Biblioteca do Café

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Seasonal behavior of vegetation determined by sensor on an unmanned aerial vehicle
    (Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2021-04-09) Felix, Filipe C.; Avalos, Fabio A.P.; Lima, Wellington De; Cândido, Bernardo M.; Silva, Marx L.N.; Mincato, Ronaldo L.
    Geographic information systems make it possible to obtain fine scale maps for environmental monitoring from airborne sensors on aerial platforms, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which offer products with low costs and high space-time resolution. The present study assessed the performance of an UAV in the evaluation of the seasonal behavior of five vegetation coverages: Coffea spp., Eucalyptus spp., Pinus spp. and two forest remnants. For this, vegetation indices (Excess Green and Excess Red minus Green), meteorological data and moisture of surface soils were used. In addition, Sentinel-2 satellite images were used to validate these results. The highest correlations with soil moisture were found in coffee and Forest Remnant 1. The Coffea spp. had the indices with the highest correlation to the studied soil properties. However, the UAV images also provided relevant results for understanding the dynamics of forest remnants. The Excess Green index (p = 0.96) had the highest correlation coefficients for Coffea spp., while the Excess Red minus Green index was the best index for forest remnants (p = 0.75). The results confirmed that low-cost UAVs have the potential to be used as a support tool for phenological studies and can also validate satellite-derived data.
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    Nematological survey in coffee nursery in Espirito Santo state, Brazil
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2021) Scarpi, Maria Cecília Fonseca; Gonçalves, Ângelo Oliveira; Souza, Antônio Fernando de; Camara, Guilherme de Resende; Moraes, Willian Bucker; Alves, Fábio Ramos
    Despite the important role of coffee production in the economy of Espirito Santo, the second largest coffee producing state in Brazil, productivity is still below the Brazilian average. One of the factors that explain this low productivity is the presence of nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne. Contaminated seedlings are an important and efficient agent for disseminating nematodes. According to normative instruction no. 35 (IN 35), of 11/29/2012 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), the presence of Meloidogyne spp. in a single plant among a field-lot of seedlings condemns it, and the plants that compose that lot should be destroyed. In Espirito Santo, no evaluation has been carried out in nurseries covering the entire State for phytonematode detection. Therefore, the objective of this work was to carry out a nematological survey in nurseries to guide the nurserymen in relation to fulfilling IN 35 of MAPA, in addition to guiding them regarding the phytosanitary care during the production of their seedlings. The nurseries were evaluated in 19 municipalities located in both the north and the south of Espírito Santo. There were Meloidogyne spp. in evaluated samples.
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    Defense responses to Meloidogyne exigua in resistant coffee cultivar and non-host plant
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2013) Silva, Rodrigo V.; Oliveira, Rosângela D.L.; Ferreira, Patrícia S.; Ferreira, Aline O.; Rodrigues, Fabrício A.
    The resistance of coffee plants to Meloidogyne exigua is conferred by the gene Mex-1. However, the mechanisms of resistance still need to be clarified. Therefore, the penetration, development and reproduction of two populations of M. exigua (M1, isolated from the coffee plant and M2, from rubber tree) in susceptible (Coffea arabica ‘Catuai’) and resistant (C. canephora ‘Apoatã’) cultivars were studied. A greater quantity of J2 from M1 penetrated the susceptible cultivar, but there was no difference between the cultivars for M2. Although the resistant coffee cultivar formed some galls, the nematode did not reproduce. M2 did not induce the formation of galls or the production of eggs in either cultivars. Events related to hypersensitive reaction (HR) were observed as well as other defense responses of the coffee cultivar against M. exigua, which inhibited the formation of the feeding site, provoked emigration of the J2 and delayed or inhibited development and reproduction. The response of the non-host plant was more effective, because it did not allow development of the nematode or, consequently, its reproduction. It was concluded that the coffee cultivar’s resistance to M. exigua is not restricted to HR, but rather to a set of defense responses, both constitutive and induced, expressed after nematode penetration, especially phenolic-like compounds.
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    Characterization of Meloidogyne incognita populations from São Paulo and Minas Gerais state and their pathogenicity on coffee plants
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2011) Oliveira, Dagoberto S.; Oliveira, Rosângela D’Arc Lima; Silva, Débora G.; Silva, Rodrigo V.
    Meloidogyne incognita is one of the most aggressive and harmful plant-parasitic nematodes attacking coffee plantations in Brazil. However, populations from Minas Gerais state (MG) do not incite disease on coffee plants as strongly as populations from São Paulo state (SP). This study aimed to compare the capacity to incite disease on coffee plants from SP and MG-populations based on penetration and post-infective development of second-stage juveniles (J2) stage. Both populations were confirmed as M. incognita by using esterase phenotype I1 and species-specific PCR. Physiologically they were classified as race 2 by differential host test. Susceptible (C. Arabica ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44’) and resistant coffee seedlings (C. canephora ‘Apoatã IAC 2258’) were inoculated with J2 and assessed for penetration and development from 2nd to 40th day after inoculation. Although the penetration rate of the J2 from both populations was higher in susceptible than in resistant seedlings, the SP-population showed a higher penetration than the MG-population for both variables. Post-infective development proceeded only in individuals of the SP-population in susceptible seedlings. The incompatibility between the MG-population and coffee seedlings was evident at the penetration phase, which was also followed by post-penetration resistance factors leading to significant J2 emigration, impeding nematode establishment.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Escala diagramática para avaliação da severidade da mancha de Phoma do cafeeiro
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2009) Salgado, Mirian; Pozza, Edson A.; Lima, Luciana Maria de; Pereira, Ricardo T.G.; Pfenning, Ludwig H.
    Para avaliar a severidade da mancha de Phoma do cafeeiro (Phoma tarda) foi construída uma escala diagramática com oito níveis de severidade. A escala foi então validada por sete avaliadores. Quanto à precisão da escala, os valores de R2 variaram de 0,82 até 0,87 e de 0,85 até 0,94 sem e com o uso da escala, respectivamente. Os erros absolutos médios, severidade real menos a estimada, foram na maioria inferiores a 10%. A escala apresentou boa acurácia com valores estimados de severidade próximos dos valores de severidade real. A reprodutibilidade dos valores estimados por avaliadores foi satisfatória, com valores de R2 superiores a 0,75 em todos os casos. A escala construída e validada pode ser considerada uma boa ferramenta para avaliar a severidade da mancha de Phoma, uma das mais importantesdoenças do cafeeiro.
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    Adaptability and stability of Coffea canephora Pierre ex Froehner genotypes in the Western Amazon
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2020) Moraes, Marcos Santana; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros; Teixeira, Alexsandro Lara; Espindula, Marcelo Curitiba; Silva, Camila Andrade; Lunz, Aureny Maria Pereira
    The development of Coffea canephora cultivars is based on the characterization of genotype × environment interaction, which is interpreted to quantify the differential behavior of clones at different cultivation sites. The objective of this research was to study the genotype x environment interaction aiming to select clones of broad and specific adaptation to different environments of the Western Amazon. Twelve clones with hybrid characteristics of the botanical varieties Conilon and Robusta and four open pollinated clones, had their performance evaluated in comparison with four controls. The genotype × environment interaction was interpreted based on the environmental quality index, the nonparametric estimator of Lin and Binns, 1988 and on the dispersion of the centroid method. Effects of the genotypes, environment, and genotype × environment interaction were all significant (p<0.01). The environmental quality index (Ij) classified three environments as favorable for coffee production. In terms of the Lin and Binn’s estimator (Pi), hybrid genotypes 16, 10, 13, 09 and 14 presented lower Pi indices than others, and were classified as being more stable. Five clones of low adaptability, seven clones of specific adaptability to favorable or unfavorable environments and two clones of broad adaptability to all environments were identified interpreting the dispersion of the centroid method.
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    Interaction between mealybugs (Pseudococcidae) and coffee plants
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Santa-Cecília, Lenira Viana Costa; Silva, Kethullyn Henrique
    Mealybugs, Planococcus citri (Risso) and Planococcus minor (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) are able to colonize several plants, such as coffee (Coffea spp.), where may impair their production. Despite attacking many plants, frequent outbreaks are only found in certain plants. In this work, we tested the hypothesis that P. citri and P. minor show a better performance, i.e., greater longevity and higher reproductive rate, as well as higher survival in a given coffee species and it exists preference for volatiles of certain coffee species. We studied in the laboratory the food preference of these mealybugs through a free choice test and their development and reproduction in Coffea arabica L. cv. Mundo Novo-IAC–379-19 and Coffea canephora (Pierre & Froenher) cv. Conilon 213. The responsiveness of these insects to the volatiles emitted by these coffee plants was analyzed using an olfactometer. The data showed that mealybugs preferred Conilon coffee plants over the Mundo Novo and, despite completing their development in both of them, most of the biological evaluated parameters were affected by the host species. In the olfactometer assays, the volatiles emitted by the coffee plants cv. Mundo Novo and Conilon were equally attractive to these mealybugs. It is concluded that, although there is no discrimination of odors between coffee plants, Mundo Novo and Conilon, both species of mealybugs show food preference for Conilon, having their development and reproduction favored in these plants.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Seleção de linhagens de café arábica derivadas de Icatu IAC 925 x Sarchimor IAC 1669-33 resistentes à ferrugem alaranjada e com ciclos precoce e tardio
    (Embrapa Café, 2019-10) Pereira, Carlos T. M.; Carducci, Fernando C.; Pereira, Nathan A. N.; Bortolato, Kawana S.; Costa, Cíntia O.; Shigueoka, Luciana H.; Souza, Lorena S. N. de; Sera, Tumoru; Sera, Gustavo H.
    O objetivo desse estudo foi selecionar linhagens F7 com resistência a ferrugem e com ciclo mais precoce que IPR 100. O experimento em campo foi instalado, em outubro de 2016 no IAPAR em Londrina, PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em DBC com quatro repetições e oito plantas por parcela no espaçamento 2,75 x 0,55m. Foram avaliadas 17 linhagens F 7 de Icatu IAC 925 x Sarchimor IAC 1669-33, além de 3 cultivares (IPR 100, IPR 107 e Catuaí Vermelho IAC-99). IPR 107 foi o padrão de resistência à ferrugem, enquanto que IPR 100 e Catuaí foram os padrões de ciclo tardio e suscetível à ferrugem. Em março de 2019, foram avaliadas as variáveis: produtividade (sacas beneficiadas/ha), índice de desenvolvimento vegetativo (IDV), índice de nutrição foliar (INF), ciclo de maturação dos frutos (MAT) e resistência à doença ferrugem alaranjada (FA). Para IDV foi utilizada uma escala de notas de 1 a 10, sendo 1 para plantas raquíticas com troncos e ramos finos e baixa intensidade de ramificações plagiotrópicas e 10 para plantas grandes com troncos e ramos grossos e alta intensidade de ramificações plagiotrópicas. O INF foi avaliado por meio de uma escala de 1 a 10, onde 1 foram plantas com folhas amarelas e 10 para plantas com folhas verde escuras com aspecto brilhante. Para MAT foi utilizada uma escala de 1 a 5, onde 1 foram plantas com ciclo de maturação mais tardio e 5 para as mais precoces. Para FA foi utilizada uma escala de notas de 1 a 5, sendo 1 as plantas mais resistentes e 5 para as mais suscetíveis. Na análise estatística das variáveis, foi aplicado o teste de médias Scott-Knott a 5%. Para produtividade as 17 linhagens não diferiram estatisticamente das variedades comerciais, porém nas variáveis IDV e INF as 17 linhagens foram superiores e diferiram estatisticamente de IPR100, IPR 107 e Catuaí, indicando que provavelmente na próxima safra terão uma produtividade superior. Dessas 17 linhagens, 10 apresentaram resistência a ferrugem, não diferindo estatisticamente do padrão de resistência e 9 linhagens foram mais precoces que o IPR 100 e Catuaí. Foram selecionadas cinco linhagens mais precoces e resistentes à FA, além das quatro de ciclo tardio e resistentes à FA. Essas nove linhagens, apresentaram produtividade similar e maiores IDV e INF quando comparado às cultivares controles, e possuem uma grande chance de serem novas cultivares do tipo linha pura. A linhagem 10 é a que possui o maior potencial e apresentou resistência em homozigose.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Linhagens de café arábica derivadas da série BA com resistência à ferrugem alaranjada
    (Embrapa Café, 2019-10) Souza, Lorena Santos Naves de; Silva, Angelita Garbossi da; Shigueoka, Luciana Harumi; Carducci, Fernando Cesar; Pereira, Carlos Theodoro Motta; Bortolatto, Kawana Silva; Costa, Cintia Oliveira; Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi
    A doença ferrugem alaranjada (Hemileia vastatrix) é a principal doença do café. Cafeeiros arábicos da série BA possuem introgressão da espécie Coffea liberica e possuem características favoráveis como alta resistência à ferrugem devido à presença do gene S H 3, tolerância à seca e resistência ao nematoides. O IAPAR possui linhagens derivadas da série BA em diferentes gerações de autofecundação, as quais ainda não foram caracterizadas agronomicamente. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi selecionar linhagens derivadas da série BA com resistência a ferrugem e caracteres agronômicos desejáveis. O experimento em campo foi instalado em outubro de 2016 no IAPAR em Londrina, PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em DBC com três repetições e 10 plantas por parcela, no espaçamento 2,75 x 0,60m. Foram avaliadas 27 linhagens derivadas de cafeeiros BA-10 e BA-21. Essas linhagens estão em diferentes gerações de autofecundação e foram originadas do cruzamento de BA-10 e BA-21 com diferentes cultivares como Catuaí, Mundo Novo, Acaiá e Geisha. IPR 107 foi o padrão altamente resistente à ferrugem, enquanto que IPR 100 e Catuaí foram os padrões suscetíveis. As três cultivares foram utilizadas como padrões comparativos de produtividade e índices de desenvolvimento vegetativo (IDV) e de nutrição foliar (INF). Em março de 2019, foram avaliadas as variáveis: produtividade (sacas beneficiadas/ha), IDV, INF e resistência à ferrugem alaranjada (FA). Para IDV foi utilizada uma escala de notas de 1 a 10, sendo 1 para plantas raquíticas com troncos e ramos finos e baixa intensidade de ramificações plagiotrópicas e 10 para plantas grandes com troncos e ramos grossos e alta intensidade de ramificações plagiotrópicas. O INF foi avaliado por meio de uma escala de 1 a 10, onde 1 foram plantas com folhas amarelas e 10 para plantas com folhas verde escuras com aspecto brilhante. Para FA foi utilizada uma escala de notas de 1 a 5, sendo 1 as plantas mais resistentes e 5 para as mais suscetíveis. Na análise estatística das variáveis, foi aplicado o teste de médias Tukey a 5%. Das 27 linhagens, foram identificadas 24 altamente resistentes à ferrugem que não diferiram de IPR 107, além de diferirem dos controles suscetíveis, indicando que podem ter o gene S H 3 originado dos cafeeiros da série BA.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Bioprospecting endophytic bacteria for biological control of coffee leaf rust
    (Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2006-01) Shiomi, Humberto Franco; Silva, Harllen Sandro Alves; Melo, Itamar Soares de; Nunes, Flávia Vieira; Bettiol, Wagner
    Suppression of plant diseases due to the action of endophytic microorganisms has been demonstrated in several pathosystems. Experiments under controlled conditions involving endophytic bacteria isolated from leaves and branches of Coffea arabica L and Coffea robusta L were conducted with the objective of evaluating the inhibition of germination of Hemileia vastatrix Berk. & Br., race II, urediniospores and the control of coffee leaf rust development in tests with leaf discs, detached leaves, and on potted seedling of cv. Mundo Novo. The endophytic bacterial isolates tested proved to be effective in inhibiting urediniospore germination and/or rust development, with values above 50%, although the results obtained in urediniospore germination tests were inferior to the treatment with fungicide propiconazole. Endophytic isolates TG4-Ia, TF2-IIc, TF9-Ia, TG11-IIa, and TF7-IIa, demonstrated better coffee leaf rust control in leaf discs, detached leaves, and coffee plant tests. The endophytic isolates TG4-Ia and TF9-Ia were identified as Bacillus lentimorbus Dutky and Bacillus cereus Frank. & Frank., respectively. Some endophytic bacterial isolates were effective in controlling the coffee leaf rust, although some increased the severity of the disease. Even though a relatively small number of endophytic bacteria were tested, promising results were obtained regarding the efficiency of coffee leaf rust biocontrol. These selected agents appears to be an alternative for future replacement of chemical fungicide.