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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Calli induction in leaf explants of coffee elite genotypes
    (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2011-03) Rezende, Juliana Costa de; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique Siqueira de; Pasqual, Moacir; Santos, Ana Carolina Ramia; Carvalho, Stephan Malfitano de
    Three experiments were carried out with the objective of achieving high effectiveness in calli induction from high heterozygosis leaf explants of Coffea arabica through indirect somatic embryogenesis. A randomized-block design in a 2x5 factorial arrangement made up of two media [BOXTEL & BERTHOULY (1996) and TEIXEIRA et al. (2004)] and five C. arabica genotypes were used in the first experiment. In the second experiment the embryogenic calli production potential was evaluated in ten genotypes. Each of them was considered as a treatment. In the third experiment the variations in both 2.4-D (2.5 e 20μM) and 2-iP (2.5 e 20μM) concentrations in TEIXEIRA et al. (2004) medium and secondary media were evaluated. Crops were kept in a growth room under darkness, at 25±2 o C. The medium described by TEIXEIRA et al (2004) was found to be superior when compared to that described by BOXTEL & BERTHOULY (1996) in the 2.2 and 7.2 genotypes. An opposite behavior was noticed in 4.2 genotype, that is, BOXTEL & BERTHOULY (1996) had medium superiority. Both 3.0 and 5.0 genotypes had the same behavior in both media studied, which shows that the somatic embryo production depends on the genotype. Calli induction depends on the 2-iP and 2.4 D ratio. The 20.0μM of 2.4-D and 20.0μM of 2-iP combination caused the highest embryogenic calli induction rate.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Development of Coffea arabica L. seedling obtained from direct somatic embryogenesis
    (Editora UFLA, 2008-01) Rezende, Juliana Costa de; Ferreira, Ester Alice; Pasqual, Moacir; Villa, Fabíola; Botelho, César Elias; Carvalho, Samuel Pereira de
    This work aimed to develop embryos and acclimatize seedlings of Coffea arabica L. cv. Rubi produced by direct somatic embryogenesis. For the development of somatic embryos, were evaluated the effect of sucrose (0; 15; 30; 45 and 60 g.L-1) and GA3 (0; 2.5; 5 and 10 mg.L-1). For the development of seedlings, were evaluated the influence of GA3 (0; 2.5; 5; 10 mg.L-1) and NAA (0; 0.25; 0.5; 1; 2 mg L-1). The in vitro experiments were carried out in a growth chamber under light intensity of 32 μMol.m-2.s-1, at the temperature of ± 25 1oC and photoperiod of 16 hours. The parameters evaluated were: number of leaves, length of the aerial part and fresh weight of the seedlings. For the seedling acclimatization process two types of substrates were tested (Plantmax® and Plantmax® plus carbonized rice peels (v/v 1:1) and fertilizer with slow-release (Osmocote®) (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 g of the fertilizer per cell). The results indicated that 5.81 mg L-1 GA3 was efficient for the development of coffee somatic embryos and GA3 (10 mg. L-1) in combination with 1mg. L-1 NAA showed efficiency in the development of the seedlings obtained by direct somatic embryogenesis. The best substrate for acclimatization was Plantmax® mixed with carbonized rice peels and 1.68 g per cell of the Osmocote® fertilizer.