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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Physical and sensorial quality of arabica coffee cultivars submitted to two types of post-harvesting processing
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-04-17) Alixandre, Ricardo Dias; Alixandre, Fabiano Tristão; Lima, Paula Aparecida Muniz de; Fornazier, Maurício José; Krohling, Cesar Abel; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do; Guarçoni, Rogério Carvalho; Dias, Rodrigo da Silva; Venturini, Cassio de Faria; Macette, Higor Alixandre; Zandonadi, Cecília Uliana; Viçosi, David Brunelli
    The growing demand for better quality coffees has driven changes in the coffee production chain, mainly through the adoption of new technologies and management. Thus, this work was carried out aiming to evaluate the physical and sensorial quality of Arabica coffee cultivars, submitted to natural and pulped post-harvesting processing. The experiment was carried out following a randomized block design with three replications, in a split-plot scheme, with the plots consisting of five cultivars (Catucaí 2 SL, Catucaí 24/137, Catuaí IAC 44, Arara and Acauã); and the subplots by two processes, pulped and natural cherry. The harvest was carried out manually, harvesting the cherry fruits (ripe) in a sieve. The coffees were processed by the natural and pulped cherry methods. Drying was carried out on a covered suspended terrace, until the grains reached 11% ± 1 moisture (wet basis, bu). The following evaluations were carried out: sensorial analysis of the beverage according to the SCAA methodology, analysis of grain sieves according to the Official Brazilian Coffee Classification Protocol. The results show that all evaluated cultivars have a great potential for the production of specialty coffees in that studied environment. Differences were observed between cultivars both in the sensory quality of the beverage and in the grain size. Cultivar Arara presents a general average of final beverage grade higher than the other cultivars.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sensory analysis and mid-infrared spectroscopy for discriminating roasted specialty coffees
    (Editora UFLA, 2021) Debona, Danieli Grancieri; Oliveira, Emanuele Catarina da Silva; Caten, Carla Schwengber ten; Guarçoni, Rogério Carvalho; Moreira, Taís Rizzo; Pereira, Lucas Louzada; Moreli, Aldemar Polonini
    In general, the process of roasting coffee uses a rotated fix drum or fluidized bed. Theoretically, the fluidized bed can provide more homogenous roastings throughout the process. Thus, in this study, we analyzed the sensorial and chemical attributes for two different coffees submitted to three roasting profiles using fluidized bed roaster. The coffees were roasted for a high temperature for a short time (HTST), medium temperature for a medium time (MTMT), and low temperature for a long time (LTLT). Sensory analysis was performed on the roasted coffees according to the SCA methodology and chemical analy sis through mid-infrared spectroscopy. The results of sensory analysis indicated a preference for MTMT roasting for coffee grown at high altitude and HTST roasting for coffee grown at low altitude. Chemically, coffees show that LTLT and MTMT roasts are most distant from each other in their chemical com position when roasting low altitude coffee, whereas the HTST and MTMT roasts are the most distant from each other when roasting high altitude coffee.