Biblioteca do Café
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12 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Specialty coffees fermented at different altitudes: Influence of yeast co-inoculation on chemical and sensory composition(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2021-04-26) Bressani, Ana Paula Pereira; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Simão, João Batista Pavesi; Batista, Nádia NaraSpecialty coffees are gaining more space in the Brazilian market, and the changes in production, processing, marketing, and consumer culture are noticeable. Unquestionably, the use of selected starter cultures in the fermentation process improves the coffee quality. However, the microorganisms' behavior can be different depending on the variety, processing method, and altitude. Thus, this paper aims to (i) use metabolomics, chemical, and sensory methodologies to evaluate the quality of fermented coffees of the cultivar Catuaí vermelho IAC-44 at different altitudes (600 and 1,200 m) located in the Caparaó region. (ii) analyze consumers’ knowledge and perspectives on coffees and investigate how information can influence consumers’ sensory experience. For this, the coffee cherries were harvested manually and separated into batches of 20 kg, representing seven treatments plus control at each altitude. The starter cultures - Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0543, Candida parapsilosis CCMA 0544, and Torulospora delbrueckii CCMA 0684 - were inoculated, isolated, and in co-inoculation. The control was performed without inoculation. Fermentation of whole fruits lasted 72 h in closed bioreactors. Then, the coffees were transferred to the suspended terraces until 11- 12% moisture. Samples were collected and frozen for chemical analysis. We studied the improving coffee beverage quality cultivated at low altitudes through inoculation of yeast during fermentation in dry processing. The analyzes were performed using liquid and gas chromatography, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and cup testing. Differences in chemical compounds were observed between the inoculated coffees and the control, both for green and roasted beans. Fermentation improved the quality of low-altitude coffees, and the co-inoculation of non-Saccharomyces yeasts (C. parapsilosis CCMA 0544 and T. delbrueckii CCMA 0684) had the highest sensory score (85), being the most suitable for this process. The second topic addressed in this work was the influence of fermentation with starter cultures concerning the bioactive, chemical, and sensory compounds of coffee produced at high altitudes. The content of total polyphenols and antioxidants is strongly correlated with the end of fermentation in a closed bioreactor and after roasting. The trigonelline content has a moderate and negative correlation with fermentation and roasting. Fruity, citric, and wine notes were found only in inoculated treatments. The co-inoculated with the three yeasts showed the highest sensory score (86.9). The third aspect addressed was understanding the perspectives and desires of coffee consumers through a questionnaire in a digital format with 1,005 participants. The chocolate flavor is still the most expected in specialty coffee. The Check-all-that-Apply (CATA) test was carried out with 101 consumers using the same coffee (without and with information). Sensory analysis showed that consumers could be influenced by information. Therefore, co-inoculation of yeasts in coffee fermentation is a promising alternative for low and high-altitude coffee. Also, specialty fermented coffees should be made more widely available to consumers.Item Análise sensorial e química de cafés fermentados submetidos a diferentes processos de desinfecção do fruto(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-04-14) Freitas, Renan Bertoli de; Pimenta, Carlos José; Carvalho, Gladyston RodriguesO Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café do mundo. Nos últimos anos, a população passou a valorizar cafés de qualidade superior, os chamados cafés especiais, e desde então os cafeicultores buscam melhorar o produto, desde o plantio até o processamento. A fermentação do café pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de sabor e aroma, estabelecendo mais um caminho dentro dos processamentos pós colheita para melhorar a qualidade dos cafés brasileiros. Entretanto, a presença de microrganismos indesejáveis durante o processamento e fermentação do café pode influenciar negativamente na qualidade da bebida final. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar química e sensorialmente amostras de café fermentado da cultivar MGS Paraíso 2 após desinfecção dos frutos por soluções sanitizantes. O delineamento utilizado foi DIC, com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições, totalizando 30 parcelas. Os tratamentos foram compostos pela testemunha (ausência de solução desinfetante – T1), T2 com utilização de ozônio como desinfetante, T3 com hipoclorito de sódio + ácido ascórbico, T4 com ácido peracético, T5 com metabissulfito de potássio e T6 com peróxido de hidrogênio. Após o período de fermentação, secagem, descanso e beneficiamento, as amostras foram encaminhadas para as análises sensoriais e químicas. De acordo com as análises sensoriais, todos os tratamentos apresentaram nota final acima de 84 pontos e a utilização das soluções desinfetantes não influenciou na qualidade da bebida em nenhum dos tratamentos. Dentre os sabores e aromas mais citados na análise CATA, adocicado, frutado e cítrico apresentaram destaque. Soluções como hipoclorito de sódio + ácido ascórbico e peróxido de hidrogênio podem diminuir o pH e, consequentemente, aumentar a acidez da bebida. A utilização de ozônio permitiu a preservação de sólidos solúveis totais, apresentou baixos níveis de condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio. O peróxido de hidrogênio não constitui um sanitizante adequado para desinfecção de frutos de café, pois diminui o pH da solução e provoca maiores níveis de lixiviação de potássio. Já os sanitizantes ácido peracético e metabissulfito de potássio não apresentaram diferenças em relação a testemunha em nenhum dos aspectos físico-químicos analisados, mantendo as características da bebida. Desta forma, dentre as soluções sanitizantes, apenas o ozônio obteve poder eficiente de diminuir os microrganismos.Item Application of microrganisms for coffee fermentation(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2018-03-23) Ribeiro, Luciana Silva; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Evangelista, Suzana Reis; Miguel, Maria Gabriela da Cruz PedrozoArabica coffees of three varieties present distinct results when inoculated with microorganisms. The attempt to improve coffee quality can be implemented at different stages of coffee production. Presence of microorganisms during coffee fermentation directly interferes with the quality and characteristics of final beverage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect on coffee quality of inoculation of different microorganisms and also to study a bacteriological composition of coffees processed by wet fermentation. Three varieties of coffees studied at work: Ouro amarelo, Mundo novo and Catuaí Vermelho, mining region (Cerrado Mineiro and Southern of Minas Gerais). Ouro amarelo and Novo mundo processed by semi-dry method inoculated with three yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae CCMA 0200 and CCMA 0543; Torulaspora delbrueckii CCMA 0684). Two sensory analysis techniques were used (Cup Test and Temporal Dominance of Sensations). It was possible to observe that Ouro Amarelo variety obtained higher scores for evaluated attributes. The use of the CCMA 0543 and CCMA 0684 strains improved the sensory quality of the beverages. The second aspect discussed in this work is the diversity and effect of the inoculation of bacteria in fermentation of coffee by the wet process. Initially, a bacterial diversity was studied (Ouro amarelo, Mundo Novo and Catuaí Vermelho). Through identification techniques such as MALDI-TOF (Array Assisted Laser Desorption / Ionization - Time of Flight) and sequencing it was possible to identify 41 species of bacteria. In addition, some target compounds were quantified through HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and CG-MS (Gas Chromatography and a mass spectrometer). According to the results, Lactobacillus plantarum and Leuconostoc mesenteroides were found in all varieties. Citric acid was detected at high concentrations and as the main classes of volatiles found were acids, alcohols, aldehydes and hydrocarbons. The sensorial profile demonstrates the presence of sensations of acidity (Ouro amarelo and Catuaí vermelho), bitterness, chocolate and nuts (Novo mundo) and sweetness (Catuaí vermelho). And finally, some species tested for their fermentation capacity to be applied as a starter culture in coffee of the Catuaí vermelho, in wet fermentation process. Strains Pantoea dispersa CCMA 1203; Cellulosimicrobium cellulans 1186, L. mesenteroides CCMA 1105 and L. plantarum CCMA 1065 presented better results in relation to acid production and changes in volatile profile during fermentation. These strains are strongly selective to be as well as starter cultures in wet fermented coffee. However, it is concluded that the inoculation of microorganisms in coffee is a highly promising alternative, being dependent on the variety and type of processing to be applied.Item Aspectos microbiológicos, perfil químico e sensorial de cafés fermentados em biorreatores(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2020-03-04) Pereira, Thayanna Scopel; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Batista, Nádia NaraO café é uma das commodities mais negociadas em todo o mundo e apresenta grande importância econômica no Brasil, principal produtor e exportador mundial. No setor cafeeiro, a pós-colheita do café é relevante por conferir impactos significativos na qualidade química e sensorial da bebida. Nesta etapa, o processo de fermentação ocorre de forma espontânea, através dos microrganismos presentes no fruto e no ambiente. No entanto, devido à falta de controle e padronização da qualidade, novos métodos para a condução da fermentação são necessários para a modulação do perfil sensorial da bebida final. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a diversidade microbiana em diferentes fermentações utilizando a mesma metodologia, avaliar o perfil químico e sensorial de cafés fermentados em biorreatores, em diferentes regiões produtoras do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Duas cidades no Sul de Minas (Carmo de Minas e Três Pontas), uma em Matas de Minas (Lajinha) e outra no Cerrado (Monte Carmelo). Dois processos foram realizados, café natural e café descascado (CD). A população de bactérias e leveduras foram avaliadas por plaqueamento em superfície. Os compostos químicos foram analisados por Ressonância Magnética Nuclear (RMN de 1H). A análise sensorial foi conduzida pelo método TDS (Temporal Dominance of Sensations). Houve diferença significativa na contagem populacional entre os diferentes tempos e entre os processamentos. A região Sul de Minas apresentou contagens superiores durante a fermentação. As leveduras Hanseniaspora opuntiae, Torulaspora delbrueckii, Pichia kluyveri, foram detectadas apenas nas cidades de Carmo de Minas (CM), Três Pontas (TP) e Lajinha (LAJ), respectivamente. Em Monte Carmelo (MC), Saccharomyces cerevisiae foi detectada em maior abundância. As bactérias Zymomonas mobilis e Leuconostoc lactis foram detectadas somente em CM. Acinetobacter johnsonii, A. oryzae e Enterobacter cloacae foram detectadas apenas em TP. Enterobacter hormaechei foi detectada apenas em LAJ. Bacillus cereus em MC. A composição química e o perfil sensorial foram influenciados pela alteração da forma de fermentação. A RMN de 1H, juntamente com a análise de componentes principais (PCA), mostraram agrupamento entre os cafés fermentados em biorreatores e o controle. As curvas de TDS variaram de acordo com a região e com o tipo de processamento pós-colheita realizado. Dentre as cidades estudadas, no café natural em MC e no CD em LAJ, os atributos caramelo e chocolate foram dominantes e específicas, respectivamente. Os atributos caramelo e amadeirado foram detectados apenas em MC, no café natural e café descascado, respectivamente. A dominância do atributo frutado foi comum em LAJ no café natural e em CM e TP no café descascado. A condução da fermentação em batelada, em ambiente fechado, com limitação de oxigênio e anaerobiose induzida pela microbiota epifítica, afetou a microbiota e alterou a composição química e sensorial. A microbiota apresentou comportamento diferente nas distintas variedades. A diversidade em cada fazenda indicou uma microbiota específica para a região geográfica e influenciou os sabores. Os cafés fermentados em biorreatores apresentaram mais compostos químicos precursores de sabores e aromas, e foram correlacionados ao café verde, e mais atributos sensoriais foram percebidos em relação ao controle.Item Avaliação sensorial e química de café natural com inoculação e controle de secagem(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2022-07-28) Pereira, Vinicius Moribe; Borém, Flávio Meira; Andrade, Ednilton Tavares deO Brasil é o maior produtor de café arábica do mundo, e o mercado de cafés especiais também tem ganhado importância. Em média, esses cafés são comercializados com ágio de 27,1%. Para ser considerado especial. o café deve expressar um potencial elevado de aroma e sabor, além de uma qualidade intrínseca que é proveniente da interação entre genótipo, ambiente e processamento. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade de grãos de café natural com e sem inoculação de leveduras com tempos de fermentação diferentes e a cinética de secagem de dois métodos: secagem contínua e secagem intermitente. O método de secagem, após a fermentação, afeta a qualidade de bebida do café, visto que a qualidade do café fermentado e seco, via secagem intermitente, foi superior com o tempo efetivo de secagem inferior. A fermentação combinada com a secagem contínua intensifica atributos negativos da bebida do café. A fermentação mais prolongada contribuiu, para aumentar os conteúdos dos ácidos succínico e acético, na redução da concentração de açúcares e maior concentração de ácidos graxos linolênico, behemico, esteárico, araquidico e oleico. Para o café natural, nas secagens contínua e intermitente, os modelos matemáticos que melhor descrevem os dados experimentais de teor de água de equilíbrio foram os modelos de Dois Termos e Henderson & Pabis modificado.Item Improving the quality of kombucha cascara with different varieties and fermentation time in diverse arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L) cultivars(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-01-12) Rohaya, Syarifah; Multahadi; Sulaiman, IsmailOne of the innovations of cascara is the kombucha cascara which is made from the fermented coffee fruit skin, which is fermented with a kombucha starter or Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast (SCOBY). The cascara used in this study was cascara from the Timtim, Borbor, and Ateng super coffee varieties. This study aims to determine the effect of different varieties of arabica coffee and fermentation time on the quality of kombucha cascara. This study used a factorial randomized block design method consisting of two factors. The first factor is cascara from coffee varieties consisting of three levels (Timtim, Borbor, Ateng super). The second factor is the length of fermentation, consisting of three levels (4, 8, and 12 days). Parameters analyzed were antioxidant activity, total phenol, tannin content, pH, and total microbe. The results showed that cascara from coffee varieties significantly affected antioxidant activity, and pH. Fermentation time significantly affects antioxidant activity, total phenol, tannin content, pH, and total microbial. The best treatment was obtained in the cascara treatment of the Ateng super coffee variety and the fermentation time was 12 days with the following characteristics; antioxidant activity 45.74%, total phenol 132,59 mg/L, tannin content 0.46%, pH value 2.69, and total microbes 4.99x104 CFU/ml.Item Qualities of arabica and robusta cascara kombucha with different concentrations of starter(Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2022-12-29) Anjliany, Meysin; Syafutri, Merynda Indriyani; Widowati, Tri WardaniCoffee waste consisted of coffee peel (45%), mucilage (10%) and seed peel (5%). Generally, coffee peel is used in the manufacture of fertilizers. Coffee peel waste is a potential material that can be the producer of caffeine, polyphenol, bioethanol, antioxidantand antimicrobial. Coffee peel has many benefits including ward off free radicals, protect the stomach and give a firming effect on skin. This research aimed to create functional drink with high antioxidant activity by optimizing arabica and robusta coffee peel waste. This research used Completely Randomized Factorial Design with two treatment factors namely type of cascara (arabica and robusta) and starter concentration variation (5%, 10% and 15%). The treatment repeated three times. The parameters observed were total polyphenol, total titrated acid, total dissolved solid, pH and total mesophilic aerobic bacteria. The results showed that coffee peel type, starter concentration variation and the interaction between two factors had significant effects on total titrated acid and total dissolved solid cascara kombucha. Cascara kombucha with robusta coffee peel and starter concentration at 10% was chosen as the best treatment with total phenol 93.18 μg/ mL, TTA 0.82%, TDS 3.80°Brix, pH 4.21, and TMAB 7,7 log CFU/mL.Item Nutritional evaluation of silage with coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) cherry for ruminant supplementation(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2018) Aguirre-Fernández, Paola Andrea; Acosta-Pinto, Liria María; Cardozo-Corzo, Luz Dary; Rodríguez-Arenas, Sergio Andrés; Corredor-Sánchez, Guillermo ArturoThe aim of this study was to evaluate nutritionally coffee cherry (Coffea Arabica L.) silages with different additives: efficient microorganisms (EM) and kumis, to be used in ruminant supplementation. Micro silos were prepared according to treatments: a control treatment with coffee cherry and two experimental treatments with additives (cherry + EM and cherry + commercial kumis). Five fermentation times (1, 8, 16, 21 and 31 days) were evaluated for pH and temperature, and three fermentation times (1, 16 and 31 days) were evaluated for dry matter, protein and neutral detergent fiber; organoleptic indicator evaluation (smell, color and texture) was performed at day 31. A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement was used and linear effects, quadratic and cubic were tested over time using a regression analysis. The results did not show any statistical differences between treatments (P >.05) for pH (4.0), temperature values showed highly significant differences (P < .01), with an initial temperature of 25.3°C, which stabilized over time at 23.9°C. Dry matter did not show any differences (P >.05) among treatments, with similar content (20.6%). Regarding protein, significant differences were found (P < .05), being higher for the treatment with kumis (18.1 %) which shows that the additives addition, has a positive effect on the nutritional content. Organoleptic indicators were within the parameters estimated as acceptable for animal feeding.Item Physicochemical parameters of arabica fermented coffee in different altitudes(Editora UFLA, 2021) Pereira, Lucas Louzada; Guarçoni, Rogério Carvalho; Moreli, Aldemar Polonini; Pinheiro, Patrícia Fontes; Pinheiro, Carlos Alexandre; Moreira, Taís Rizzo; Siqueira, Evandro de Andrade; Caten, Carla Schwengber tenThe coffee quality interacts with different processes, techniques, analyses, and concepts. This study applied six different forms of wet fermentation to coffee from different altitude ranges to understand how coffee quality interacts with the physicochemical profile and its possible relations with sensory variables. Statistical analysis was performed through combined analyses of variance of the experiments, and the means were compared by the Tukey test considering the significance level of 5%. Regression models were tested by the F-test and the parameters by the t-test, followed by Pearson correlation analysis between the sensory and physicochemical characteristics and between physicochemical variables. The results indicate a correlation between sensory and physicochemical variables for total titratable acidity and indicate that these compounds are affected by the manner of fermentation applied as well as the edaphic and climatic conditions.Item Physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory characterization of fermented coffee pulp beverages(Editora UFLA, 2021) Cruz, Claudia Milena Amorocho; Cortés, Yenifer MuñozCoffee pulp is the first by-product generated from coffee processing, a contaminating residue due to its composition and production volume. So, this research presents the use of coffee pulp with honey and sugar cane juice to elaborate alcoholic beverage and infusion. The harvested coffee was washed, pulped; the pulp was distributed in 3 treatments, by duplicates, (T) coffee pulp and water, (M) coffee pulp, water and honey, (G) coffee pulp and sugar cane juice. Then, each treatment was brought to 85 °C for 15 minutes, warmed up and yeast was added to each container. Fermentation was carried out for 14 days at 15 °C. After the liquid was separated from the pulp, the liquid fraction was left to ferment another 14 days, it was clarified with bentonite, it was bottled and for 102 days mature, the degrees of alcohol was measured by simple distillation. The pulp was placed in an oven at 75 °C for 3 days, the chemical composition was analyzed by FTIR, it was packed in hermetic bags, the dry coffee pulp was used to prepare an infusion. For its use, a fermented drink and an infusion were elaborated, evaluating physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characteristics through three treatments. The fermented drinks presented values of alcohol degrees 7°- 6°. The treatment with honey obtained a greater acceptance followed by the treatment with sugar cane juice. The infusions were acceptable, differentiated by herbal notes, pleasant aromas, and sweet flavors. In the pulp, the following were characterized by FTIR chemical compounds and wavelengths that show their absorbencies; caffeine with ranges of 2920-2850 and 1620 cm-1, 3280 cm-1 H2O, 1740 cm-1 lipids, 1240 cm-1 chlorogenic acid, and 1015 cm-1 carbohydrates. Finally, the infusions with coffee pulp were accepted by the evaluators, especially those that went through the fermentation process with honey and sugar cane.