Biblioteca do Café

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Impact of Slow Drying in a Cold Room on Coffee Sensory, Chemical, and Physical Properties
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2024-04-26) Jordan, Rodrigo A.; Oliveira, Fabrício C. de; Argandoña, Eliana J. S.; Motomiya, Anamari V. A.; Santos, Rodrigo C.
    This study aimed to evaluate the duplicity and synergism of slow drying and storage processes at low temperatures, using a refrigerated room under suitable conditions for coffee fruit just after harvest. A cold room was prepared to receive and store coffee fruit in bulk directly from the field, perform slow drying, and maintain water content at approximately 12% during three months of storage. The room operated at temperatures between 7 and 14 ºC and relative humidity between 37 and 41%. The coffee variety used was the Conilon Yellow 62. The initial water content reduction period from 54% (wb) to 12% (wb) was two months. For comparison, coffee harvested from the same batch was dried on a covered suspended bed. Results showed that the coffee dried and stored in the cold room received a sensory score of 86.41, while that dried on a suspended bed obtained a sensory score of 84.16. Moreover, the coffee dried and stored in the cold room had a higher energy content. Colorimetric analysis showed that the dried grains stored in the cold room had a reduction in the "a" coordinate, indicating an approximation to the green color. The cold room also allowed for extended storage of the coffee grains.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Vibration Transmissibility of the Coffee Fruit-Peduncle System: a Forced Vibration Study of High Frequency Aiming Mechanical Harvesting
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2023-01-30) Villibor, Geice P.; Santos, Fábio L.; Queiroz, Daniel M.; Khoury Junior, Joseph K; Pinto, Francisco A. C.
    Semi-mechanized and mechanized harvesting use machines that promote the transference of vibrational energy and impact to achieve the detachment of coffee fruits. The aim of this study was to evaluate the vibration transmissibility in coffee fruit-peduncle systems, using high-speed cameras, submitted to high frequency harmonic excitation in different combinations between frequency and amplitude of vibration, identifying working ranges suitable to perform selective harvesting. Vibration transmissibility was determined for the coffee fruit-peduncle systems, for the maturation stages unripe and ripe that were subjected to a sinusoidal harmonic displacement, in which the input parameters were frequency (35, 45 and 55 Hz) and peak-to-peak amplitude (3.5, 5.0 and 6.5 mm). An experiment was used to study the effect of frequency and amplitude on vibration transmissibility in a completely randomized design in a factorial scheme 3 x 3 x 2, with three replications. The frequency of 35 Hz, associated with the amplitudes 3.5-6.5 mm, was the one that most influenced the results of vibration transmissibility. For the frequency of 55 Hz and amplitude of 6.5 mm, in the ripe maturation stage, the vibration transmissibility was higher than 1.0, which could be a suitable combination for selective coffee harvesting.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Supplier Selection in a Coffee-Roasting Plant: an Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2022-10-02) Pacheco, Daniel L. P. de A.; Malheiros, Fernando C.; Almeida, Luís F. M. de; Castillo, Lucio A. M.; Penteado, Ricardo B.
    Companies are looking for reliable partners, including suppliers, that offer high-quality services. The decision-making process involves several stakeholders with different objectives that require different types of relevant criteria to be considered. This study used the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multiple-criteria decision analysis and decision-making method, to select a new supplier for a coffee-roasting plant. For this, the type of coffee was selected, and the relevant criteria were established: percentage of extrinsic defects, loss in precleaning, price, and taste. Four different potential suppliers were compared in relation to all criteria using the AHP. We achieved our research objective by establishing an order of priority for the criteria and suppliers. As a result, supplier B was the leading supplier with a 35.29% priority, followed by suppliers A and D. Our findings show great potential for using a formal method in the decision-making process in the agro-industry and applying the AHP method in an important problem and in relevant plant culture. Furthermore, other problems in agricultural engineering can benefit from the reasoning steps employed.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Mobile Application for Adjusting Air-Bast Sprayers in Coffee Plantation
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2022-09-13) Cunha, João P. A. R. da; Alves, Thales C.; Penha, Rafael S. A.
    Mobile application development advances, particularly for smartphones and tablets, have allowed farmers to make decisions more assertively in their agrobusiness management. This article addresses the development and evaluation of an app aimed at people who deal with the pesticide application technology in coffee farming, more specifically, adjustment and calibration of sprayers. This mobile app provides the main data necessary for a correct calibration of air-blast sprayers to apply pesticides in coffee planting. Its functionalities include calculation of the application rate for each situation (L ha-1) based on data obtained in the field, such as canopy volume. The app, called SprayCafé, was developed for the Android platform using the Java programming language in the integrated development environment Android Studio. After the development, the application was evaluated, based on a questionnaire answered by 139 users, who ranked the following requirements: ease of use, loading time, adequacy of screen resolution, data relevance, sequence of information, and applicability, among others. The system proved to be simple and robust; it was thus assessed as adequate to the field and to be of great value for coffee planting, especially because it allows safer and more adequate pesticide application. The graphical user interface is interactive and easy to use.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Proposta de manejo fitossanitário de Coffea canephora na agricultura familiar do Mato Grosso
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2024-03-13) Santos, Eva Macedo dos; Pereira, Eliseu José Guedes
    O café é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo e ele possui importância econômica, social e ambiental. As principais espécies cultivadas são o café arábica (Coffea arabica) e o café canéfora (Coffea canephora). O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café. Os principais estados produtores são Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espírito Santo e Rondônia. A produção do café canéfora tem sido incentivada aos produtores da agricultura familiar no estado do Mato Grosso. Contudo, falta a eles informações confiáveis e acessíveis, sobretudo sobre o manejo fitossanitário. Assim, esse trabalho teve o objetivo de propor programa de manejo fitossanitário para cultivos de C. canephora em agricultura familiar. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa em fontes bibliográficas confiáveis para elaborar proposta de programa de manejo fitossanitário adaptado aos produtores familiares de café canéfora de Mato Grosso. Nesses cultivos a broca do café Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) é a principal praga. Já a ferrugem do cafeeiro causada pelo fungo Hemileia vastratrix (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) é a principal doença. A ferrugem incide severamente nos cultivares menos resistentes e cultivados em condições climáticas favoráveis. A broca é especializada em viver no fruto e alimentar da semente do café. Esse besouro possui grande capacidade de reproduzir e colonizar eficazmente os frutos do café e reduzir drasticamente o valor do produto e qualidade da bebida. Na implantação dos cafezais, deve se procurar escolher cultivares adequados e resistentes à ferrugem, obter mudas saudáveis, utilizar espaçamento adequado e realizar adubação adequada das plantas. Na fase produtiva dos cafezais, deve-se realizar controle cultural da broca do café, efetuar colheita cuidadosa com repasse e catação dos frutos remanescentes nas plantas e no solo. Em conclusão, para o controle eficiente e sustentável das pragas e doenças pelos produtores familiares de café canéfora é adequado adotar o programa de manejo fitossanitário aqui proposto. Para tanto, se deve adotar um programa educacional de assistência técnica pelo governo estadual em colaboração com cooperativas e cafeicultores. Palavras-chave: Cafeicultura. Broca do café. Ferrugem do cafeeiro. Café canéfora. Métodos de controle.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Species composition and seasonal abundance of sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) in coffee agroecosystems
    (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde, 2014-02) Pérez, Jeanneth; Virgen, Armando; Rojas, Julio Cesar; Rebollar-Téllez, Eduardo Alfonso; Alfredo, Castillo; Infante, Francisco; Mikery, Oscar; Marina, Carlos Felix; Ibáñez-Bernal, Sergio
    The composition and seasonal occurrence of sandflies were investigated in coffee agroecosystems in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico. Insect sampling was performed on three plantations located at different altitudes: Finca Guadalupe Zajú [1,000 m above sea level (a.s.l.)], Finca Argovia (613 m a.s.l.) and Teotihuacán del Valle (429 m a.s.l.). Sandflies were sampled monthly from August 2007-July 2008 using three sampling methods: Shannon traps, CDC miniature light traps and Disney traps. Sampling was conducted for 3 h during three consecutive nights, beginning at sunset. A total of 4,387 sandflies were collected during the course of the study: 2,718 individuals in Finca Guadalupe Zajú, 605 in Finca Argovia and 1,064 in Teotihuacán del Valle. The Shannon traps captured 94.3% of the total sandflies, while the CDC light traps and Disney traps captured 4.9% and 0.8%, respectively. More females than males were collected at all sites. While the number of sandflies captured was positively correlated with temperature and relative humidity, a negative correlation was observed between sandfly numbers and rainfall. Five species of sandflies were captured: Lutzomyia cruciata , Lutzomyia texana, Lutzomyia ovallesi , Lutzomyia cratifer / undulata and Brumptomyia sp. Lu. cruciata, constituting 98.8% of the total, was the most abundant species. None of the captured sandflies was infected with Leishmaniaspp.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Spatial variability of noise generated by a self-propelled coffee harvester in an open area
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2022-07-31) Silva, José A. R. da; Manzione, Rodrigo L.; Oliveira Junior, Geraldo G. de; Silva, Adriano B. da; Putti, Fernando F.
    Despite the advantages in production, mechanization may expose workers to high noise levels in the work environment, which is considered one of the main causes of work-related hearing loss. In this sense, this study aimed to analyze the spatial variability of noise generated by a self-propelled coffee harvester in an open area to define safe zones for operators and workers involved in coffee harvesting activities. The noise source used was an Electron Auto TDI self-propelled coffee harvester (model MWM D229-4), with a cabin manufactured in 2012 and a 67-hp 4-cylinder engine, working at 1200-rpm rotation. The noise level was measured by a digital decibel meter at points distributed within a regular 2.5 x 2.5 m sampling mesh (32.5 x 35.0 m area) surrounding the harvester in operation, which was configured according to the regulatory standard. Noise level spatial dependence was analyzed through geostatistics, characterizing structure and magnitude, and mapping spatial variability. Results showed that noise levels were above the limit established by relevant legislation (i.e., 85 dB), both for operators and employees at a distance of about 5.5 m from the generating source.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    IAC Herculândia - a Coffea canephora rootstock multiresistant to Meloidogyne species
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2023-08-20) Guerreiro Filho, Oliveiro; Fazuoli, Luiz Carlos; Braghini, Masako Toma; Gallo, Paulo Boller; Oliveira, Claúdio Marcelo Gonçalves; Padilha, Lilian; Fatobene, Barbhara Joana dos Reis; Andrade, Vinicius Teixeira; Vasconcelos, Larissa de Brito Caixeta; Rosa, Juliana Magrinelli Osório
    IAC Herculândia is a Coffea canephora cultivar multiresistant to Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita, and M. paranaensis to be used as a rootstock for Coffea arabica cultivars. It is a synthetic cultivar resulting from recombination among the clonal cultivars IAC WG, IAC FEBS, IAC PM, IAC LCCBF, and IAC ARM.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    MGS Guaiçara and MGS Vereda: Coffea arabica cultivars resistant to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2022-09-01) Salgado, Sônia Maria de Lima; Fatobene, Bárbhara Joana dos Reis; Pereira, Antonio Alves; Abrahão, Juliana Costa de Rezende; Botelho, Cesar Elias; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Oliveira, Antônio Carlos Baião de; Ferreira, André Dominghetti; Figueiredo, Vanessa Castro; Vilela, Diego Junior Martins; Luz, Silvana Ramlow Otto Teixeira da; Andrade, Vinicius Teixeira
    MGS Guaiçara e MGS Vereda are resistant to Meloidogyne paranaensis, one of the most aggressive nematode parasites of coffee. MGS Vereda is an early maturation cultivar, whereas MGS Guaiçara has a medium maturation cycle. Both cultivars produce red fruit, have high size, and high yield potential in infested areas.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Characterization and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora accessions in a germplasm bank in Espírito Santo, Brazil
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2021-06-20) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Mendonça, Rodolfo Ferreira de; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Senra, João Felipe Brites; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Comério, Marcone
    The state of Espírito Santo is the major producer of Coffea canephora in Brazil. Knowledge of genetic reserves is fundamental to plant breeding. Therefore, the present study characterized and analyzed the genetic diversity of 600 C. canephora accessions from the germplasm bank of Incaper based on 38 traits evaluated in 24-30-month-old plants. Further, the predominant descriptors or traits were identified, and high phenotypic variability was determined. Genetic distances for the grouped (Gower), quantitative, and qualitative datasets were 0.48, 0.61, and 0.92, respectively, with accessions 76 (Conilon) and 407 (Robusta) being the most divergent ones at Incaper. In clustering using the Tocher optimization method, 30 groups were formed, with three accessions introduced from Epamig’s Robusta collection being the most dissimilar ones. Graphical dispersion analysis using the principal coordinate method revealed the predominance of three groups formed by the Robusta, Conilon, and hybrid Robusta × Conilon genotypes.