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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Use of different spray volumes and hydraulic nozzles in air-assisted electrostatic insecticide application technologies to control coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) populations
    (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2022-03-09) Zampiroli, Renan; Parenti, Matheus Vilhena; Alvarenga, Cleyton Batista de; Celoto, Fernando Juari; Cunha, João Paulo Arantes Rodrigues da; Rinaldi, Paula Cristina Natalino
    Chemical control is essential for efficient pest management in coffee crops. Application technologies should safely deliver insecticides to the target whilst protecting the environment, insecticide applicators, and consumers. To achieve these goals, application volumes, hydraulic nozzles, and application techniques should be evaluated. This study assessed the biological efficiency of different spray volumes and spray nozzles used to apply insecticides to control coffee berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) populations. We applied insecticides using a hydropneumatic sprayer with and without an electrostatic spraying system. The experiment followed a randomized block factorial design (2 × 2 + 1) and included two types of spray nozzles [a hollow cone spray nozzle (JA1) and a hollow cone spray nozzle with air induction (TVI)], two spray volumes (200 and 400 L ha-1), one additional treatment (SPE2 nozzle with a 200 system 200 L ha-1), and six replicates. We assessed the control efficiency of the different application methods by evaluating the percentage of fruits damaged 20 and 40 days after the date of application. The spray volume did not affect the biological efficiency of pest control, and the lower spray volume (200 L ha-1) was effective in the control of coffee berry borers. Application of insecticides using coarse droplets was more efficient than the application using very fine and fine droplets. The TVI hydraulic spray nozzle effectively controlled coffee berry borers at 200 and 400 L ha-1. The electrostatic application system performed similarly to the conventional system in terms of the control of the coffee berry borers, and was less efficient than the conventional system under some operational conditions.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Resistance and effect of insecticide-treated coffee berries of different varieties to the penetration of Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae)
    (Editora UFLA, 2021) Davi Júnior, Salmo de Melo; Soares, Walyson Silva; Celoto, Fernando Juari; Fernandes, Flávio Lemes; Oliveira, Mariana Martins Fernandes; Botrel, Gabriel Buso Borges
    The control of Hypothenemus hampei, coffee berry borer (CBB) is difficult as the insects infest inside coffee berries and are thus protected from agrochem icals. Coffee varieties with an increased penetration time by H. hampei can help control this pest tends to be exposed insecticide action for long time. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the time taken by H. hampei to entirely penetrate berries of different coffee varieties and whether insecticides have any influence on the penetration time. Thus, twenty five berries of 27 coffee varieties in the green phenological stage were introduced in rubber caps, with the berry crown exposed.. From this experiment, seven varieties were selected for another bioassay, with insecticides being sprayed on the berries. Copulated female H. hampei were released on the berry, and the penetration time was assessed. Finally, a free-choice test to verify H. hampei food preference was performed, using the same seven coffee varieties. The insects took longer to penetrate the Arara, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 144, and Guará coffee-variety berries. Moreover, all coffee varieties treated with the insecticide cyantraniliprole inhibited penetration by H. hampei. Most coffee varieties treated with insecticides showed a prolonged penetration time by H. hampei compared to the same untreated ones, except for the chlorpyrifos insecticide in the Catuaí IAC 144 and IAC 62 varieties. Additionally, H. hampei showed no feeding preference among the different tested coffee varieties.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Spray technology for deposition of droplets on coffee leaves and fruits
    (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2021) Zampiróli, Renan; Alvarenga, Cleyton Batista de; Parenti, Matheus Vilhena; Cunha, João Paulo Arantes Rodrigues da; Celoto, Fernando Juari; Rinaldi, Paula Cristina Natalino; Sasaki, Robson Shigueaki
    Para o sucesso do controle fitossanitário no cafeeiro, é importante uma correta deposição de calda ao longo do dossel. Contudo, a estrutura da planta dificulta essa distribuição. Objetivouse avaliar a deposição de um traçador em folhas e frutos, na cultura do café, em função da taxa de aplicação e do tipo de ponta de pulverização, bem como do emprego de um sistema de pulverização eletrostática. Utilizou-se pulverizador hidropneumático com pontas hidráulicas de jato cônico vazio, da série TVI (gotas grossas com indução de ar) e JA (gotas finas), em taxas de 200 e 400 L ha-1. Também foi avaliado um sistema eletrostático, com ponta SPE-2 e taxa de 200 L ha-1, instalado no mesmo pulverizador. Foram determinadas a deposição do traçador em folhas e frutos dos terços superior, médio e inferior das plantas, bem como as perdas para o solo na projeção da copa, mediante quantificação por espectrofotometria. Os resultados indicaram que a aplicação eletrostática proporciona maior deposição nas folhas do terço superior, em relação à aplicação hidropneumática, independentemente da taxa de aplicação. A ponta TVI produz maior deposição nos frutos do terço médio e maior perda para o solo, em relação à ponta JA. A taxa de aplicação de 400 L ha-1 promove maior deposição nos frutos do terço médio, em relação à de 200 L ha-1, mas também causa maior perda para o solo.