Biblioteca do Café
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6 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2021-06-20) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Mendonça, Rodolfo Ferreira de; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Senra, João Felipe Brites; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Comério, MarconeThe state of Espírito Santo is the major producer of Coffea canephora in Brazil. Knowledge of genetic reserves is fundamental to plant breeding. Therefore, the present study characterized and analyzed the genetic diversity of 600 C. canephora accessions from the germplasm bank of Incaper based on 38 traits evaluated in 24-30-month-old plants. Further, the predominant descriptors or traits were identified, and high phenotypic variability was determined. Genetic distances for the grouped (Gower), quantitative, and qualitative datasets were 0.48, 0.61, and 0.92, respectively, with accessions 76 (Conilon) and 407 (Robusta) being the most divergent ones at Incaper. In clustering using the Tocher optimization method, 30 groups were formed, with three accessions introduced from Epamig’s Robusta collection being the most dissimilar ones. Graphical dispersion analysis using the principal coordinate method revealed the predominance of three groups formed by the Robusta, Conilon, and hybrid Robusta × Conilon genotypes.Item Physiological quality of seeds of Coffea canephora from early and late clones during maturation(Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2024-03-21) Crasque, Jeane; Brandão, Thielen Martins dos Santos; Cerri Neto, Basílio; Comério, Marcone; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Arantes, Lúcio de Oliveira; Machado Filho, José Altino; Milanez, Camilla Rozindo Dias; Dousseau-Arantes, SaraThe objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds from early and late maturing Coffea canephora clones, aiming to identify the ideal harvest time. The fruits were collected every two weeks from 188 days after anthesis (DAA) and characterized as green, cane green, cherry, raisin and dry. The seeds were evaluated for water content, germination percentage, normal and abnormal seedlings, nongerminated seeds and dead seeds, vigor index, hypocotyl lenght, and root length. Seed germination of the early maturing clone started at 202 DAA, while that of the late maturing clone started at 230 DAA, with both clones showing a water content of 63% and a dry mass of 37%. Although the optimum harvest point was identified at the cherry ripening stage, it was found that the late maturing clone showed a more pronounced variation in the maturation process, directly impacting the physiological quality of the seeds. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the maturation stages and the physiological quality of the seeds. For the early maturing clone, the maximum physiological quality was recorded at 244 DAA, corresponding to 80% of fruits at the cherry stage, while for the late maturing clone this point was reached at 326 DAA, with 98% of the fruits ripe.Item Comparison of fructification efficiency between reciprocal crosses in Coffea canephora(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2023-10-09) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abrão Carlos; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros; Riva-Souza, Elaine ManelliThis study aimed to assess and compare the behavior of superior genotypes of Coffea canephora in terms of fruiting capacity using directed hybridizations in a full diallel design with reciprocals.Hybridizations were performed using 12 possible combinations between genotypes 02, 03, 23 and 83 from the Incaper breeding program. High estimates of the genotypic coefficient of determination in terms of the total number of pinheads per cross (TNP) and fruit set (FS) indicated variability of genetic nature. FS averaged 52,27%, ranging from 31,32% to 82,09%, with the higher rates relating to clone 23 as the male parent. Differences were found between reciprocal crosses in the combinations with genotype 23, which emerged as the donor plant with the best fruiting rate, but poor receiving ability. Clone 83 prevailed as the best receiving plant and the least effective donor. In the comparison of these two genotypes, antagonism was observed in their behavior when they were used as pollen-donor plants (male parents) and pollen-receiver plants (female parents), highlighting their possible maternal effect. Crosses involving clones 02 and 03 showed no differences when used reciprocally. The estimates of genotypic correlations were negative for the four associations involving the FS characteristic, being of greater magnitude with TNP.Item 'ES8161 Goytacá': porta-enxerto clonal de café Conilon resistente a nematoide-das-galhas(Incaper, 2022-07) Lima, Inorbert de Melo; Ventura, José Aires; Costa, Hélcio; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Comério, MarconeItem Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil(Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2021) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Mendonça, Rodolfo Ferreira de; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Senra, João Felipe Brites; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Comério, MarconeThe state of Espírito Santo is the major producer of Coffea canephora in Brazil. Knowledge of genetic reserves is fundamental to plant breeding. Therefore, the present study characterized and analyzed the genetic diversity of 600 C. canephora accessions from the germplasm bank of Incaper based on 38 traits evaluated in 24-30-month-old plants. Further, the predominant descriptors or traits were identified, and high phenotypic variability was determined. Genetic distances for the grouped (Gower), quantitative, and qualitative datasets were 0.48, 0.61, and 0.92, respectively, with accessions 76 (Conilon) and 407 (Robusta) being the most divergent ones at Incaper. In clustering using the Tocher optimization method, 30 groups were formed, with three accessions introduced from Epamig’s Robusta collection being the most dissimilar ones. Graphical dispersion analysis using the principal coordinate method revealed the predominance of three groups formed by the Robusta, Conilon, and hybrid Robusta × Conilon genotypes.Item ‘Diamante ES 8112’, ‘ES 8122 – Jequitibá’ e ‘Centenária ES 8132’: novas cultivares clonais de café conilon com qualidade de bebida para o Espírito Santo(Embrapa Café, 2015) Ferrão, Romário Gava; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Filho, Abraão Carlos Verdin; Mauri, Luíz Aldo; Lani, José AntônioO café conilon é a principal variedade de Coffea canephora cultivada no Brasil, com a produção estimada para 2014 de 12,8 milhões de sacas, que nesse ano, o Espírito Santo produziu 9,9 milhões de sacas. O Instituto Capixaba de Pesquisa, Assistência Técnica e extensão Rural (Incaper), vem desenvolvendo um programa de pesquisa na área de melhoramento genético com o conilon desde 1985. Como resultado aplicado desse trabalho, foram desenvolvidas e lançadas nove cultivares que tem sido a base da renovação do parque cafeeiro de conilon do Estado. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar as principais características das três última cultivares clonais de café conilon desenvolvidas e lançadas pelo Incaper, ‘Diamante ES 8112’, ‘ES 8122 – Jequitibá’ e ‘Centenária ES 8132’. Para desenvolvimento desses materiais genéticos, o Incaper aproveitou a variabilidade genética do conilon e empregou estratégia de melhoramento assexuada clonal via propagação vegetativa. Diferentes clones foram avaliados em experimentos de campo em três macro ambientes do Estado, representados pelas Fazendas Experimentais de Marilândia, Sooretama e Bananal do Norte, localizadas nos municípios de Marilândia, Sooretama e Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, respectivamente. Realizou-se as análises estatísticas, biométricas e de qualidade de bebida. Por intermédio dessas análises e outras avaliações de campo, foram selecionados 27 clones superiores que foram agrupados por época de maturação, formando assim, as cultivares clonais Diamante ES 8112, ‘ES 8122 – Jequitibá’ e ‘Centenária ES 8132, com maturações precoce (maio), intermediária (junho) e tardia (julho), respectivamente, que em seguida foram registradas e protegidas no Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Cada uma dessas cultivares é formada pelo agrupamento de nove clones superiores compatíveis entre si. Apresentam épocas diferenciadas de maturação, estabilidade de produção, alto vigor vegetativo, boa uniformidade de maturação do frutos, grãos grandes, tolerância a seca, moderada resistência a Hemileia vastatrix, qualidade superior de bebida e produtividades médias de 84,00 sacas/ha e 120,00 sacas/ha em condições não irrigada e irrigada, respectivamente.