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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Agronomic performance and productivity of Arabica coffee intercropped with timber species
    (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2023-04-14) Freitas, Ana Flávia de; Fonseca, Arley José; Volpato, Margarete Marin Lordelo; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Venturin, Regis Pereira; Silva, Vânia Aparecida
    The insertion of the tree component in coffee production is a strategy from an economic and environmental perspective. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the temporal influence on the agronomic and productive performance of the coffee crop under the interference of different tree species as a function of spacing. The experiment was set in the municipality of Santo Antônio de Amparo-MG, in 2012, and conducted in a randomized block design with four replications. The treatments were: cultivar ‘Catuai Vermelho IAC 99’ in monoculture (3.40 m x 0.65 m) and intercropped with African mahogany, teak and pink cedar, in two spacings (9 x 13.6 m and 18 x 13.6 m), in coffee rows. Three coffee rows were fixed between rows, totaling 13.6 m. The following variables were evaluated: height (m), stem diameter (cm), crown diameter (m), productivity (bags ha-1) and yield (l/sc) for coffee. From the evaluations, there is a significant effect of height, productivity and yield for the coffee crop. The system intercropped with tree species did not influence coffee productivity and yield until the 3rd harvest and, for the 5th harvest, intercropping with mahogany favored productivity, although the accumulated productivity did not show any treatment effect.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Morphological, physiological, and agronomic traits of crossings of 'Icatu' x 'Catimor' coffee tree subjected to water deficit
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2022-07-27) Coelho, Larissa Sousa; Tassone, Guilherme Augusto Teixeira; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Viana, Mariana Thereza Rodrigues; Pereira, Fernanda Aparecida Castro; Nadaleti, Denis Henrique Silva; Silveira, Helbert Rezende de Oliveira; Botelho, Cesar Elias
    The objective of this work was to select genotypes of Coffea arabica with good yield and potential tolerance to water deficit, as well as to try to understand the physiological and anatomical mechanisms involved in the adaptability of these genotypes to water stress. The physiological, anatomical, and agronomic traits of 19 genotypes of C. arabica were evaluated under the two following water conditions: regular irrigation and no irrigation (soil water deficit). The 'IPR 100', 2, 5, and 7 genotypes showed agronomic, physiological, and anatomical traits that contributed to a better water status maintenance in the initial development of coffee plants. Based on these results, these genotypes are potentially tolerant to water deficit. The 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, and 'Bourbon Amarelo IAC J10' genotypes show a lower adaptability of the anatomical structures under soil-water deficit conditions. The coffee tree genotypes display leaf plasticity, such as the thickness of palisade and spongy parenchyma, and the number, position, dimensions, and mobility of stomata under water deficit conditions.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Early selection of drought-tolerant Coffea arabica genotypes at the seedling stage using functional divergence
    (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2022-08-15) Reis, André Moraes; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Abrahão, Juliana Costa de Rezende; Santos, Meline de Oliveira; Silva, Vânia Aparecida
    The development of more drought-tolerant cultivars is essential for the maintenance of global agricultural production. This study aimed to perform an early selection of drought-tolerant Coffea arabica genotypes by evaluating their functional divergence using morphological, anatomical and physiological analyses. Seedlings of 14 genotypes were subjected to the drought stress imposed by irrigation for 18 days. Growth and anatomical parameters, leaf water potential and gas exchanges were measured. Under irrigated conditions and prolonged drought (18 days), the divergence among the genotypes was determined mainly by morphological traits, such as leaf area, stem diameter and, consequently, shoot dry mass. Under moderate drought (14 days), parameters such as water potential, cuticle thickness, stomatal density, number of xylem vessels and water-use efficiency were important for the divergence of the group with the highest ability to maintain its water status. The genotypes 1, 2, 4, 11 and 12 have characteristics that contributed to the maintenance of water status, such as greater cuticle thickness, stomatal density, smaller number of xylem vessels and phloem thickness, bigger root length and greater water-use efficiency. The functional divergence combining morphological, anatomical and physiological analyses in response to the moderate drought indicated the early selection of the genotypes 1, 2,4, 11 and 12 as more drought tolerant during the seedling stage.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Adaptations to the drought season and impacts on the yield of ‘Híbrido de Timor’ coffee tree in the Minas Gerais State Cerrado (Brazilian Savanna)
    (Escola de Agronomia - UFG, 2022-09-02) Santos, Cyntia Stephânia dos; Freitas, Ana Flávia de; Silva, Glauber Henrique Barbosa da; Carvalho, Milene Alves de Figueiredo; Santos, Meline de Oliveira; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Silva, Vânia Aparecida
    Climate change threatens the survival of commercial crops due to their narrow genetic base. One of the alternatives is the identification of plants with potential for abiotic stress tolerance. This study aimed to verify the physiological and anatomical adaptations to the drought period and the impacts on the yield of ‘Híbrido de Timor’ coffee tree accessions. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 7 x 2 factorial arrangement, being seven genotypes (UFV 377-21, UFV 377-21, UFV 442-42, BE 5 Wush-Wush x UFV 366-08, UFV 428-02, UFV 376-31 and UFV 427-55) and two seasonal periods (dry and rainy), with two replications. The stomatal conductance; predawn water potential; levels of hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde; activity of the enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate oxidase; ascorbate content; cuticle thickness of the adaxial surface and leaf lamina; stomatal density; ratio between polar and equatorial diameter; phloem area; area, diameter and frequency of xylem vessels; relative hydraulic conductivity; vulnerability index; and yield were evaluated. The results showed acclimatization of the accessions to the dry period, with some of them maintaining higher water potential values in the predawn; induction of the antioxidant system with the increase in the activity of the superoxide dismutase enzyme and ascorbate levels; increase in the cuticle and leaf lamina thickness; and a higher ratio between polar and equatorial diameters. Most of the evaluated accessions showed a good productive performance, especially the ‘UFV 377-21’, ‘UFV 442-42’ and ‘UFV 376-31’, with adaptations to the dry period and yield potential.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Productivity and beverage sensory quality of arabica coffee intercropped with timber species
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2020) Freitas, Ana Flávia de; Nadaleti, Denis Henrique Silva; Silveira, Helbert Rezende de Oliveira; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Venturin, Regis Pereira; Silva, Vânia Aparecida
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity and beverage sensory quality of arabica coffee under the influence of tree species cultivated at different spacings. The experiment was set in 2012, in the municipality of Santo Antônio do Amparo, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. A randomized complete block design was carried out with four replicates and seven treatments, as follows: Catuaí Vermelho IAC 99 Coffea arábica in monoculture (3.40x0.65 m); and this cultivar intercropped at two spacings (9.0x13.6 and 18.0x13.6 m) in the coffee row ‒ either with African mahogany (Khaya ivorensis), teak (Tectona grandis), or pink cedar (Acrocarpus fraxinifolius). Three coffee rows were fixed between rows, totaling 13.6 m between the wooded rows. Productivity, sensory analysis (cup test), and content analysis of sensory attributes were evaluated in the 2017 and 2018 crop years. The treatments and years of harvest influenced productivity. The sensory analysis was positive for coffee intercropped with African mahogany and teak, in 2018. Sensory attributes and nuances are modified by the Years of harvest. Arabica coffee plants intercropped with African mahogany show a superior productivity, regardless of the spacing between species, as well as a higher sensory quality in the 2018 harvest.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Selection of conilon coffee clones tolerant to pests and diseases in Minas Gerais
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2019) Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Abrahão, Juliana Costa de Rezende; Lima, Luiz Antônio; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Salgado, Sônia Maria Lima; Volpato, Margarete Lordelo; Botelho, César Elias
    In the northern Minas region, the dry-warm climate predisposes coffee plants to the occurrence of leaf miners, mites, cercosporiosis, and leaf scald. Aiming for the development of a cultivar adapted to these conditions, Coffea canephora Pierre ex A. Froehner clones were selected through genetic parameters under an irrigated system, without agrochemicals. Eighteen agronomic traits were evaluated. The survival rate, number of nodes per plagiotropic branch, leaf miner infestation and cercosporiosis incidence were chosen as characteristics for selection of ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’, once they have shown superiority of the genetic parameters. The survival rate variable was used to rank the EMCAPA 8141 Robustão Capixaba clones. Clones V2, V4, V6, V13, RC7, and RC9 were selected as more tolerant to pests and diseases and can provide genetic improvements in conilon breeding program for region. The genetic dissimilarity identified between clones allowed suitable clone combinations to be proposed for use in future crosses.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Adaptability, stability, and genetic divergence of conilon coffee in Alto Suaçuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2017-01) Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Machado, Janaine Lopes; Rezende, Juliana Costa de; Oliveira, Alexandrino Lopes de; Figueiredo, Ulisses José de; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; Guimarães, Rubens José
    The objective of this study was to describe the genetic parameters, adapt- ability, and stability of clones from the Coffea canephora variety ‘Vitória Incaper 8142’, and the genetic divergence between them. Following 12 and 24 months of plant growth, several traits were evaluated, including stem diameter, plant height, canopy diameter, number of plagiotropic branches, and number of nodes per plagiotropic branch. The agronomic performance of four crops was determined using measurements of productivity, yield, percentage of floating grains, and grade of the beans. Variability was observed between the clones for the majority of the traits measured. The clones V7, V10, V12, and V13 were the most stable and displayed the highest degree of adaptation for the studied traits, and thus these clones will be used to establish a base population suited to the growing conditions in Alto Suaçuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Additionally, the genetic dissimilarity identified between clones allowed suitable clone combinations to be proposed for use in future crosses.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Resposta fisiológica de clone de café Conilon sensível à deficiência hídrica enxertado em porta‐enxerto tolerante
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2010-05) Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Antunes, Werner Camargos; Guimarães, Breno Lourenzzo Salgado; Paiva, Rita Márcia Cardoso; Silva, Vanisse de Fátima; Ferrão, Maria Amélia Gava; DaMatta, Fábio Murilo; Loureiro, Marcelo Ehlers
    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar alterações fisiológicas e de tolerância à seca em clones de café Conilon (Coffea canephora) contrastantes quanto à sensibilidade ao deficit hídrico. Foram avaliadas as enxertias recíprocas entre os clones 109A, sensível ao deficit hídrico, e 120, tolerante – 120/109A, 120/120, 109A/120, 109A/109A –, além de seus respectivos pés‐francos. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos de 12 L em casa de vegetação. Após seis meses, metade das plantas foi submetida ao deficit hídrico por meio da suspensão da irrigação, até que as folhas atingissem o potencial hídrico de antemanhã de ‐3,0 MPa. Quando o clone 120 foi usado como porta‐enxerto, as plantas apresentaram sistema radicular mais profundo, mas com menor massa, retardaram por mais tempo a desidratação celular das folhas e apresentaram maior eficiência no uso da água. Sob seca severa, os teores de amido e sacarose decresceram em todos os tratamentos, enquanto os teores de glicose, frutose, aminoácidos totais e prolina aumentaram, particularmente nos tratamentos 109A pé‐franco, 109A/109A e 120/109A. Essas plantas apresentaram menor eficiência no uso da água. O acúmulo de solutos não foi associado à tolerância à seca. O uso de porta‐enxertos tolerantes à seca contribui para a maior tolerância das plantas ao deficit hídrico.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Sistemas intercalares com abacaxizeiro como alternativa de renda durante a formação de cafezais irrigados
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2012-10) Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Lima, Luiz Antonio; Andrade, Fabrício Teixeira; Ferreira, Ester Alice; Souza Júnior, Evandro Andrade de; Colares, Matheus Figueiredo Braga; Moreira, Lais Lorena Queiroz
    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o sistema de plantio de abacaxizeiro intercalado com cafeeiro que proporciona o maior retorno econômico, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafezal irrigado. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dez plantas úteis por parcela. Os sistemas irrigados de cultivo consistiram em: duas e três fileiras simples de abacaxizeiro, nas entrelinhas do cafeeiro, ou quatro linhas em fileiras duplas. O desenvolvimento vegetativo do cafeeiro foi avaliado aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após o plantio, e a produtividade aos 28 meses. O cultivo de duas fileiras simples favoreceu o desenvolvimento do cafeeiro, e os demais sistemas não tiveram efeito sobre esse parâmetro. A produtividade do cafeeiro foi maior nos sistemas de cultivo com duas e três fileiras de abacaxi. Os três sistemas de cultivo apresentaram retornos econômicos positivos. O sistema intercalar com três fileiras simples proporciona o melhor retorno, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade do cafeeiro.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Uso de características fisiológicas na identificação de genótipos de café arábica tolerantes ao Meloidogyne paranaensis
    (Editora UFLA, 2015-04) Silva, Vânia Aparecida; Salgado, Sônia Maria de Lima; Sá, Lígia Alcalde de; Reis, André Moraes; Silveira, Helbert Rezende de Oliveira; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Barbosa, João Paulo Rodrigues Alves Delfino; Pereira, Antonio Alves;
    Objetivou-se avaliar o uso de características fisiológicas, na identificação de genótipos tolerantes ao Meloidogyne paranaensis, em áreas sujeitas ao déficit hídrico. O experimento foi instalado com dois genótipos de Coffea arabica L.: 16 (MG 0179-1 R1) e 28 (MG 0179-3 R1) e duas cultivares: IPR-100 (testemunha resistente) e Mundo Novo IAC 379-19 (testemunha suscetível), em delineamento de blocos casualizados com cinco repetições. Foram avaliados por população de M. paranaensis, produção, o diâmetro de copa, altura de planta, vigor vegetativo, potencial hídrico antemanhã (ψam), fotossíntese líquida (A), condutância estomática (gs), transpiração (E), temperatura foliar (TF) , eficiência do uso da água (EUA) e parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a. Os genótipos 16, 28 e IPR100 apresentaram maior desenvolvimento vegetativo e maior produção do que o genótipo Mundo Novo, com destaque para o genótipo 28. Verificou-se maior potencial hídrico nos genótipos 16, 28 e IPR-100 comparados à cv. Mundo Novo. Entretanto, os genótipos não apresentaram diferenças quanto às trocas gasosas. De acordo com os parâmetros de fluorescência da clorofila a, o genótipo 28 apresentou melhor desempenho fotoquímico e capacidade de aclimatação ao déficit hídrico. Pelas características fisiológicas identificam-se genótipos tolerantes ao Meloidogyne paranaensis, em áreas sujeitas ao déficit hídrico, com destaque para a análise de fluorescência da clorofila a que apresenta potencial para avaliações em larga escala.