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    Tasters’ performance in a coffee quality contest in Brazil
    (Editora UFLA, 2021) Pinheiro, Aracy Camilla Tardin; Fabri Júnior, Marcos Antônio; Cruz, Cosme Damião; Rufino, José Luis dos Santos; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of coffee tasters in five annual editions of Minas Gerais Coffee Quality Contest. The repeat ability coefficients of the tasters’ scores for sensory attributes were estimated, as well as the minimum numbers of tasters required for consistent sensory results, and the groups of tasters by (dis)similarity of sensory scores. For the repeatability analysis, the treatments (coffees) were tested with the repeti tions, constituted by the tasters. The repeatability coefficients were estimated using the analysis of variance, principal component and structural analysis methods. The minimum number of tasters was obtained based on pre-established determination coefficients. Euclidean distance matrices between tasters were determined, which were used as a measure of dissimilarity for cluster analysis by the Tocher optimization method. The tasters’ performance in five annual editions of Minas Gerais Coffee Quality Contest is reliable using COE or SCA sensory analysis protocols. Although not fully calibrated, most tasters are grouped with similar cupping results. Unless efficient calibration prior to the contest is adopted, the number of tasters to be used in the next contest editions can not be drastically and randomly reduced, since the estimated minimum number varied over the years. Calibration activities are sug gested to improve two main aspects of the Minas Gerais Coffee Quality Contest: distinguishing the best coffees and trainning tasters.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sensory analysis of specialty coffee from different environmental conditions in the region of Matas de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2016-07) Silveira, Alice de Souza; Pinheiro, Aracy Camilla Tardin; Ferreira, Williams Pinto Marques; Silva, Laércio Junio da; Rufino, José Luis dos Santos; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu
    Specialty coffees can be differentiated in various ways, including the environmental conditions in which they are produced and the sensory composition of the drink. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of altitude, slope exposure and fruit color on the sensory attributes of cafes of the region of Matas de Minas. Sampling points were georeferenced in four altitude ranges (< 700 m; 700 < x > 825 m, 825 < x < 950 m and > 950 m) of the coffee crop; two fruit colors of var. Catuaí (yellow and red); and two slope exposures (North-facing and South-facing). Coffee fruit at the cherry stage were processed and submitted to sensory analysis. The sensory attributes evaluated were overall perception, clean cup, balance, aftertaste, sweetness, acidity, body and flavor, which made up the final score. The scores were examined by ANOVA and means were compared by the Tukey test (p < 0.05). From the sensory standpoint, coffee fruits of both colors are similar, as well as the coffees from both slope exposures when these factors were analyzed separately. However, at higher altitudes, Yellow Catuaí produces coffees with better sensory quality. Similarly, coffees from North-facing slopes, at higher altitudes produce better quality cup. The altitude is the main factor that interferes with coffee quality in the area. All factors together contribute to the final quality of the beverage produced in the region of Matas de Minas.