Biblioteca do Café

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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Organomineral fertilizer in coffee plant (Coffea arabica L.): Fertilizer levels and application times
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-09-01) Mota, Raquel Pinheiro da; Ferraz-Almeida, Risely; Camargo, Reginaldo de; Franco, Miguel Henrique Rosa; Delvaux, Julio Cesar; Lana, Regina Maria Quintão
    Coffee (Coffea arábica L.) is a fundamental agricultural commodity in the Brazilian economy, demanding a high amount of nutrients for good vegetative development and productivity. The tested hypothesis was that the use of the organomineral fertilizer promotes coffee production and development due to the greater availability of N, P, and K in the soil. The objective of this study was: (i) to monitor the use efficiency of the organomineral fertilizer rates; (ii) to determine the coffee production and development with the organomineral application. A study was developed with applications of four organomineral rates (75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% of the recommended P2O5 rate), three forms of parceling (one, two, and three applications of the organomineral fertilizer), and one control (100% mineral). Yield, soil, leaves, and plant development were monitored. Results showed that organomineral presented a win-win scenario with adequate disposal of residues and sources of nutrients in agriculture promoting the coffee yield from 49.5 (mineral fertilizers) to 53.5 sc ha-1 (100% of P2O5 in organomineral). The plant height, the diameter of the stem, and the canopy presented a quadratic response to organomineral rates with optimal rates fitted at 127; 140; and 140 %, respectively, but there was no direct effect on yield. The split organomineral applications promoted the contents of P and K in the soil, mainly when associated with higher organomineral rates. The K efficiency use was increased with organomineral application indicating the K was used with more efficiency.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Different nitrogen levels on vegetative growth and yield of conilon coffee (Coffea canephora)
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022-05-11) Busato, Camilo; Reis, Edvaldo Fialho dos; Oliveira, Marcos Góes; Garcia, Giovanni de Oliveira; Busato, Cristiani Campos Martins; Partelli, Fábio Luiz
    The determination of nitrogen in plants by techniques that allow a fast diagnosis, based on plant growth characteristics, can be a useful tool for the nutritional management of coffee plants. Thus, this study evaluated growth and yield characteristics of irrigated conilon coffee in response to different nitrogen levels, resulting in the determination of the minimum N levels required to achieve the maximum yield, here called critical levels. The experiment was carried out in Colatina, Espirito Santo, Brazil, on plantations of conilon coffee, clonal variety Emcapa 8111, genotype 02. Six nitrogen levels were applied (0, 110, 220, 440, 880 and 1320 kg N ha-1) and the response in growth and yield characteristics periodically evaluated. There was a positive effect of the increasing N levels on yield, in that the N levels that provided 95% of the maximum yield (137.4 bags ha-1 and 108.5 bags ha-1) in the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 growing seasons, respectively, were 420.7 and 543.1 kg N ha-1. There was also a positive effect of N levels on the growth characteristics and nitrogen contents, indicating their use as tools for a rapid nutritional diagnosis, with a view to optimizing the nitrogen management in Conilon coffee.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Absorción de nutrientes en Zantedeschia elliottiana variedad Cristal Blush y su relación con la producción de biomasa en condiciones de la zona cafetera de Colombia
    (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2010) Gómez, Susana; Correa, Carmen Rosa Bonilla; Flores, Juan Carlos Menjívar
    En un cultivo comercial del municipio de Pereira, Risaralda, se evaluó la extracción de nutrientes de Zantedeschia elliottiana variedad Cristal Blush y su relación con la acumulación de materia seca y la producción de tallos florales y bulbos durante el primer cicle de producción. Se utilizó un diseño bloques completos al azar con cuatro tratamientos correspondientes a diferentes niveles de fertilización y tres repeticiones. Se caracterizaron los cambios en la concentración de nutrientes en bulbos y parte aérea de la planta en cada etapa de desarrollo mediante muestreo destructivo de tejidos a 28, 49, 63, 77, 98 y 140 dias después de la siembra. Las concentraciones de N, Ca, Mg, y B en bulbo y las concentraciones foliares de N, Mg y Cu en la época de floración inciden directamente sobre el número de tallos comerciales, mientras que los contenidos a nivel foliar de Ca, Mg y S durante las semanas 7 a 10 inciden directamente sobre el porcentaje de tuberización. Para obtener una producción de 160 tallos comerciales/m2 y 21.7 t/ha de bulbos, es necesario aplicar (kg/ha): 248(N), 42(P), 305(K), 103(Ca), 21(Mg) y 33(S).