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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Decomposition and nitrogen mineralization from green manures intercropped with coffee tree
    (Editora UFLA, 2018-01) Cardoso, Rosileyde Gonçalves Siqueira; Pedrosa, Adriene Woods; Rodrigues, Mateus Cupertino; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Cecon, Paulo Roberto; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto
    The knowledge about the rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of green manures provides synchronization with the higher absorption stage by the coffee tree. The rate of decomposition and nitrogen mineralization varies according to the species of green manure and with the environmental factors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the decomposition and nitrogen mineralization of two green manures intercropped with coffee trees for three different periods. The experiment was divided into two designs for statistical analysis, one referring to the characterization of plant material (fresh mass, dry matter, dry matter content, nitrogen concentration and accumulation in the jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) and hyacinth bean (Dolichos lablab) and another to evaluate the rate of decomposition and N mineralization of these species. The decomposition rate decreased in both species as their growth time increased in the field. The decomposition was influenced by the phenology of green manures. Nitrogen mineralization of the jack bean decreased as the growth period in the field increased and was faster than hyacinth bean only when cut at 60 days. The N mineralization was slower than mass decomposition in both species.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Nitrogen fertilization of coffee: organic compost and Crotalaria juncea L.
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2013-11) Araujo, João Batista Silva; Rodrigues, Mateus Cupertino; Rodrigues, Luisa Bastos; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva; Martinez, Herminia Emilia Prieto
    Information concerning the response of coffee to organic fertilizers is scarce. This study evaluates the effect of different doses of compost and Crotalaria juncea L. on growth, production and nitrogen nutrition of coffee trees. The treatments consisted of compost at rates of 25, 50, 75 and 100% of the recommended fertilization, with or without the aerial part of C. juncea. C. juncea was grown with NH 4 -N (2% 15 N) and applied to coffee. The use of C. juncea increased growth in height and diameter of the coffee canopy. In the first year, the percentage of N derived from C. juncea reached 8.5% at seven months and 4.1% at fifteen months after fertilization. In the second year, the percentage of N derived from C. juncea reached 17.9% N at the early harvest, five months after fertilization. Increased rates of compost increased pH , P , K , Ca , Mg , sum of bases , effective CEC, base saturation and organic matter and reduced potential acidity. 15 N allowed the identification of the N contribution from C. juncea with percentage of leaf N derived from Crotalaria juncea from 9.2 to 17.9%.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Adubação nitrogenada em cafeeiros com biomassa de feijão-de-porco
    (Editora UFLA, 2014-07) Araujo, João Batista Silva; Rodrigues, Luisa Bastos; Rodrigues, Mateus Cupertino; Martinez, Hermínia Emilia Prieto; Santos, Ricardo Henrique Silva
    Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o crescimento, a produção do cafeeiro e a transferência de N da leguminosa para a cultura, sem a interferência do consórcio. Cultivaram-se cafeeiros em vasos, adubados com parte aérea de feijão-de- porco, enriquecido com 15 N em casa de vegetação, nas doses de 146 e 584 g planta -1 , complementados com 30% de adubação mineral. O feijão-de-porco promoveu aumentos da produtividade do cafeeiro, dos teores de Ca 2+ , soma de bases, CTC efetiva e matéria orgânica do solo. Os teores foliares de N derivado do feijão-de-porco, cinco meses após a adubação, foram de 4,68% e 18,65% nas doses respectivas de 146 e 584 g planta -1 . O percentual foliar, de N derivado do feijão-de-porco, nos cafeeiros é proporcional à dose fornecida.