Biblioteca do Café

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Technological and nutritional aspects of dark chocolate with added coffee husk flour
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2024-07-19) Borges, Marília Viana; Leite, Cristina Xavier dos Santos; Santos, Ingrid Alves; Leão, Danilo Junqueira; Ferrão, Sibelli Passini Barbosa; Santos, Leandro Soares; Lima, Amanda Beatriz Sales de; Wobeto, Carmen; Lannes, Suzana Caetano da Silva; Silva, Marcondes Viana da
    The objective of this work was to produce dark chocolates with the addition of coffee husk flour (CHF) and to evaluate the generated effects on their physical, physicochemical, microbiological, textural, and rheological characteristics. Husks of the Pacamara coffee (Coffea arabica) variety, produced under organic management, were used. The samples were previously dried, ground, and sieved at 0.250 mm. Five chocolate formulations were previously standardized at 55% content of cocoa solids (mass and cocoa butter) and at 0.4% soy lecithin. The addition of CHF was tested at the concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10%, using a completely randomized design and three replicates. The addition of CHF up to 10% alters the physicochemical, textural, and rheological properties of the chocolate formulations, but without compromising their composition and quality. The tested formulations only differed regarding hardness and cohesiveness, evaluated in the texture profile. The hardness of the chocolate formulations increases as CHF is added.
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    Application rate and hydraulic tips used in remotely piloted aircraft affect the phytosanitary products in coffee plant canopies
    (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2024) Alvarenga, Cleyton Batista de; Zampiróli, Renan; Cunha, João Paulo Arantes Rodrigues da; Rinaldi, Paula Cristina Natalino; Cunha, Bruno Amâncio da; Faria, Layanara Oliveira
    Most coffee (Coffea arabica) phytosanitary management techniques are performed using ground-based equipment, and remotely piloted aircraft are a recent alternative. Therefore, this study evaluates the effect of different application rates and hydraulic tips used for spreading phytosanitary products on coffee crops using a remotely piloted aircraft, assisted by artificial targets and dye tracing. The experiment was a 4 × 3 factorial randomized block design with four tips (XR 110-01, TT 110-01, AIXR 110- 015, and TTJ60 110-02) and three application rates (8, 12, and 16 L ha-1 ). Hydrosensitive paper was used to analyze the droplet spectrum, and the Brilliant Blue tracer was used to detect spray deposition. The DJI Agras T20 remotely piloted aircraft was used to apply the phytosanitary product. Speed, flight height, and application range were maintained at 5.56 m s-1 , 2 m, and 5 m, respectively. The flight direction was perpendicular to the crop planting lines. The application rate and hydraulic tip jointly controlled the accumulation of droplets on the target according to its position in the plant canopy. Therefore, remotely piloted aircraft can be used in coffee phytosanitary management, particularly to control targets that predominately occur in the upper third of the plant canopy.
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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation for coffee seedling production with commercial and conventional substrates
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2023-05-22) Silveira, Adriana Parada Dias; Tristão, Fabrício Sales Massafera; Fernandes, Ana Olívia; Andrade, Sara Adrian Lopez; Cipriano, Mateus Aparecido Pereira
    Coffee seedlings are commonly produced on substrate composed of a mixture of soil and cattle manure, supplemented with chemical fertilizers. Alternatives to reduce production costs and produce seedlings of greater quality and health include the use of commercial organic substrates, which require less handling. The use of beneficial microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can be considered a good alternative for production of more vigorous coffee seedlings. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inoculation of AMF isolates on coffee seedlings development in a commercial organic substrate (based on coconut fiber) and conventional substrate (mixture composed of soil and cattle manure compost). Ten AMF were tested: Rhizophagus irregularis, Glomus macrocarpum, Claroideoglomus etunicatum, Rhizophagus clarus, Glomus spp., Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora morrowiae, Acaulospora scrobiculata, Acaulospora spp., and Dentiscutata heterogamma. Plant growth, shoot P content, mycorrhizal colonization, extraradical mycelium length, phosphatase activity, and photosynthetic pigments were evaluated. The effects of mycorrhization depended on both the inoculated fungal species and the substrate for seedling cultivation. Inoculation of G. margarita, Acaulospora spp., and Glomus spp. in the conventional substrate conferred the best growth plant responses, increasing shoot biomass by 160 to 320%. In the commercial substrate, the most efficient AMF were R. clarus, Glomus spp, A. morrowiae and A. scrobiculata, with up to 149% of shoot biomass increase. The commercial organic substrate and the inoculation of some of the AMF isolates were highly beneficial to coffee seedlings development and can replace the use of the conventional substrate. These results open new opportunities for the use of AMF as an inoculant to improve coffee seedling production in commercial organic substrates.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Monitoring the vegetative state of coffee using vegetation indices
    (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, 2024) Chedid, Vitor; Cortez, Jorge W.; Arcoverde, Sálvio N. S.
    Vegetation indices are a quick and practical alternative for monitoring crops due to the availability of satellite images on various platforms for free, allowing a quick analysis of the vegetative state of the crop and interventions in the field in case of signs of diseases and pests. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the vegetative state of the coffee crop using vegetation indices (NDVI, SAVI, ARVI, EVI, and VDVI) in an agricultural year. The study was carried out on a commercial farm using satellite images from the Planet platform, during an agricultural coffee growing season (2021/2022). The indices selected for the study were the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Atmospherically Resistant Vegetation Index (ARVI), Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), and Visible Difference Vegetation Index (VDVI). The index data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, classification/interpretation proposal, and the Kappa index. NDVI and SAVI are efficient in monitoring coffee cultivation in an agricultural year, as the Kappa index was higher than 90%. ARVI and EVI had Kappa index values close to 90% and can be used to monitor the crop. VDVI was inefficient, with a low Kappa index value when compared to the others. The proposed classification for vegetation indices based on NDVI classes and values consisted of an important tool for classifying and interpreting the values of these indices, assisting monitoring and management of coffee cultivation.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Manual do manejo orgânico do cafeeiro
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-04-06) Diniz, Lucas Muzzi Machado; Oliveira, Cleiton Lourenço de
    A produção orgânica de café (Coffea arabica) no Brasil tem aumentado nos últimos anos, impulsionada pela demanda do mercado por produções sustentáveis. O cultivo orgânico contribui para a saúde dos produtores e consumidores, não contamina o meio ambiente e tem o potencial de gerar renda para os agricultores familiares. A assistência técnica e extensão rural são fatores que contribuem para a adoção de novas práticas de produção sustentável, sendo que a EMATER-MG é um dos principais atores neste setor em Minas Gerais, que é maior produtor de café no Brasil. As publicações técnicas da EMATER-MG abordam diversos temas e contribuem para a disseminação de técnicas de referência para produtores e extensionistas, estando disponíveis de forma física e online. A proposta deste trabalho foi elaborar uma publicação técnica sobre o manejo orgânico do café arábica, aplicável para produtores e técnicos, com informações práticas de qualidade sobre este tema, impulsionando a produção orgânica e agroecológica com foco principalmente na agricultura familiar. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica qualitativa com buscas em bases de dados, normativos e publicações técnicas. Estas informações foram selecionadas, sintetizadas e utilizadas para elaboração de uma proposta de manual a exemplo da Série Manual do Café (publicada pela EMATER-MG), no qual foram tratados os temas: implantação do sistema de produção orgânica do café, legislação, certificação, construção da fertilidade do solo, sementes e mudas, manejo de insetos e microrganismos, manejo de plantas espontâneas, diversificação.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Otimização da experimentação no melhoramento do cafeeiro
    (Embrapa Café, 2023-09) Resende, Marcos Deon Vilela de; Alves, Rodrigo Silva; Oliveira, Antonio Carlos Baião de; Caixeta, Eveline Teixeira; Pereira, Antonio Alves; Mariz, Bruna Lopes
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Anatomia comparada de duas variedades de cafeeiro em Minas Gerais
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-01-17) Sartori, Luana de Jesus; Mori, Fábio Akira
    O conhecimento da anatomia foliar de cafeeiros de diferentes locais é importante para compreender os mecanismos de adaptação das variedades às condições ambientais. Visto que a folha apresenta grande plasticidade, esta atua como um indicador das condições edafoclimáticas, conferindo mais respostas do que a raiz e o caule. Entender a anatomia pode auxiliar produtores a realizar o plantio de determinadas variedades em locais mais apropriados, além de contribuir na criação de cultivares mais tolerantes a estresses ambientais. O experimento foi conduzido nas Unidades Experimentais da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG) nas cidades de Patrocínio e Monte Carmelo. Cada local possui lavouras de café com as variedades “Catiguá MG3” e “Sarchimor”, implantadas em 2017, porém, em Monte Carmelo ocorre irrigação por gotejamento enquanto Patrocínio é conduzido em sequeiro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a plasticidade estrutural foliar entre uma mesma variedade de café cultivada em diferentes locais, e entre as duas variedades ocorrentes num mesmo local. Para tanto, coletou-se folhas completamente expandidas do terceiro nó para a avaliação da anatomia foliar no Laboratório de Anatomia Vegetal (DBI) da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). Por meio deste, verificou-se que as variedades dos dois locais apresentaram características que conferem tolerância a altas temperaturas. Em Monte Carmelo os indivíduos apresentaram maior espessamento da cutícula, já em Patrocínio, maior espessamento do parênquima paliçádico. Em Monte Carmelo também foi observado maior diâmetro de vaso e do poro estomático, indicando uma maior transpiração e translocação de água e sais minerais, sendo a irrigação uma possível resposta.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Gene regulatory networks: co-expression modules of protein coding genes and small RNAS governing essential biological processes in Coffea arabica L.
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-01-30) Ribeiro, Thales Henrique Cherubino; Chalfun Junior, Antonio; Meyers, Blake C.; Oliveira, Raphael Ricon de
    Coffee plants are the source of one of the most world-wide traded commodities. From harvesting, though processing to commercializing the coffee bean moves an international market that supports the livelihood of millions. The progressing understanding of how plants function at a cellular, molecular, and physiological level has enabled successive technological breakthroughs, this, in turn, has allowed a positive balance between the supply and demand for food. These successive breakthroughs of frontiers in agricultural knowledge are taking place along centuries of civilization. At this point, one of the most relevant frontiers of biology is at the molecular level. The understanding of how plants organize their physiological processes at the molecular level may be the way to finally balance agriculture with sustainable development. Advances in molecular biology are making this understanding possible by investigating how complex networks of regulatory elements coordinate the functioning of plants and other organisms. This thesis has the objective of contributing to the effort of revealing the functional dynamics of Coffea arabica metabolism using integrated biological data. From genome and transcriptome sequencing data of coffee samples, I was able to identify evolutionary phenomena such as gene balance, to predict and ascertain for the presence of metabolites, and to reveal multiple types of RNAs involved in control and/or developmental processes of flowering in Coffea arabica. Our discoveries regarding the organization and possible evolutionary trends of this genome can guide future works with the objective of maintaining the continuity of coffee.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Manual do manejo orgânico do cafeeiro
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-03-06) Diniz, Lucas Muzzi Machado; Oliveira, Cleiton Lourenço de
    A produção orgânica de café (Coffea arabica) no Brasil tem aumentado nos últimos anos, impulsionada pela demanda do mercado por produções sustentáveis. O cultivo orgânico contribui para a saúde dos produtores e consumidores, não contamina o meio ambiente e tem o potencial de gerar renda para os agricultores familiares. A assistência técnica e extensão rural são fatores que contribuem para a adoção de novas práticas de produção sustentável, sendo que a EMATER-MG é um dos principais atores neste setor em Minas Gerais, que é maior produtor de café no Brasil. As publicações técnicas da EMATER-MG abordam diversos temas e contribuem para a disseminação de técnicas de referência para produtores e extensionistas, estando disponíveis de forma física e online. A proposta deste trabalho foi elaborar uma publicação técnica sobre o manejo orgânico do café arábica, aplicável para produtores e técnicos, com informações práticas de qualidade sobre este tema, impulsionando a produção orgânica e agroecológica com foco principalmente na agricultura familiar. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica qualitativa com buscas em bases de dados, normativos e publicações técnicas. Estas informações foram selecionadas, sintetizadas e utilizadas para elaboração de uma proposta de manual a exemplo da Série Manual do Café (publicada pela EMATER-MG), no qual foram tratados os temas: implantação do sistema de produção orgânica do café, legislação, certificação, construção da fertilidade do solo, sementes e mudas, manejo de insetos e microrganismos, manejo de plantas espontâneas, diversificação.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Chemical and sensory composition of arabica and robusta coffee in response to modifications in the roasting process
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2023-10-11) Freitas, Valdeir Viana; Stringheta, Paulo Cesar; Santos, Marcelo Henrique dos; Vidigal, Márcia Cristina Teixeira Ribeiro
    In recent years, the coffee market has experienced remarkable growth, driven by its expansion and production on a global scale. South America, in particular, stands out as one of the main coffee-producing regions, led by Brazil, and is also the largest exporter of this agricultural commodity. Furthermore, it is relevant to emphasize that coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide, attracting an increasingly discerning consumer audience regarding product quality. An essential element in the process of transforming green coffee beans into an aromatic and flavorful cup of coffee is the roasting stage. This operation plays a fundamental role in creating the distinctive flavors and aromas found in the final beverage. In this context, the purpose of this study was to investigate the complexity of roasting by conducting a thorough analysis of the physicochemical and sensory changes that occur during this process. For this purpose, six different roasting profiles were employed, where temperature and roasting time were carefully considered and adjusted. The results unveiled intriguing information. It was found that the highest levels of total phenolics, compounds endowed with beneficial antioxidant properties for health, were identified in coffees subjected to specific temperatures, such as 135 °C/20.20 min and 210 °C/9.02 min. These findings not only provide valuable insight into the nutritional profile of roasted coffee but also emphasize the influence of different roasting profiles on these characteristics. Surprisingly, C. canephora, known for its more robust and full-bodied character, exhibited superior antioxidant activity compared to C. arabica in many of the evaluated roasting profiles. This finding may redefine the traditional view that C. arabica always surpasses C. canephora in terms of quality. The results showed that roasting profiles, as well as the species, strongly influenced all investigated parameters, particularly the concentration of sugars, organic acids, and melanoidins. Succinic acid was the organic compound with the highest concentrations, with the highest concentration observed in C. canephora at 210 °C/11.01 min (224.24 mg/g), with the highest concentrations of organic acids found in this same roasting profile and species (430.39 mg/g). Fructose was the sugar with the highest concentration, particularly in the 210 °C/11.01 min roast, which exhibited 17.14 mg/g. The highest melanoidin content was also found in this same roasting profile and species. Sensory evaluation, conducted by both experts and consumers, has revealed significant differences in flavor, aroma, and overall quality properties among coffee varieties and various roasting profiles. C. arabica has received higher ratings compared to C. canephora, particularly with better scores for roasting profiles at 135 °C/20.20 min and 230 °C/17.43 min. These conclusions offer a deeper understanding of the nuances present in the roasting process and its impact on the coffee experience for enthusiasts of this beverage. Therefore, as we delve deeper into the coffee market, it becomes evident that roasting represents an operation that not only transforms the beans but also influences flavor, nutritional value, and consumer perception. Keywords: Coffea arabica L. Coffea canephora. Roasting. Chemical composition. Coffee quality.