which the selective accuracy and genetic gain of the two best progenies in each trait were calculated, the simultaneous selection index of Mulamba and Mock was used to select the two most promising progenies at each site. In general, the genetic gain was higher at SSP than at TP. In SSP, the most promising progenies were 1 [IAC376-2 (M. Novo) x IAC386-17 (M. Novo)] and 20 [IAC382-10 (M. Novo) x IAC388-20 (M. Novo)]. In TP, the most promising progeny was 22 [H1535/181 (M. Novo) x (S795) 1344/10/5], together with the check (Mundo Novo IAC379/19). The highest selection gain was expressed for bean size (the percentage of beans retained in sieve 17).Item Selection of coffee progenies with large beans resistant to rust and cercospora leaf spot(Editora UFLA, 2019-01) Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Carvalho, Samuel Pereira de; Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Vidal, Douglas Alves; Ferreira, Guilherme Souza; Silva, Joyce Alves Goulart da; Sâmia, Michelly PereiraRust is the main disease of coffee. Recently, cercospora leaf spot has grown in importance, intensifying defoliation and decreasing grain yield in Coffea arabica. The Big Coffee VL is a variety of C. arabica, with large beans. There is still little information on this variety. Because of this, the aim of this study was to use a mixed model approach to select the best progenies of “Big Coffee VL” for resistance to rust and cercospora leaf spot. There were evaluated 12 progenies with high bean yields. Based on bean size, leaves and plant size, plants within each progeny were classified as “small” (P), “medium” (M) and “large” (G). The experimental design was in blocks completely randomized, with six replicates and one plant per plot. Six measurements were carried out every 15 days for each plant by selecting 20 fully exposed leaves with higher and lower sun exposures. The measurements summarized disease severity using two diagrammatic scales to obtain the area of the leaf under rust or Cercospora leaf spot. A mixed model approach was used to calculate genotypic value (GV) and heritability estimates. The Mulamba and Mock index was used to select the most resistant progenies, in which the sum of rankings was weighted by a heritability value. Five progenies were selected; three progenies were G (G17, G9, and G12), one progeny was M (M5) and another progeny P (P23). Among these, M5 and P23 progenies are the most productive and may have potential use in future studies. This work presents the potential in investigating the new C. arabica variety.Item Selection of Coffea arabica L. hybrids using mixed models with different structures of variance-covariance matrices(Editora UFLA, 2018-07) Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Carvalho, Samuel Pereira de; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Oliveira, Leonardo Luiz; Maia, Diego Rosa BaquiãoThis study aimed to evaluate different structures of variance-covariance matrices in modeling of productive performance of coffee genotypes over the years, and select hybrids of Coffea arabica using mixed models. A mixed linear model was used to estimate variance components, heritability coefficients, and prediction of genetic values of hybrids and cultivars. Three commercial cultivars and eight hybrids of C. arabica L. were evaluated. The field production after acclimatization of seedlings was conducted in March 2006. The yield averages from 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2014 agricultural years were evaluated. The selection criteria of models were used to test 10 structures of variance-covariance matrices, and later a model was chosen to estimate the components of variance, heritability coefficients, and prediction of genetic values. According to Bayesian information criterion (BIC), the best structure was ARMA (Autoregressive Moving Average); however, considering the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICC), the CSH (Heterogeneous Composite Symmetric) was indicated. The Spearman correlation between the genotypic values obtained in the models with ARMA and CSH type R matrix was 0.84. The high and positive correlation indicates that the best model could involve the R matrix with ARMA or CSH structure. The heritability of individual genotypes differed from heritability in broad sense, which considers the independence among agricultural years. Hybrids with higher performance were identified by ordering the genotypic effects, among them, H 2.2, H 4.2, and H 6.1 hybrids were highlighted.