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    Agronomic practices toward coffee sustainability. A review
    (Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2023-10-23) Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Andrade, Sara Adrián López de; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Baptistella, João Leonardo Corte; Mazzafera, Paulo
    The coffee sector is estimated to have a retail market value in excess of USD 83 billion, and over 125 million jobs have been created in the global coffee chain. The coffee specialty market has recently increased significantly, generating opportunities to certify coffee beans produced by sustainable practices. This avoids practices potentially harmful to the environment. Agroforestry, organic farming, intercropping, and soil conservation strategies are examples of sustainable alternatives in the production of coffee. In this review, we focus on practices for the sustainable management of coffee plantations that can help farmers fight problems caused by global warming. More specifically, we address soil organic matter and microbiota, the use of Urochloa grass as intercrop in coffee plantations, shading systems (including agroforestry), and organic coffee production. We concluded that from the agronomic viewpoint, we already have production techniques that can replace traditional ones with significant advantages accruing to the quality of coffee orchard ecosystems. Nevertheless, we need scientific research efforts to deal with the existing gaps and the engagement of the whole coffee chain as a means of guaranteeing an adequate profit to those smallholders who adopt and maintain sustainable practice and are capable of bringing several positive changes to the coffee crop, including the use of microbia-based commercial products and new organic sources of nutrients to complement chemical fertilizers and improve coffee quality.
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    Teor de água e fertilidade do solo com cafeeiros cultivados em sistemas agroflorestais
    (Sociedade de Investigações Florestais, 2007) Neves, Yonara Poltronieri; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Souza, Caetano Marciano de; Cecon, Paulo Roberto
    Com o objetivo de comparar a umidade e a fertilidade do solo em sistemas de cafeeiro consorciado com níveis baixos de adubação e em cultivo convencional, foram testados os seguintes tratamentos: cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) a pleno sol; cafeeiro com fedegoso; cafeeiro com fedegoso e bananeira; cafeeiro com fedegoso, bananeira e ipê-preto, os três últimos com a mesma densidade de plantas consorciadas e todos os tratamentos com o mesmo número de plantas de café. O ensaio foi mantido por 57 meses, e a retenção de água pelo solo e a evolução da fertilidade no período foram avaliados na última estação seca (54 meses). A economia hídrica tem balanço favorável para o cultivo em consórcio no início da estação seca, porém sua manutenção dependerá da exigência hídrica dos componentes do consórcio e do regime hídrico. O cultivo consorciado favoreceu a manutenção do pH e a redução da saturação por alumínio, muito embora as necessidades de nutrientes dos componentes do consórcio devam ser satisfeitas por meio de entradas externas, para evitar o empobrecimento gradual do solo.
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    Chemical analyses of flowers and leaves for nutritional diagnoses of coffee trees
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2021) Zabini, André Vinicius; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Neves, Júlio César Lima; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Valadares, Samuel Vasconcelos
    The chemical analysis of flowers has been studied for some crops. In coffee trees, the flower tissue analysis could anticipate the nutritional diagnosis. This study aimed to: (i) compare the mineral composition of coffee flowers and leaves; and to (ii) generate reference values for nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees, based on flower and leaf analysis. Nutrient content of flowers and leaves and coffee productivity were evaluated in 26 commercial farms located in Manhuaçu, MG, Brazil throughout three years. The critical nutrient content range in Flowers are respectively: 2.78 – 3.17, 0.23 – 0.28, 2.80 – 3.12, 0.30 – 0.37, 0.24 – 0.30, 0.15 – 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 17 – 21, 12 – 18, 52 – 80, 26 – 43, and 28 – 48 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. For leaves, the critical nutrient ranges are respectively: 2.63 – 2.86, 0.13 – 0.14, 2.13 – 2.33, 1.04 – 1.22, 0.27 – 0.33, 0.15 – 0.18 dag kg-1 of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S; and 9 – 14, 15 – 23, 80 – 115, 99 – 148, and 31 – 37 mg kg-1 of Zn, Cu, Mn, Fe, and B. The nutritional diagnosis of coffee trees for N, P, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Mn can be anticipated using flower analysis.
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    Concentração foliar de nutrientes em cultivares de Coffea arabica L. sob espaçamentos adensados
    (Editora UFLA, 2007-07) Augusto, Humberto Silva; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Sampaio, Nélson Ferreira; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Pedrosa, Adriene Woods
    Os plantios adensados de café proporcionam melhor reciclagem de nutrientes e conseqüentemente reduzem a perda de nutrientes do solo por erosão, lixiviação e oxidação da matéria orgânica. Avaliaram-se as influências de diferentes espaçamentos na concentração de macro e micronutrientes em folhas de cafeeiro das cultivares IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 e UFV 3880. Ao início do experimento o solo foi arado para incorporação do calcário. As mudas foram plantadas em covas de 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,40 m, espaçadas entre si em 0,75 m na fileira. Na adubação de plantio aplicou-se 200 g de Fosfato Natural de Araxá, 50 g de Superfosfato Simples por cova, e 15 dias após o plantio 2L/cova de esterco em cobertura. As demais adubações foram realizadas segundo o recomendado para a cultura do café. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados num esquema fatorial 6 x 4 (seis cultivares x quatro espaçamentos), com seis repetições. As parcelas foram compostas por quatro fileiras de 4,50 m de comprimento, espaçadas entre fileiras em 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 e 2,5 m. Amostras de folhas foram retiradas aos 21 e 34 meses para avaliação dos teores foliares de macro e micronutrientes. O adensamento não influenciou na concentração de nutrientes nas folhas aos 21 meses após o plantio, mas influenciou as concentrações foliares de P, K e Mg aos 34 meses após o plantio.
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    Production and vegetative growth of coffee trees under fertilization and shade levels
    (Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2010-11) Jaramillo-Botero, Catalina; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Fardin, Merci Pereira
    It is difficult to separate the effects of light reduction versus nutrient and water competition in agroforestry systems. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of shading and fertilizer supply on the vegetative development and yield of Coffea arabica over six years. The coffee trees were covered with shade screens (photosynthetically active radiation reduction up to 48%) and fertilized from 100 to 40% of the recommended amount from 2001 on. Leaf area, number of leaves, number of nodes, leaf area per branch and, yield were determined. Although no effect of fertilization was found, shading influenced the number of nodes, leaf area and production from the third year on. The number of nodes and yield decreased as shading increased. The effect of the yield bienniallity was more evident in the unshaded trees, which yielded an average of 2,646 kg ha –1 . The trees under 48% shading yielded an average of 2,094 kg ha –1 . After 2004 the leaf area per branch increased as the shade increased, at the end of both the maximum and minimum growth periods. During the first three years, the coffee trees do not change their vegetative or productive characteristics as a response to shading. The shade effects become more intense after the beginning of the higher yield period. The shaded coffee trees have a larger leaf area and a smaller number of nodes than the coffee trees under full sun. The yield decreases as photosynthetically active radiation limitation increases, and yield bienniallity is less intense in shaded trees.
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    Effects of nitrogen and potassium on the chemical composition of coffee beans and on beverage quality
    (Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2015-07) Clemente, Junia Maria; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Alves, Leonardo Corrêa; Finger, Fernando Luíz; Cecon, Paulo Roberto
    The ratio of nitrogen (N) to potassium (K) is important in the production of specialty coffees because the relative amounts of N and K can either suppress the formation or increase the concentration of compounds that are essential to the flavor and aroma of specialty coffees. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of different N:K ratios (w/w) and K doses on the cup quality of coffee. The concentrations of chemical compounds essentials to achieve good flavor and aroma, the N and K contents, and the caffeine contents of coffee leaves and beans were evaluated in this study. The N:K ratio and the K dose were found to be important factors in cup quality, the best quality corresponding to an N:K ratio of 1:1.56. The best cup quality was obtained from beans with greater PPO activity, caffeine, color index, and sugars and lower total tritatable acidity, pH, electrical conductivity and leached potassium. Keywords: Coffea arabica L., coffee, caffeine, fertilization.
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    Decomposition and nitrogen mineralization from green manures intercropped with coffee tree
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-01) Cardoso, Rosileyde Gonçalves Siqueira; Pedrosa, Adriene Woods; Rodrigues, Mateus Cupertino; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto
    The knowledge about the rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of green manures provides synchronization with the higher absorption stage by the coffee tree. The rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization varies according to the species of green manure and with the environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of two green manures intercropped with coffee trees for three different periods. The experiment was divided into two designs for statistical analysis, one referring to the characterization of plant material (fresh mass, dry matter, dry matter content, nitrogen concentration and accumulation in the jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) and hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab) and another to evaluate the rate of decomposition and N mineralization of these species. The decomposition rate decreased in both species as their growth time increased in the field. The decomposition was influenced by the phenology of green manures. Nitrogen mineralization of the jack bean decreased as the growth period in the field increased and was faster than hyacinth bean only when cut at 60 days. The N mineralization was slower than mass decomposition in both species.
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    Nutrição e vigor de mudas de cafeeiro e infestação por bicho mineiro
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2004-09) Caixeta, Sérgio Luiz; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Picanço, Marcelo Coutinho; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Esposti, Marlon Dutra Degli; Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do
    Avaliou-se o efeito da disponibilidade de N e K sobre o vigor das plantas e ataque de bicho mineiro a mudas de cafeeiro, cultivar Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99. O experimento foi conduzido em solução nutritiva e em casa de vegetação. Os tratamentos consistiram de um fatorial formado por 4 doses de N e 4 doses de K, dispostos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com três repetições e duas plantas por parcela. Os adultos de bicho- mineiro (Leucoptera coffeella- Guérin-Ménèville) foram liberados 6 meses após o início do experimento. Dois meses após, avaliaram-se o crescimento e vigor das plantas, o ataque da praga e as concentrações de N, K, proteína, lignina, amido e açucares solúveis totais na matéria seca das plantas. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise da variância, de regressão e de correlação. De modo geral, o teor de proteína apresentou correlação positiva, enquanto os teores de lignina, amido e açucares solúveis totais apresentaram correlações negativas com o ataque do bicho-mineiro. As mudas de cafeeiro com nutrição nitrogenada adequada e mais vigorosas foram mais atacadas pelo inseto.
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    Eficiência de utilização de nutrientes por cultivares de cafeeiro
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-04) Amaral, José Francisco Teixeira do; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Laviola, Bruno Galvêas; Fernandes Filho, Elpidio Inácio; Cruz, Cosme Damião
    Elucidar as diferenças nas exigências nutricionais entre as cultivares é uma forma de obter maior produtividade e otimizar o uso de fertilizantes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência na produção de raiz e parte aérea por unidade absorvida de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu e Zn em quatro cultivares de cafeeiro arábico (‘Acaiá IAC-474-19’, ‘Icatu Amarelo IAC-3282’, ‘Rubi MG-1192’ e ‘Catuaí Vermelho IAC- 99’). Para tanto, foi conduzido um experimento em condições de campo, no Campus da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, durante dois anos, em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, em arranjo fatorial 4x3, constituído de quatro cultivares e três níveis de adubação (baixo, normal e alto), com quatro repetições. As plantas que constituíram o nível normal receberam adubação baseada na marcha de acúmulo de nutrientes em café arábica. Nos níveis de adubação baixo e alto, as plantas receberam, respectivamente, 0,4 e 1,4 vezes a recomendação de adubação feita para o nível normal. A eficiência de utilização de nutrientes para produção de raízes foi diferenciada entre as cultivares quando houve restrição na quantidade de adubos fornecidos (nível baixo), não havendo diferenças entre elas quando se empregou dose normal e alta de fertilizantes. A eficiência na produção de raízes por unidade de N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S absorvidos foi maior na cultivar ‘Acaiá IAC-474-19’ e menor na ‘Rubi MG-1192’. Conclui-se que a eficiência de utilização de nutrientes para produção de raízes e uso de nutrientes pela parte aérea de cafeeiros foi diferenciada entre cultivares.
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    Relationship between coffee leaf analysis and soil chemical analysis
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 2018) Sousa, Jailson Silva; Neves, Júlio César Lima; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto; Alvarez V., Víctor Hugo
    Research focused on adequate nutrition of plants is essential in modern coffee production to increase yield and develop more efficient management strategies with greater environmental and economic sustainability. The objectives of this study were to establish critical and optimal levels of soil fertility properties for high yielding Arabica coffee crops using the Boundary Line method and, then, relate the macronutrient contents in the diagnostic leaf of coffee to the macronutrients available in the soil using the Quadrant Diagram of the Plant-Soil Relationship (QDpsR). The study made use of a soil chemical analysis database, leaf macronutrient contents, and Arabica coffee yield from five representative coffee-growing regions in Minas Gerais. An analysis of data consistency was performed, and relative fruit yield (RFY) was related to the soil organic matter (SOM), P, K, Ca, and Mg contents in the soil, establishing the boundary line (BL) in each graph. Equations were adjusted from the BL points, and the equation that best fit was selected. Using the QDpsR method, the response plane was divided into four quadrants, where the total leaf contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S were plotted as a function of the contents of SOM, P, K, Ca, and Mg in the soil, on the y and x axes of the Cartesian coordinate system. The regression equations were adjusted to the pairs of points (y, x) of quadrants III and I and were used to estimate the macronutrient sufficiency ranges from the critical and optimal levels in the soil. The BL method was used to determine the class of good soil fertility for SOM, P, K, Ca, and Mg. The QDpsR method allows determination of response curves for leaf content as a variable of soil contents, making it possible to estimate the sufficiency ranges in the diagnostic leaf of coffee: 33.4-35.8 g kg -1 of N, 1.4-1.6 g kg -1 of P, 24.4-27.0 g kg -1 of K, 11.9-13.6 g kg -1 of Ca, 3.8-4.5 g kg -1 of Mg, and 1.4-1.8 g kg -1 of S; which were consistent with the sufficiency ranges considered suitable for the crop. This study demonstrated the importance of leaf analysis as a tool for evaluation of the nutritional status of Arabica coffee since the technique is consistent with the theoretical principles underlying it.