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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Stomatal behavior and components of the antioxidative system in coffee plants under water stress
    (Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2011-01) Deuner, Sidnei; Alves, José Donizeti; Zanandrea, Ilisandra; Goulart, Patrícia de Fátima Pereira; Silveira, Neidiquele Maria; Henrique, Paôla de Castro; Mesquita, Alessandro Carlos
    Coffee (Coffea arabica) plants show a positive relationship between stomatal closure and formation and accumulation of H2O2. However, for coffee plants under water restriction such relationship has never been studied. The objective of the present study was evaluate the stomatal movement and the antioxidant capacity of coffee seedlings under different water regimes. Eight months old coffee seedlings of cv. Catuaí IAC 99 were submitted to field capacity, gradual and total suspension of irrigation during a period of 21 days. Evaluations of leaf water potential (Ψ w) were performed in the beginning of the morning, and stomatal resistance, transpiration rate and vapor pressure deficit were determined at 10 am and 5 pm. All biochemical and enzymatic determinations were performed in leaves collected at 5 pm. Evaluations and samplings were performed at three days intervals. There was no variation in Ψ w during the evaluated period for plants in field capacity. However, an expressive decrease of Ψ w following day 12, reaching values near -2.5 MPa at the end of the experiment was observed for plants submitted to gradual suspension of irrigation. For plants submitted to total suspension of irrigation, Ψ w decreases after the sixth day, reaching -2.5 MPa at day 15. The decay of Ψ w in plants submitted to gradual and total suspension of irrigation reflected in increased stomatal resistance and in a decreased transpiration rate leading to an increase in hydrogen peroxide formation and, on final stages, increase in lipid peroxidation. As a conclusion, an increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes as well as in the levels of ascorbate and dehydroascorbate was observed, which act in the detoxification of free radicals formed as result of the water stress.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Aspectos fisiológicos do desenvolvimento de mudas de café cultivadas sob telas de diferentes colorações
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2011-05) Henrique, Paôla de Castro; Alves, José Donizeti; Deuner, Sidnei; Goulart, Patrícia de Fátima Pereira; Livramento, Dárlan Einstein do
    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar aspectos fisiológicos do desenvolvimento de mudas de café, cultivadas sob telas com diferentes características espectrais. Mudas de Catucaí Amarelo 2SL, no estádio "orelha de onça", foram dispostas em blocos ao acaso, com cinco repetições, sob estruturas cobertas individualmente com telas nas cores azul, branca, cinza, preta e vermelha, com sombreamento de 50%. Quatro meses depois, foram avaliados: o crescimento das mudas, os teores de pigmentos nas folhas, e os de açúcares solúveis totais e o amido das folhas e raízes. A tela vermelha foi a mais eficiente em promover o crescimento em quatro das sete características estudadas: altura das plantas, área e massa de matéria seca foliar e massa de matéria seca total. Para as demais características, não houve diferença entre as telas. A análise dos pigmentos mostrou que, à exceção da tela cinza, as demais não diferiram entre si quanto a esta característica. Nas folhas, a tela vermelha proporcionou maior teor de açúcar e de amido. Na raiz, os teores de carboidratos foram mais elevados com as telas vermelha e preta. Entre as cinco colorações de tela, a vermelha foi a mais eficiente na produção de mudas de café com maior vigor e qualidade, em que se destacam os teores de carboidrato e a fitomassa.