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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Brown eye spot incidence during the vegetative stage of coffee grown in soil under sustainable management
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-08-29) Resende, Laís Sousa; Pozza, Edson Ampélio; Luz, André Luís Faustino; Souza, Paulo Estevão de; Vilela, Marina Scalioni; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Guimarães, Rubens José
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different soil coverings, fertilizer types, and soil conditioners on the incidence and severity of brown eye spot (Cercospora coffeicola) in coffee (Coffea arabica) during the vegetative stage. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design, in a 3×2×5 factorial arrangement (soil coverings × fertilizer types × soil conditioners) in subdivided plots, with three replicates. Comparisons were made among: three soil covering (plastic film, Urochloa decumbens, and no covering) in the plots; two fertililizer types (conventional and controlled release) in the sub-plots; and four soil conditioners (coffee husk, agricultural gypsum, water retention polymer, and organic compound), as well as the control, in the sub-sub-plots. The area under the progress curve for disease incidence and severity showed the lowest mean without soil covering, whereas that for number of leaves was greater with the use of the controlled-release fertilizer. The plastic film provided a greater soil moisture and a lower soil resistance penetration. The chemical composition of the organic compound reduced coffee plants growth. Soil covering with plastic film or U. decumbens favors the high incidence of brown eye spot; however, it provides a greater soil moisture and, therefore, improves the growth of coffee plants in the vegetative stage.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Coffee genotypes morphophysiological adaptation under coffee leaf rust biotic stress
    (Editora UFLA, 2021) Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Azevedo, Harianna Paula Alves de; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Guimarães, Rubens José
    The identification of morphophysiological traits responsible for a better plant behavior when infected is useful for cultivar selection, and become crucial for breeding. We investigated the morphophysiological behavior of coffee genotypes before and after inoculation with the pathogen Hemileia vastatrix, causal agent of coffee rust. With multivariate techniques we identified the characteristics that most contribute to total genetic divergence of the geno types. Ten genotypes of Coffea arabica from the Germplasm Bank of Coffee from Minas Gerais were sown in a nursery and then take to a greenhouse with controlled temperature and humidity. After one month of acclimatization, the artificial inoculation with the fungus H. vastatrix was carried out. The anatomical and physiological evaluations were performed 1 day before inoculation and 160 days after inoculation. When the first symptom emerged, plants were evaluated according to a descriptive scale for coffee rust. We observed significant differences in rust severity and ostiole opening between genotypes. Different groups were formed by the K-means method, based on morphophysiological characteristics. This shows that genetic variability exists between the coffee genotypes evaluated before and after inoculation with the pathogen. The most important characteristics that contributed to the total genetic divergence were xylem vessel diameter and stomatal conductance. In conclusion, inoculation with H. vastatrix caused a change in coffee geno types based on morphophysiological characteristics.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Phytotoxicity and leaf anatomy of young coffee plants subjected to herbicides exclusively and in associations
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Rodrigues, Rafael Jorge Almeida; Gonçalves, Adenilson Henrique; Menicucci Netto, Pedro; Carneiro, Arthur Henrique Cruvinel; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Guimarães, Rubens José; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues
    The lack of work force and the damage that weeds can cause to coffee plants are the causes of the growing demand for selective herbicides to be used in coffee farming. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the phytotoxicity symptoms and leaf anatomical characteristics of young coffee plants submitted to application isolated herbicides and also in associations. An experiment was carried out in a protected environment in randomized blocks: four replicates with coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.) cultivar “Topázio MG-1190”, grown in pots with a capacity of 11 liters of substrate. The herbicides applied, in isolation, were: pyrazosulfuron-ethyl (0.015 kg ha-1), saflufenacil (0.049 kg ha-1), imazetaphyr (0.1 kg ha-1), iodosulfuron-methyl (0.0035 kg ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl (0.015 kg ha-1) and sethoxydim (0.184 kg ha-1). The latter was used in associations with the others. In addition, a control without herbicides was used. Phytotoxicity symptoms were evaluated up to 49 days after application (DAA) and anatomical characteristics at 65 DAA. Saflufenacil exclusively and inassociation with sethoxydim caused visual phytotoxicity symptoms in the leaves and negatively influence in the characteristics of the epidermis thickness of the adaxial face (EAD), thickness of the palisade parenchyma (PAP), thickness of the spongy parenchyma (SPP) and thickness of the mesophyll (MES). The other herbicides, isolated or in associations, didn’t cause phytotoxicity symptoms, but had negative influence in the anatomical parameters of the leaf blade. However they did not interfere with the paradermic parameters and the vascular bundle.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Soil chemical attributes in coffee growing with different agronomic techniques
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Voltolini, Giovani Belutti; Silva, Larissa Cocato da; Alecrim, Ademilson de Oliveira; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Resende, Laís Sousa; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Guimarães, Rubens José
    The objective was to evaluate the chemical attributes in a coffee growing area, according to different agronomic techniques used and their associations. The experiment was conducted in the field, from January 2016 to October 2018. Coffee was planted in January 2016, with Mundo Novo IAC 379-19 coffee seedlings, with a spacing of 3.6 m between rows and 0.75 m between plants in the planting row. The factors under study were arranged in a 3x2x5 factorial scheme, making a total of 30 treatments. In the plots, three soil managements were randomized (soil cover with polyethylene film, soil cover with brachiaria-grass and conventional management of spontaneous vegetation). In the subplots, two types of fertilizers (conventional and increased-efficiency fertilizer). In the sub-subplots, four soil conditioners (coffee husk, phosphogypsum, water retention polymer, organic compost), and the control without conditioner. Aimed to evaluate soil chemical attributes in coffee growing with different agronomic techniques through the evaluation of: soil pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminum saturation (m) and base saturation (V%). The use of fertilizers combined with the application of organic compost or coffee husk, provide increased soil pH, as well as the use of ecological management of brachiaria-grass. The use of organic compost as a soil conditioner increases phosphorus availability in the soil. Coffee husk, as a soil conditioner, is an efficient potassium source for the coffee crop. The use of organic compost and phosphogypsum increases the calcium and magnesium contents in the soil. The use of organic compost and coffee husk was efficient in increasing the base saturation grown with coffee. The use of organic compost, coffee husk and phosphogypsum reduced aluminum saturation in the soil. Treatments associated with the use of organic compost improve calcium, phosphorus and magnesium levels, increase pH and base saturation, besides decreasing aluminum saturation.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Selectivity of the herbicide chlorimuron ethyl on young coffee plants
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-10) Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Voltolini, Giovani Belutti; Alecrim, Ademilson de Oliveira; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Menicucci Netto, Pedro; Silva, Larissa Cocato da; Guimarães, Rubens José
    The great interference of weeds in coffee plants, due to competition for water, light and nutrients, makes their control essential. Among these control methods, the chemical stands out, due to its high efficiency and low cost. However, as a function of application failures, phytotoxicity is frequent in coffee plants due to herbicide drift. Aiming to search for active ingredients selective to coffee, the objective of this study was to evaluate the selectivity of the active ingredient Chlorimuron ethyl in coffee seedlings, and its effects on plant morphology, anatomy and physiology. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with ‘Topázio MG 1190’ coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.), grown in 11-L pots. The statistical design was in randomized blocks, with four replicates and four herbicide doses. Each plot consisted of three plants. The treatments were: 0%; 50%; 100% and 200% of the recommended commercial dose of the herbicide Chlorimuron ethyl. Evaluations were performed at 120 days after treatment application. Morphological, physiological and anatomical characteristics were evaluated, besides possible phytotoxicity symptoms inherent to herbicide application. The herbicide Chlorimuron ethyl caused phytotoxicity symptoms in coffee seedlings, evidenced from the leaflet dose, through leaf deformation and cracking, with growth losses not exceeding 10%, but without damage to plant physiology and anatomy.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Phytotoxicity and growth of coffee plants as a function of the application of herbicide 2,4-D
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-10) Voltolini, Giovani Belutti; Castanheira, Dalyse Toledo; Silva, Larissa Cocato da; Alecrim, Ademilson de Oliveira; Rezende, Tiago Teruel; Barbosa, João Paulo Rodrigues Alves Delfino; Guimarães, Rubens José
    Weed control in coffee is of great importance for there is a great interference, standing out the competition for water, light and nutrients. Among the control methods, chemical control is highlighted as a function of its efficiency. However, the incorrect application of herbicides may imply the occurrence of drift, resulting in damage to coffee development due to phytotoxicity. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the symptoms and phytotoxicity effects caused by the herbicide 2,4-D drift on the morphological, physiological and anatomical characteristics of coffee seedlings. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with ‘Topázio MG1190’ coffee seedlings (Coffea arabica L.), planted in 11-L pots. A randomized block design with four treatments and four replicates was used. The treatments were: 0%; 10%; 25% and 50% of the recommended commercial dose of 2,4-D (2.5 L.ha-1). Each plot consisted of three plants. The evaluations were performed at 74 days after implantation. Morphological, physiological, anatomical and phytotoxicity symptoms were evaluated as a function of the simulated herbicide drift. Coffee seedlings intoxicated by the herbicide 2,4-D presented hyponastic, chlorosis, shriveling and leaf anomalies. In the orthotropic branch, bending was observed in its extension, besides thickening in the collar region; in the plagiotropic branch, cracking was observed. Herbicide drift negatively affects the development of coffee plants. The coffee physiology was affected as a function of herbicide drift, but without damage to the leaf anatomy.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Crescimento vegetativo e produção de cafeeiros (Coffea arabica L.) recepados em duas épocas, conduzidos em espaçamentos crescentes
    (Editora UFLA, 2007-05) Pereira, Sérgio Parreiras; Guimarães, Rubens José; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira; Guimarães, Paulo Tácito Gontijo; Alves, José Donizeti
    O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Experimental da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais EPAMIG em Machado, Sul de Minas Gerais, em 1992, com o objetivo de avaliar as conseqüências da redução dos espaçamentos entre as linhas e entre as plantas na linha de plantio sobre a produção e a fenologia do cafeeiro(Coffea arabica L.). O delineamento experimental foi o blocos casualizados DBC, em um arranjo fatorial 4 x 3 com parcela subdividida, sendo quatro distâncias entre as linhas (2,0; 2,5; 3,0 e 3,5 m) e três distâncias entre as plantas na linha de plantio (0,5; 0,75; 1,0 m), e duas épocas de poda (uma precoce feita logo após a colheita em de julho 2002 e a outra tardia em de janeiro de 2003), totalizando 24 tratamentos com três repetições. Em julho de 2002 e em janeiro de 2003 foi realizada a poda tipo recepa , na qual foram conduzidas duas brotações por planta. Em agosto de 2004, avaliou-se o crescimento dos componentes vegetativos e a produção das parcelas. Os espaçamentos adotados não influenciaram o crescimento de nenhum dos componentes vegetativos das brotações no período avaliado. Todas as características vegetativas foram influenciadas positivamente pela adoção da poda precoce, assim como a produtividade da primeira colheita realizada após a poda, que foi também influenciada positivamente pela adoção de espaçamentos mais adensados. Os cafeeiros que foram submetidos à poda tardia não produziram, em julho de 2004, como aqueles podados precocemente.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sistemas de produção de feijão intercalado com cafeeiro adensado recém-plantado
    (Editora UFLA, 2007-01) Carvalho, Abner José de; Andrade, Messias José Bastos de; Guimarães, Rubens José
    Visando estudar o efeito do número de linhas e do nível de adubação do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) no desempenho agronômico do consórcio do cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) com o feijoeiro, foi conduzido um experimento de campo na Universidade Federal de Lavras, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico típico. O delineamento experimental foi blocos ao acaso com três repetições e esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 1, envolvendo quatro números de linhas intercalares de feijoeiro (uma, três, quatro e seis linhas por entrelinha de café) e quatro doses de adubação da leguminosa (0, 50, 100 e 150% da adubação recomendada para o monocultivo, que constou de 20 kg ha -1 de N, 40 kg ha -1 de P 2 O 5 e 20 kg ha -1 de K 2 O no plantio mais 30 kg ha -1 de N em cobertura), mais um tratamento adicional (o monocultivo do cafeeiro ou do feijoeiro). O experimento foi conduzido em lavoura comercial da cv. Catucaí recém-plantada e a cv. de feijoeiro foi a BRS-MG-Talismã. No feijoeiro foram avaliados os estandes inicial e final, a altura de plantas e o rendimento de grãos com seus componentes primários (número de vagens por planta, número de grãos por vagem e massa média de 100 grãos). No cafeeiro as características avaliadas foram à emissão de pares de folhas e o incremento na altura de plantas e no diâmetro do caule, verificados entre a semeadura e a colheita do feijoeiro, além da mortalidade dos cafeeiros. Os resultados permitem concluir que o aumento do número de linhas intercalares de feijoeiro eleva o rendimento de grãos da leguminosa, mas reduz o incremento do diâmetro do caule do cafeeiro recém-plantado. A partir de quatro linhas de feijoeiro há tendência de aumento da mortalidade de plantas de café, principalmente na ausência de adubação da leguminosa. A adubação equivalente a até 150% da dose recomendada para o monocultivo do feijoeiro não influencia o rendimento de grãos da leguminosa, mas contribui para diminuir a mortalidade do cafeeiro recém-plantado quando se utiliza seis linhas intercalares de feijoeiro.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Avaliação do estado nutricional de agroecossistemas de café orgânico no estado de Minas Gerais
    (Editora UFLA, 2003-11) Theodoro, Vanessa Cristina de Almeida; Carvalho, Janice Guedes de; Corrêa, João Batista; Guimarães, Rubens José
    A produção de café orgânico vem se constituindo uma tendência necessária e irreversível do agronegócio brasileiro. Essa atividade tem-se destacado como uma alternativa de renda para alguns cafeicultores, devido à crescente demanda mundial por alimentos mais saudáveis. Entretanto, grande parte das técnicas propostas pela agricultura orgânica está sendo aplicada empiricamente no cultivo de café, principalmente no Estado de Minas Gerais, maior região produtora de café do Brasil. Levando-se em consideração a baixa fertilidade natural dos solos dessa região cafeeira, bem como a elevada extração de nutrientes pelo cafeeiro, objetivou-se neste trabalho identificar possíveis fatores limitantes para a produção orgânica do cafeeiro, relaciona- dos à fertilidade do solo e ao estado nutricional das plantas. Foram realizadas avaliações da fertilidade do solo e análise das folhas em vinte e uma lavouras orgânicas representativas do Estado de Minas Gerais. As amostras de solo foram analisadas para determinação do pH, acidez potencial e dos teores de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Al e matéria orgânica. As amostras foliares foram analisadas para determinação dos teores de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. Com base nos padrões de interpretação para cafeeiros convencionais propostos pela literatura, estabeleceram-se as frequências com que os caracteres analisados foram inferiores aos critérios de interpretação da fertilidade do solo e estado nutricional das plantas. A análise dos dados foi realizada por estatística descritiva. Novos trabalhos nessa nova área são necessários, visando a uma melhor interpretação da análise foliar e da fertilidade do solo, quando se trabalha com café orgânico.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Influência de diferentes níveis de sombreamento sobre o crescimento de mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)
    (Editora UFLA, 2003-01) Paiva, Leandro Carlos; Guimarães, Rubens José; Souza, Carlos Alberto Spaggiari
    Com o presente trabalho objetivou-se de- terminar o melhor processo de formação de mudas em diferentes níveis de sombreamento. O experimento foi conduzido no Setor de Cafeicultura do Departamento de Agricultura da UFLA, onde mudas de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.)foram formadas sob quatro diferentes tipos de luminosidade, sendo: em pleno sol e sob sombrites, com 30%, 50% e 90% de sombreamento. Os tratamen- tos foram dispostos em um delineamento com blocos casualisados, sendo quatro o número de blocos. O ex- perimento foi conduzido até que as mudas atingissem o terceiro-quarto pares de folhas. As avaliações constituí- ram as seguintes análises de crescimento: altura, diâme- tro de caule, número de pares de folha, peso seco de ra- íz, peso seco de parte aérea e área foliar. Concluiu-se que para as características de crescimento analisadas, as mudas sob sombrite com 50% de sombreamento foram melhores, seguidas daquelas com 90%, 30% e pleno sol.