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    Galactinol synthase transcriptional profile in two genotypes of Coffea canephora with contrasting tolerance to drought
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2015) Santos, Tiago Benedito Dos; Lima, Rogério Barbosa de; Nagashima, Getúlio Takashi; Petkowicz, Carmen Lucia de Oliveira; Carpentieri-Pípolo, Valéria; Pereira, Luiz Filipe Protasio; Domingues, Douglas Silva; Vieira, Luiz Gonzaga Esteves
    Increased synthesis of galactinol and raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs) has been reported in vegetative tissues in response to a range of abiotic stresses. In this work, we evaluated the transcriptional profile of a Coffea canephora galactinol synthase gene (CcGolS1) in two clones that differed in tolerance to water deficit in order to assess the contribution of this gene to drought tolerance. The expression of CcGolS1 in leaves was differentially regulated by water deficit, depending on the intensity of stress and the genotype. In clone 109A (drought-susceptible), the abundance of CcGolS1 transcripts decreased upon exposure to drought, reaching minimum values during recovery from severe water deficit and stress. In contrast, CcGolS1 gene expression in clone 14 (drought-tolerant) was stimulated by water deficit. Changes in galactinol and RFO content did not correlate with variation in the steady-state transcript level. However, the magnitude of increase in RFO accumulation was higher in the tolerant cultivar, mainly under severe water deficit. The finding that the drought-tolerant coffee clone showed enhanced accumulation of CcGolS1 transcripts and RFOs under water deficit suggests the possibility of using this gene to improve drought tolerance in this important crop.
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    Genome-wide identification, classification and transcriptional analysis of nitrate and ammonium transporters in Coffea
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Genética, 2017) Santos, Tiago Benedito dos; Lima, Joni Esrom; Felicio, Mariane Silva; Soares, João Danillo Moura; Domingues, Douglas Silva
    Nitrogen (N) is quantitatively the main nutrient required by coffee plants, with acquisition mainly by the roots and mostly exported to coffee beans. Nitrate (NO3 –) and ammonium (NH4 +) are the most important inorganic sources for N uptake. Several N transporters encoded by different gene families mediate the uptake of these compounds. They have an important role in source preference for N uptake in the root system. In this study, we performed a genome-wide analysis, including in silico expression and phylogenetic analyses of AMT1, AMT2, NRT1/PTR, and NRT2 transporters in the recently sequenced Coffea canephora genome. We analyzed the expression of six selected transporters in Coffea arabica roots submitted to N deficiency. N source preference was also analyzed in C. arabica using isotopes. C. canephora N transporters follow the patterns observed for most eudicots, where each member of theAMT andNRT families has a particular role in N mobilization, and where some of these are modulated by N deficiency. Despite the prevalence of putative nitrate transporters in the Coffea genome, ammonium was the preferential inorganic N source for N-starved C. arabica roots. This data provides an important basis for fundamental and applied studies to depict molecular mechanisms involved in N uptake in coffee trees.
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    Diversidade nucleotídica de genes envolvidos na biossíntese de ácidos clorogênicos de cafeeiros
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Ivamoto, Suzana Tiemi; Pot, David; Lannes, Sergio Dias; Domingues, Douglas Silva; Vieira, Luiz Gonzaga Esteves; Pereira, Luiz Filipe Protasio
    Os ácidos clorogênicos (CGAs) são compostos químicos importantes de Coffea spp. para a qualidade da bebida, pois eles interferem na adstringência e podem alterar o aroma e sabor da bebida. Aproximadamente 310.000 ESTs de Coffea estão disponíveis e possibilitam o acesso à variabilidade nucleotídica da planta e o desenvolvimento de marcadores moleculares ligados à qualidade da bebida para as principais enzimas da via de biossíntese dos CGAs: PAL, C4H, 4CL, CQT e C3’H. Neste trabalho foram detectados polimorfismos dos tipos SNP, INDEL ou SSR dentro das sequências nucleotídidicas disponíveis no Protejo Genoma Café e no NCBI. As sequências de ESTs de CGAs foram clusterizadas pelo programa Codon Code Aligner, assim como a detecção de polimorfismos e validação dos mesmos (qualidade de cromatograma). Foram identificadas seis isoformas para PAL, uma para C4H, seis para 4CL, duas para CQT e duas para C3’H. Os contigs formados apresentaram um total de 248 polimorfismos (236 SNPs e 12 INDELs), sendo 201 na região codante (127 não sinônimos e 74 sinônimos). A frequência dos polimorfismos foi maior nas regiões UTRs (1pol/54pb), em relação à codante (1pol/81pb). A análise das sequências de C. arabica permitiu a identificação de 2 subgrupos diferentes de sequências, referentes aos seus genomas ancestrais (C. canephora e C. eugenioides). Foi observada a presença de 67,4% dos polimorfismos entre os grupos ancestrais e 32,6% dentro dos grupos em C. arabica. Esses resultados vêm permitindo definir genes tanto para estudos de expressão de homeólogos de CGAs como para o desenvolvimento de marcadores moleculares para o mapeamento genético.
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    Nucleotide diversity of genes related to chlorogenic acid biosynthesis of coffea
    (Editora UFLA, 2013-04) Ivamoto, Suzana Tiemi; Pot, David; Lannes, Sergio Dias; Domingues, Douglas Silva; Vieira, Luiz Gonzaga Esteves; Pereira, Luiz Filipe Protasio
    Chlorogenic acids (CGAs) are important chemical compounds of Coffea spp. related to beverage quality as they affect its astringency and can change its aroma and flavor. About 310,000 Coffea Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) are available and provide access to the nucleotide variability of the plant and to the development of molecular markers linked to beverage quality for the main enzymes involved in biosynthesis of the CGAs: PAL, C4H, 4CL, CQT and C3’H. In this study we identified SNP, INDELS and SSR polymorphisms within the nucleotide sequences available from the Brazilian Coffee Genome database and from the NCBI. The EST sequences for CGAs were trimmed and clustered by the program Codon Code Aligner, and polymorphisms and their validation detected (chromatogram quality). We identified six isoforms for PAL, one for C4H, six for 4CL, two for CQT and two for C3’H. The contigs formed exhibited a total of 248 polymorphisms (236 SNPs and 12 INDELs), with 201 in the coding region (127 non-synonymous and 74 synonymous). The frequency of polymorphisms was greater in the UTR regions (1pol/54pb) in relation to the coding region (1pol/81pb). The analysis of C. arabica sequences allowed identification of two different subgroups of sequences, related to their ancestral genomes (C. canephora and C. eugenioides). The presence of 67,4% of the polymorphisms between the ancestral groups and 32,6% within the groups were observed em C. arabica . The characterization of nucleotide diversity on those genes is essential for further studies on differential expression of their homeologs, as well as the use of CGAs as molecular markers related to genetic mapping.