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Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Dynamic Behavior of Coffee Branches: an Analysis Using the Finite Element Method(Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2024-01-12) Melo Junior, Wellington Washington Andrade de; Santos, Fábio Lúcio; Scinocca, Francisco; Rosa, Pablo Antunes da; Magalhães, Ricardo RodriguesThe use of computational simulation techniques is an important tool for the coffee harvesting issues, particularly the finite element method. The method is widely used in the structural analysis of agricultural machinery, as well as in the analysis of the stresses and vibrations of coffee branches and peduncles during the harvesting process. The present study aimed to develop three-dimensional finite element models of the plagiotropic branches of the Catuaí Vermelho variety of Arabica coffee in different positions along the orthotropic branches of the plant; considering high-fidelity models. Additionally, by considering the branches’ experimental properties (physical-mechanical), the natural frequencies and vibration modes of the branches were determined by means of computer simulations. First, the geometric properties of the coffee branches were obtained by means of two images taken using a professional camera to obtain the input data of the virtual simulation. For the mechanical properties, it was used a semi-analytical digital scale, to obtain the mass of the specimens. The modulus of elasticity was determined using a universal testing machine. The variability in the simulated natural frequencies could be identified, which was on the order of 30% for the first frequency, regardless of the position of the branch in the plant. These values were lower for the other frequencies. Linear regression fits showed a coefficient of determination, and correlation tests were used to verify the relationship between the values obtained numerically and experimentally, which were validated by using experimental data using the modal analysis techniques.Item Detachment efficiency of fruits from coffee plants subjected to mechanical vibrations(Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2015) Coelho, Andre Luiz de Freitas; Santos, Fábio Lúcio; Pinto, Francisco de Assis de Carvalho; Queiroz, Daniel Marçal deO desenvolvimento de máquinas eficientes para a colheita mecanizada do cafeeiro exige a utilização de parâmetros vibracionais adequados. Assim, para um menor desprendimento de frutos verdes, repasse, quebra de galhos e desfolha, devem ser utilizados magnitudes de frequência, amplitude e tempo de vibração adequados. Objetivou-se analisar a eficiência de derriça de frutos de cafeeiro, em função de parâmetros vibracionais e estádio de maturação. Cachos de frutos foram amostrados nos estádios de maturação verde e cereja e submetidos à vibração, utilizando-se um sistema composto por um gerador de sinais, um amplificador e uma máquina vibratória eletromagnética. Os ensaios foram realizados combinando-se diferentes frequências (16,4 Hz; 20,3 Hz; 24 Hz; 25,6 Hz; 30,0 Hz; e 33,0 Hz), amplitudes (5,0 mm; 7,0 mm; e 9,0 mm) e tempos de vibração (10,0 s e 20,0 s). Os tempos de vibração empregados não influenciaram na eficiência de derriça. Houve tendência de a eficiência de derriça dos frutos cerejas ser superior à dos frutos verdes. A eficiência de derriça aumentou à medida que se aumentou a frequência e a amplitude de vibração.Item Physical and mechanical properties of the wood of coffee trunks and branches(Editora UFLA, 2020) Velloso, Nara Silveira; Magalhães, Ricardo Rodrigues; Santos, Fábio Lúcio; Nunes, Márcio Felipe Pinheiro Neri; Vicentini, BrunoKnowledge of the physical and mechanical properties of coffee plants is essential to the development of mechanisms that perform the harvesting of their fruits by the principle of mechanical vibrations; however, these properties have yet to be determined in the laboratory. In this context, the present study aimed to determine the mechanical and physical properties of coffee plants through tensile and compression tests by means of a universal testing machine. Elasticity modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and specific mass were determined for specimens developed from the trunks and branches of 20 samples whole coffee plants, Coffea arabica variety, Catuaí Vermelho cultivar. The elasticity modulus was determined by the slope of the secant line in the elastic region of the stress-strain curve. Poisson’s ratio was determined by direct measurements in regions previously marked on the specimens. The conventional specific mass was obtained by the ratio between the mass of specimens and their volume. The methodology allowed the studied properties and a database to be obtained, and they can be used as a basis for the development and operation of the mechanism used in the mechanical and semi mechanical harvesting of coffee fruits. The results obtained indicate the following values for elasticity modulus of the trunk, performed from compression tests: 1090.94 MPa in the longitudinal direction and 108.60 MPa in the cross-sectional direction. For elasticity modulus of the branches, performed from tensile tests in the longitudinal direction: 507.72 MPa. For Poisson’s ratio, determined by direct measurements: 0.25 for the trunk and 0.09 for the branches. And for specific mass: 1070.05 kg.m-3 for the trunk and 1036.33 kg.m-3 for the branches.Item Definition of management zones in coffee production fields based on apparent soil electrical conductivity(Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", 2012-05) Valente, Domingos Sárvio Magalhães; Queiroz, Daniel Marçal de; Pinto, Francisco de Assis de Carvalho; Santos, Nerilson Terra; Santos, Fábio LúcioFertilizer application at variable rates requires dense sampling to determine the resulting field spatial variability. Defining management zones is a technique that facilitates the variable-rate application of agricultural inputs. The apparent electrical conductivity of the soil is an important factor in explaining the variability of soil physical-chemical properties. Thus, the objective of this study was to define management zones for coffee (Coffea Arabica L.) production fields based on spatial variability of the apparent electrical conductivity of the soil. The resistiv- ity method was used to measure the apparent soil electrical conductivity. Soil samples were collected to measure the chemical and physical soil properties. The maps of spatial variability were generated using ordinary kriging method. The fuzzy k-means algorithm was used to delimit the management zones. To analyze the agreement between the management zones and the soil properties, the kappa coefficients were calculated. The best results were obtained for the management zones defined using the apparent electrical conductivity of the soil and the digital elevation model. In this case, the kappa coefficient was 0.45 for potassium, which is an element that is associated with quality coffee. The other variable that had a high kappa coefficient was remaining phosphorous; the coefficient obtained was 0.49. The remaining phosphorus is an important parameter for determining which fertilizers and soil types to study.Item Analysis of the coffee harvesting process using an electromagnetic shaker(Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2010-07) Santos, Fábio Lúcio; Queiroz, Daniel Marçal de; Pinto, Francisco de Assis de Carvalho; Santos, Nerilson TerraHarvesting is one of the most important operations in coffee production systems. This operation has a high cost and impact on the final quality of the product. To reduce production costs, producers are looking for ways to mechanize this operation. Harvesting machines generally detach fruits from the coffee plant by vibration and/or impact. The objective of this work was to study the effect of the amplitude and frequency of vibration on the efficiency of coffee fruit harvesting. Vibration tests of coffee branches were performed in a laboratory using an electromagnetic shaker. The tests were performed using amplitudes in the range of 3.75 to 7.50 mm and frequencies from 13.33 to 26.67 Hz. Coffee branches from two different varieties were used for evaluation, Catuaí Vermelho and Mundo Novo. It was verified that harvesting efficiency is directly related to the acceleration reached by the fruits during the harvesting process. The frequencies of 23.33 and 26.67 Hz and amplitudes of 6.25 and 7.50 mm resulted in the highest harvesting efficiency of ripe coffee cherries for both varieties. However, the harvesting efficiency for the Mundo Novo variety was higher than that of the Catuaí Vermelho variety at the studied frequency and amplitude ranges in this work.Item Estudos de casos de classificação de áreas cultivadas com café por meio de descritores de textura(Editora UFLA, 2016-10) Silveira, Lucas Silva da; Valente, Domingos Sárvio Magalhães; Pinto, Francisco de Assis Carvalho; Santos, Fábio LúcioO objetivo neste trabalho foi desenvolver um sistema para identificar áreas cultivadas com café utilizando Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs) tendo como variáveis de entrada os descritores de textura de Haralick. Utilizou-se o algoritmo de treinamento do tipo retro-propagação do erro (backpropagation) e o método de Levenberg-Marquardt. Foram realizados dois estudos de casos: no primeiro, as RNAs foram desenvolvidas para discriminar entre as classes café, mata, água, solo exposto, pastagem e área urbana; no segundo, as RNAs foram desenvolvidas para classificar as plantações de café de acordo com a idade e com a data de recepa. Para a avaliação do desempenho de classificação das RNAs empregou-se um mapa de referência de uso e ocupação do solo elaborado por meio do Sistema de Informações Geográficas. A concordância entre os mapas temáticos, classificados pela RNA, e o mapa de referência foi avaliada pelo coeficiente Kappa. Verificou-se que o coeficiente Kappa para discriminar a região cafeeira das outras classes temáticas foi de 0,652 no primeiro estudo de caso, desempenho considerado muito bom. Para classificar os plantios de café em função da idade e data de recepa o índice Kappa foi variável (0,675 a 0,4783), sendo considerado muito bom para a fazenda Itatiaia e razoável para a fazenda Pedra Redonda.Item Dynamic behavior of the coffee fruit-stem-branch system using stochastic finite element method(Editora UFLA, 2016-01) Coelho, Andre Luiz de Freitas; Santos, Fábio Lúcio; Queiroz, Daniel Marçal de; Pinto, Francisco de Assis de CarvalhoThe development of an efficient machine for harvesting coffee requires comprehensive knowledge of the dynamic behavior of the plant and its parts. The finite element method is a numerical approach used to determine natural frequencies and mode shapes. However, the stochastic finite element method has not been employed for the analysis of the dynamic behavior of coffee. The aim is to determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes for the coffee fruit-stem-branch system. The natural frequencies and the mode shapes were determined by employing the stochastic finite element method, in which the elastic modulus and the specific mass were treated as random variables, and the variation in the natural frequency was obtained as a function of the variability of these properties. The natural frequencies were reduced according to the evolution of the ripening process of the fruit and stem or due to the increase in the total weight of the system due to an increase in the number of fruits attached to the stem. The natural frequencies increased with an increase in the elastic modulus or with a reduction in the specific mass.