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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sombreamento dos cafezais V: resultados de mais dois bienios: 1967/1968 - 1970/1971
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1971-10-18) Graner, E. A.; Godoy Júnior, C.
    Os dados obtidos durante os anos de 1967 a 1971 (2 biênios: 1967/1968 e 1670/1971) no cafèzal da E.S.A. "Luiz de Queiroz", parte sombreada e parte a pleno sol, foram estudados no presente trabalho, complementando aqueles de sete biênios já descritos em trabalhos anteriores. Os resultados obtidos, analisados estatisticamente em relação à produção, porcentagem de broca, porcentagem de frutos verdes, de maduros e de sêcos, rendimento de café da roça, relação café beneficiado/café coco e peneira média, permitiram as conclusões seguintes, principalmente em relação aos biênios estudados: a. o lote sombreado, em relação a um dos lotes não sombreado, apresentou diferenças significativas quanto à produção, em favor para o sombreado; isso se deve provavelmente ao fato de as plantas de sombra estarem agora em decadência com muitas árvores mortas, favorecendo o lote sombreado pela luz e pela matéria orgânica acumulada; b. a porcentagem de broca continuou a ser, em geral, sempre maior nos lotes sombreados; c. as porcentagens de frutos verdes, de maduros e de sêcos dependem, em geral, do ano e da época da colheita
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Estudos sobre a alimentação mineral do cafeeiro: XIX. extração de micronutrientes na colheita pelas variedades "Mundo novo", "Caturra Amarelo" e "Bourbon Amarelo"
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1966) Sarruge, J. R.; Andrade, R. G.; Gomes, L.; Arzolla, S.; Graner, E. A.; Malavolta, E.
    Foi determinado o teor de micronutrientes na casca (polpa) e no grão de café "cereja" das variedades "Caturra Amarelo", "Bourbon Amarelo" e "Mundo Novo" colhidos em plantas cultivadas em três tipos de solos - terra roxa legítima, massapé-salmourão e arenito de Bauru. A análise revelou que as três variedades possuem a mesma composição mineral com respeito aos elementos determinados. O tipo de solo - ou o local - influiu na composição das amostras. Em um saco de café em coco existem quantidades aproximadamente iguais dos elementos na casca e no grão.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Estudos sobre a alimentação mineral do cafeeiro: XII. efeito da adubação na composição mineral das fôlhas
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1964) Malavolta, E.; Graner, E. A.; Haag, H. P.; Sarruge, J. R.
    Leaf samples from coffee plants under three different fertilizations, namely NPK, NP and PK, were collected for chemical analysis. It was found that the contents of N, K, Ca, Mg and S in the first, second, third and fourth pair of leaves were the same from the statistical point of view. On the onder hand, there was a significant effect of the position of the leaf in the branch on the P content, which was higher in the first pair. With the exception of the P level ,the four pairs of leaves are chemically uniform. Nevertheless it is not considered as convenient to mix all kinds of leaves into one sample, since the composition may vary a great deal when sampling is done some other time, such as the period of fruit growing. It is recommended therefore that either the third or the fourth pair leaves should be collected for routine work in foliar diagnosis.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sombreamento dos cafezais: III - Resultados do 5º biênio (1961/1962)
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1962-08-22) Graner, E. A.; Godoy Junior, C.
    This paper deals with data obtained in 1961 and 1962 in shaded and unshaded coffee plots at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results can be summarized as follows: a - the production, in shaded and unshaded plots, did not show differences statistically significant; b - the percentage of coffee berry borer infestation was higher in shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; c - coffee fruits brought from the field in the harvest time yielding up in sunshaded plots as compared with shaded ones.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sombreamento dos cafèzais II: resultados do 4.° biênio (1959/1960)
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1961-03-04) Godoy Junior, C.; Graner, E. A.
    This paper deals with data obtained in 1959 and 1960 in shaded and unshaded coffee plots at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results can be summarized as follows: a) the production, in shaded and unshaded plots, did not show differences statisticaly significant; b) the percentage of coffee berry borer infestation was higher in shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; c) the percentage of green, ripened and dry fruits depends of the year and of the harvest time. In the same harvest time, both for shaded and for unshaded plots the percentages in the shaded plots were higher for green fruits and lesser for ripened and dry fruits; d) coffee fruits brought from the field in the harvest time yielding up in unshaded plots as compared with shaded ones; e) the relation grains/dry fruits was better in shaded plots.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Adubação e irrigação de café: adubação combinada com irrigação no primeiro ano da instalação das covas
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1961-03-04) Graner, E. A.; Godoy Junior, C.; Godoy, O. Pereira
    This paper deals with different types of fertilizer applications in coffee hill in the moment of transfering the plants to the field. During the first year, irrigation was applied in the dry season. After one year, the following characters were analised: plant height; plant diameter; number of productive branches; lenght and number of nodes in the first branch of the plant. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: the irrigation employed did not affect the treatments and mineral fertilizers combined with organic fertilizer were better than the others treatments used for comparisons.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sombreamento dos cafèzais I.: resultados de três ciclos bienais (1953/1958) obtidos na escola "Luiz de Queiroz"
    (Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura, 1959) Graner, E. A.; Godoy Junior, C.
    The present paper discusses the data obtained in shade and unshaded coffee plots at Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil. The results, analysed statistically, can be summarized as follows: a) unshaded plots produced 17% more than shaded ones; b) the percentage of coffee berry borer infestation was higher in shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; c) the percentage of green (not ripened fruits) depends of the harvest time. When the harvest was retarded, the percentage of green fruits was higher in the shaded plots. When the percentage of green fruits was the same, both in shaded and unshaded plots, the percentage of ripened was higher and the percentage of dried fruits was lesser in the shaded plots as compared with unshaded ones; d) other comparisons as production of dried grains by the field fruits, relation between dried fruits and dried grains and cup-test by expert coffee-taster, did not show differences among shaded and unshaded plots.