Biblioteca do Café

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    IAC Herculândia - a Coffea canephora rootstock multiresistant to Meloidogyne species
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2023-08-20) Guerreiro Filho, Oliveiro; Fazuoli, Luiz Carlos; Braghini, Masako Toma; Gallo, Paulo Boller; Oliveira, Claúdio Marcelo Gonçalves; Padilha, Lilian; Fatobene, Barbhara Joana dos Reis; Andrade, Vinicius Teixeira; Vasconcelos, Larissa de Brito Caixeta; Rosa, Juliana Magrinelli Osório
    IAC Herculândia is a Coffea canephora cultivar multiresistant to Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita, and M. paranaensis to be used as a rootstock for Coffea arabica cultivars. It is a synthetic cultivar resulting from recombination among the clonal cultivars IAC WG, IAC FEBS, IAC PM, IAC LCCBF, and IAC ARM.
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    MGS Guaiçara and MGS Vereda: Coffea arabica cultivars resistant to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne paranaensis
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2022-09-01) Salgado, Sônia Maria de Lima; Fatobene, Bárbhara Joana dos Reis; Pereira, Antonio Alves; Abrahão, Juliana Costa de Rezende; Botelho, Cesar Elias; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Oliveira, Antônio Carlos Baião de; Ferreira, André Dominghetti; Figueiredo, Vanessa Castro; Vilela, Diego Junior Martins; Luz, Silvana Ramlow Otto Teixeira da; Andrade, Vinicius Teixeira
    MGS Guaiçara e MGS Vereda are resistant to Meloidogyne paranaensis, one of the most aggressive nematode parasites of coffee. MGS Vereda is an early maturation cultivar, whereas MGS Guaiçara has a medium maturation cycle. Both cultivars produce red fruit, have high size, and high yield potential in infested areas.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Morpho-agronomic and leaf anatomical traits in Coffeacanephora genotypes
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023) Silva, Larícia Olária Emerick; Schmidt, Raquel; Almeida, Rafael Nunes de; Feitoza, Rodrigo Barbosa Braga; Cunha, Maura da; Partelli, Fábio Luiz
    Genetic variability is the basis for coffee genetic breeding. This study evaluated the potential of leaf anatomy and morpho-agronomic traits in studies of genetic variability in C. canephoracultivars. Ten genotypes were distributed in randomized block designs with three replicates. Significant differences among genotypes were detected by F-test (P < 0.05) for 13 of 15 evaluated traits. These results evidenced the heterogeneity of the studied cultivars, which is essential in composition of genetic basis in breeding programs. The Scott-Knott test detected variability among genotypes, grouped into up to four mean groups. Leaf anatomy traits presented the largest variations. Five out of seven leaf anatomy traits presented heritability higher than 80%, with emphasis on stomatal density (95.69%) and stomatal pore length (92.72%). Positive correlations were observed among morpho-agronomic and anatomic traits. Cluster analysis used the Mahalanobis general distance (D2) as a measure of genetic dissimilarity and divided the genotypes into two distinct groups. The inclusion of leaf anatomic traits to characterize C. canephoragenotypes may assist plant breeders with better genetic discrimination and with greater security in plant selection when composing cultivars.
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    Caracterização molecular e estudo de autoincompatibilidade gametofítica em cafeeiros Amazônicos
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2024-02-26) Silva, Ana Carolina Andrade; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros
    A caracterização dos materiais genéticos de café desempenha um papel crucial no desenvolvimento de variedades mais resilientes e adaptadas às condições climáticas em mudança, contribuindo para a sustentabilidade e o futuro da produção de café. Dentre as centenas de espécies do gênero Coffea já descritas, a espécie Coffea canephora se destaca por apresentar características válidas na adaptação às condições climáticas (resistência a pragas e doenças, tolerância a seca, ampla distribuição geográfica). É uma espécie diploide, alógama e que possui autoincompatibilidade gametofítica. Ampliar os estudos para melhor conhecimento desta autoincompatibilidade também se torna essencial, uma vez que para se obter cruzamentos promissores, é necessário genitores de grupos de compatibilidade diferente, para que ocorra a fertilização. Sendo assim, os objetivos do presente trabalho foram: (i) avaliar a diversidade genética de cafeeiros provenientes do programa de melhoramento da Embrapa Rondônia juntamente com genótipos de produtores locais, via marcadores moleculares SNP; (ii) usar marcadores moleculares para identificação de cafeeiros contendo diferentes genes de resistência às principais doenças da cultura: ferrugem e CBD e (iii) sequenciar e avaliar diferenças em regiões de interesse do gene S, que podem estar relacionadas ao mecanismo de autoincompatibilidade gametofítica na espécie C. canephora. Os marcadores SNPs utilizados permitiram diferenciar e caracterizar com eficiência os cafeeiros em estudo. O dendrograma pela análise destes marcadores ficou dividido em cinco grupos. O grupo I e o grupo IV alocaram dois cafeeiros cada. O grupo II alocou 33, de sua grande maioria pertencentes a variedade botânica Robusta. O grupo III ficou constituído por 18 cafeeiros, pertencentes a variedade botânica Conilon. Por fim, o quinto e maior grupo alocou 85 cafeeiros, sendo a maioria correspondente a híbridos entre as duas variedades botânicas. Marcadores moleculares ligados a genes de resistência a doenças também possibilitaram a identificação de cafeeiros contendo piramidação de alelos de resistência a Hemileia vastatrix e Colletotrichum. kahawae. Quanto ao estudo de autoincompatibilidade, as sequências de DNA dos genótipos dos diferentes grupos de autoincompatibilidade foram alinhadas e não foi encontrado polimorfismo. Ao realizar o BLAST entre a sequência consenso obtida do sequenciamento realizado com o primer HVa3 e o genoma de referência de C. canephora, observou-se que há duas regiões de alinhamento no cromossomo 2, com grande quantidade de mismatch e Gap. Esta diferença observada pode ser decorrente da ampla diversidade genética presente na espécie. Além disso, o genoma de referência disponível foi obtido de um cafeeiro geneticamente distante dos Robustas Amazônicos e Conilons cultivados no Brasil. O alinhamento entre as duas sequencias amplificadas em regiões distintas no genoma de C. canephora com o primer Hva3 mostrou serem idênticas. Este resultado pode ser um indício dessas serem regiões repetitivas dispersas no genoma da espécie. Portanto, foi possível identificar cafeeiros divergentes geneticamente, contendo a piramidação de alelos de resistência a H. vastatrix e C. kahawae. E, este estudo de autoincompatibilidade abre portas para que novos estudos possam ser realizados a partir deste. Palavras­chave: Coffea canephora. Hemileia vastatrix. CBD. SNP. Gene S. Grupos de compatibilidade.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Physiological quality of seeds of Coffea canephora from early and late clones during maturation
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2024-03-21) Crasque, Jeane; Brandão, Thielen Martins dos Santos; Cerri Neto, Basílio; Comério, Marcone; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Arantes, Lúcio de Oliveira; Machado Filho, José Altino; Milanez, Camilla Rozindo Dias; Dousseau-Arantes, Sara
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of seeds from early and late maturing Coffea canephora clones, aiming to identify the ideal harvest time. The fruits were collected every two weeks from 188 days after anthesis (DAA) and characterized as green, cane green, cherry, raisin and dry. The seeds were evaluated for water content, germination percentage, normal and abnormal seedlings, nongerminated seeds and dead seeds, vigor index, hypocotyl lenght, and root length. Seed germination of the early maturing clone started at 202 DAA, while that of the late maturing clone started at 230 DAA, with both clones showing a water content of 63% and a dry mass of 37%. Although the optimum harvest point was identified at the cherry ripening stage, it was found that the late maturing clone showed a more pronounced variation in the maturation process, directly impacting the physiological quality of the seeds. Furthermore, a significant correlation was observed between the maturation stages and the physiological quality of the seeds. For the early maturing clone, the maximum physiological quality was recorded at 244 DAA, corresponding to 80% of fruits at the cherry stage, while for the late maturing clone this point was reached at 326 DAA, with 98% of the fruits ripe.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Comparison of fructification efficiency between reciprocal crosses in Coffea canephora
    (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2023-10-09) Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Fonseca, Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da; Ferrão, Romário Gava; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abrão Carlos; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros; Riva-Souza, Elaine Manelli
    This study aimed to assess and compare the behavior of superior genotypes of Coffea canephora in terms of fruiting capacity using directed hybridizations in a full diallel design with reciprocals.Hybridizations were performed using 12 possible combinations between genotypes 02, 03, 23 and 83 from the Incaper breeding program. High estimates of the genotypic coefficient of determination in terms of the total number of pinheads per cross (TNP) and fruit set (FS) indicated variability of genetic nature. FS averaged 52,27%, ranging from 31,32% to 82,09%, with the higher rates relating to clone 23 as the male parent. Differences were found between reciprocal crosses in the combinations with genotype 23, which emerged as the donor plant with the best fruiting rate, but poor receiving ability. Clone 83 prevailed as the best receiving plant and the least effective donor. In the comparison of these two genotypes, antagonism was observed in their behavior when they were used as pollen-donor plants (male parents) and pollen-receiver plants (female parents), highlighting their possible maternal effect. Crosses involving clones 02 and 03 showed no differences when used reciprocally. The estimates of genotypic correlations were negative for the four associations involving the FS characteristic, being of greater magnitude with TNP.
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    Assessment of leaf anatomic and physiological characteristics and genetic divergence among Coffea arabica L. cultivars in the Brazilian Savanna
    (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2022-01-16) Santos, Cyntia Stephânia dos; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Mauri, Janaína; Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Rodrigues, Gustavo Costa; Veiga, Adriano Delly; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo
    The knowledge on cultivars is essential for parental choosing on breeding programs. This research aimed to study the genetic divergence of Coffea arabica L. cultivars from a germoplasm bank of the Embrapa Cerrados, Brazil, for leaf anatomic and physiological characteristics. A total of 23 cultivars were evaluated: Acaiá Cerrado MG1474, Araponga MG1, Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG2, Catiguá MG3, Catiguá MG3 P4, Catiguá MG3 P5, Catiguá MG3 P7, Catiguá MG3 P9, Catiguá MG3 P23, Catiguá MG3 P51, Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 15, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99, Caturra Vermelho MG0187, Guatenano Colis MG0207, Mundo Novo IAC 379-19, Paraíso MG1, Pau Brasil MG1, Sacramento MG1, San Ramon MG0198 and Topázio MG1190. In addition to the genetic divergence, the broad sense heritability and coefficient of genetic and environmental variation were also evaluated. All characteristics showed high coefficients of genetic variation and heritability values greater than 70 %, indicating a predominance of genetic over environmental factors, and that these are characteristics likely to obtain genetic gain. Catiguá MG1, Catiguá MG3 P51 and Topázio MG1190 stood out, with superior gas exchange characteristics. Attributes related to gas exchange were important for cultivar differentiation, demonstrating that they can be used in the early selection of Coffea arabica L. genotypes.
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    Initial vegetative development and early selection of arabica coffee cultivars in a low-altitude region
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2023-11-10) Filla, Vinícius Augusto; Coelho, Anderson Prates; Grossi Terceiro, Matheus; Morello, Orlando Ferreira; Lemos, Leandro Borges
    The cultivation of Coffea arabica L. in a low-altitude region is a sustainable alternative for diversifying the income of farmers. On account of the variability of available cultivars, the use of indirect selection through initial vegetative development may be an auxiliary tool for identifying the most suitable genotypes for this environment. This study aimed to identify the dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars with better initial development in a low-altitude region and the morphological traits with greater relevance for the early selection of cultivars with high yield potential. The experiment was installed in the northeast of São Paulo, Brazil. The experimental design used was randomized blocks with four replications. The treatments consisted of 17 dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars. There is variability among dwarf Arabica coffee cultivars for initial vegetative development. The growth and increase in the number of nodes of the plagiotropic branch can be used in early selection to identify cultivars with greater yield potential. The cultivars IAC Obatã 4739, Obatã IAC 1669-20, and Tupi IAC 1669-33 present higher initial vegetative performance in low-altitude environments. The results obtained are useful to breeders and producers for choosing the cultivars best adapted to cultivation in this environment.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Initial performance and genetic diversity of coffee trees cultivated under contrasting altitude conditions
    (Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2023-08-14) Senra, João Felipe de Brites; Silva, Josimar Aleixo da; Ferreira, Adésio; Esposti, Marlon Dutra Degli; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Fassarella, Kamila Machado; Silva, Uliana Ribeiro; Milheiros, Idalina Sturião; Silva, Fernanda Gomes da
    This work evaluated the initial performance and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora genotypes cultivated in environments at contrasting altitudes. Fourteen morphophysiological traits and seven descriptors of the genus Coffea spp. of coffee trees cultivated at altitudes of 140 m and 700 m were evaluated. The design used was Federer’s augmented block in a 2 × 112 factorial scheme with six blocks. The first factor was the two environments, and the second was the 112 genotypes, with eight common treatments, being five conilon coffee clones and three arabica coffee cultivars. The data were analyzed by the method of REML/BLUP and genetic correlation method. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the distance matrix, applying the Gower methodology followed by the clustering method by Tocher and UPGMA. The phenotypic means were higher in the environment at an altitude of 700 m, except for plant height, number of leaves, and canopy height (CH). Genotypic effects were significant for most traits except for leaf width, CH, unit leaf area, and total leaf area. A wide genetic diversity was verified, with distances varying from 0.037 to 0.593 for the pairs of genotypes 26 × 93 and T7 × 76, respectively. Most of the traits studied showed high genotypic correlation with the environment and expressive genetic correlation between the evaluated traits thereby demonstrating the possibility of indirect selection. There is an adaptation of conilon coffee genotypes to high altitudes and the possibility of developing a specific cultivar for the southern state of Espírito Santo.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Computational intelligence and statistical learning applied to Coffea canephora
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2022-05-02) Sousa, Ithalo Coelho de; Nascimento, Moysés; Sant’anna, Isabela de Castro; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Azevedo, Camila Ferreira; Nascimento, Ana Carolina Campana
    Genomic prediction in Coffee breeding has shown good potential in predictive ability (PA), genetic gains and reduction of the selection cycle time. Many methodologies are used to predict the genetic merit, but some of them require priori assumptions that may increase the complexity of the model. Artificial neural network (ANN) has advantage to not require priori assumptions about the relationships between inputs and the output allowing great flexibility to handle different types of complex non-additive effects, such as dominance and epistasis. Despite this advantage, the biological interpretability of ANNs is still limited. In the elaboration of this research project, two basic questions were formulated. The first question, is it possible to estimate genetic parameters using ANNs? The second, is it possible to reduce the panel marker size with no penalty in predictive ability? For this, the analyzes were divided into two articles. In the first article, the aim was to estimate the heritability and markers effects for two traits in Coffea canephora using an additive-dominance architecture ANN and to compare it with genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP). In the second article, the aim was to evaluate the trade-off between density marker panels size and the PA for eight agronomic traits in Coffea canephora using machine learning (bagging and random forest) algorithms and comparing them with BLASSO (Bayesian Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator) method. For both article, the data set consisted of 165 genotypes of Coffea canephora genotyped for 14,387 snp markers, after quality control analysis. For the first article the phenotypic data used was rust (Rus) and yield (Y). For the second article the phenotypic data is composed by vegetative vigor (Vig), rust (Rus) and cercosporiose incidence (Cer), fruit maturation time (Mat), fruit size (FS), plant height (PH), diameter of the canopy projection (DC) and yield (Y). In the first article we reduced the dimensionality of the data using bagging decision tree and then run 64,000 neural networks for each trait selecting the best architecture based on predictive ability for estimating the heritability, obtained results compatibles with those in literature. In the second article, 12 different density market panels were used to evaluate the effect of dimensionality reduction in PA. The common trend observed in the analysis shows an increase of the PA as the number of markers decreases, having a peak in most of the cases when used between 500 and 1,000 markers. In general, the worst results were obtained when used the full SNP panel density. The results of the second article indicate that the reduction of the number of markers can improve the selection of individuals at a lower cost. Computational Intelligence methods prove to be powerful tools for predicting genetic values, to estimate genetic parameters and to select markers. Keywords: GBLUP. BLASSO. BAGGING. Random forest. GEBV. Marker effect. Heritability.