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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Características comerciais de mudas de café produzidas com diferentes fontes de fósforo e bactérias promotoras de crescimento de plantas
    (Instituto Internacional de Ecologia, 2023-03-30) Ferraro, A. C.; França, A. C.; Machado, C. M. M.; Aguiar, F. R.; Oliveira, L. L.; Braga Neto, A. M.; Oliveira, R. G.
    Considered the economic engine of many countries, the coffee culture represents an important component of the agricultural chain in Brazil. The growing values of commercialization, planting areas, and crop productivity require the acquisition of quality seedlings, which must receive adequate nutritional support through efficient fertilizers. Slow and controlled-release fertilizers, such as organominerals, gain prominence when it comes to increasing efficiency in the use of phosphorus, as well as plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) with phosphate solubilizing characteristics. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different sources of mineral and organomineral fertilizers, inoculated and non-inoculated with PGPB on the quality parameters of coffee seedlings. In general, the P sources used in the experiment positively interfered with the development of coffee seedlings. This proves that there is a need for nutritional supplementation for the good development of the seedlings. Among the sources used, the organomineral in granulated form showed better performance in coffee seedlings' growth and physiological parameters, proving to be a viable alternative to commonly used fertilizers. The addition of PGPB showed a significant advantage for seedling quality variables.
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    Grain yield of coffee plants fertilized with different doses of 20-00-20 NPK formulation under rainfed conditions
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-07-12) Torres, Josemar Dávila; Espindula, Marcelo Curitiba; Araújo, Larissa Fatarelli Bento De; Marcolan, Alaerto Luiz; Rocha, Rodrigo Barros
    Little is known about the management of high-yield clonal Coffea canephora in the Amazonian Region, mainly for nutritional aspects and cultivation system efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different nitrogen and potassium fertilization rates on coffee grain yield and fertilizer use efficiency of C. canephora trees. An experiment was performed at an experimental field of the Embrapa Rondônia in Porto Velho (RO), Brazil. It was carried out in a split-plot scheme with six doses of 20-00-20 NPK formulation (0; 250; 500; 1,000; 2,000; and 3,000 kg ha-1) and three years of evaluation (2014, 2015, and 2016). An interaction between fertilizer dose and crop year was observed. Fertilizer doses showed an exponential behavior, with maximum yields of 51, 114, and 79 bags ha-1 at 3,000 kg ha-1 in the crop years of 2014, 2015, and 2016, respectively. Such a behavior impacted average and accumulated yields in the three harvest seasons. As for crop year effect within each fertilizer dose, the highest yield was reached in the second harvest after pruning for renewal of orthotropic stems. Moreover, fertilizer use efficiency by plants decreased exponentially, with the highest value at the lowest dose. Increasing doses of 20-00-20 formulation promoted an exponential increase in grain yield but decreased its use efficiency by C. canephora plants. This management also stimulated a strong biannual production.
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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation for coffee seedling production with commercial and conventional substrates
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2023-05-22) Silveira, Adriana Parada Dias; Tristão, Fabrício Sales Massafera; Fernandes, Ana Olívia; Andrade, Sara Adrian Lopez; Cipriano, Mateus Aparecido Pereira
    Coffee seedlings are commonly produced on substrate composed of a mixture of soil and cattle manure, supplemented with chemical fertilizers. Alternatives to reduce production costs and produce seedlings of greater quality and health include the use of commercial organic substrates, which require less handling. The use of beneficial microorganisms such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can be considered a good alternative for production of more vigorous coffee seedlings. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inoculation of AMF isolates on coffee seedlings development in a commercial organic substrate (based on coconut fiber) and conventional substrate (mixture composed of soil and cattle manure compost). Ten AMF were tested: Rhizophagus irregularis, Glomus macrocarpum, Claroideoglomus etunicatum, Rhizophagus clarus, Glomus spp., Gigaspora margarita, Acaulospora morrowiae, Acaulospora scrobiculata, Acaulospora spp., and Dentiscutata heterogamma. Plant growth, shoot P content, mycorrhizal colonization, extraradical mycelium length, phosphatase activity, and photosynthetic pigments were evaluated. The effects of mycorrhization depended on both the inoculated fungal species and the substrate for seedling cultivation. Inoculation of G. margarita, Acaulospora spp., and Glomus spp. in the conventional substrate conferred the best growth plant responses, increasing shoot biomass by 160 to 320%. In the commercial substrate, the most efficient AMF were R. clarus, Glomus spp, A. morrowiae and A. scrobiculata, with up to 149% of shoot biomass increase. The commercial organic substrate and the inoculation of some of the AMF isolates were highly beneficial to coffee seedlings development and can replace the use of the conventional substrate. These results open new opportunities for the use of AMF as an inoculant to improve coffee seedling production in commercial organic substrates.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Multiple-trait model by Bayesian inference applied to environment efficient Coffea arabica with low-nitrogen nutrient
    (Instituto Agronômico (IAC), 2023-04-14) Silva Júnior, Antônio Carlos da; Moura, Waldênia de Melo; Torres, Lívia Gomes; Santos, Iara Gonçalves dos; Silva, Michele Jorge da; Azevedo, Camila Ferreira; Cruz, Cosme Damião
    Identifying Coffea arabica cultivars that are more efficient in the use of nitrogen is an important strategy and a necessity in the context of environmental and economic impacts attributed to excessive nitrogen fertilization. Although Coffea arabica breeding data have a multi-trait structure, they are often analyzed under a single trait structure. Thus, the objectives of this study were to use a Bayesian multitrait model, to estimate heritability in the broad sense, and to select arabica coffee cultivars with better genetic potential (desirable agronomic traits) in nitrogen-restricted cultivation. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse with 20 arabica coffee cultivars grown in a nutrient solution with low-nitrogen content (1.5 mM). The experimental design used was in randomized blocks with three replications. Six agromorphological traits of the arabica coffee breeding program and five nutritional efficiency indices were used. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm was used to estimate genetic parameters and genetic values. The agromorphological traits were considered highly heritable, with a credibility interval (95% probability): H2 = 0.9538 – 5.89E-01. The Bayesian multitrait model presents an adequate strategy for the genetic improvement of arabica coffee grown in low-nitrogen concentrations. Coffee arabica cultivars Icatu Precoce 3282, Icatu Vermelho IAC 4045, Acaiá Cerrado MG 1474, Tupi IAC 1669-33, Catucaí 785/15, Caturra Vermelho and Obatã IAC 1669/20 demonstrated greater potential for cultivation in low-nitrogen concentration.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Nitrogen metabolism in coffee plants subjected to water deficit and nitrate doses
    (Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2023-03-24) Rocha, Brunno César Pereira; Martinez, Hermínia Emília Prieto; Ribeiro, Cléberson; Brito, Danielle Santos
    Nitrogen uptake is essential for coffee growth and development, resulting in important effects on the biomass and final crop yield. Thus, like most nutrients, nitrogen is absorbed by the roots using water as a mean of transport, so that water stress and nitrogen can directly and indirectly affect various physiological processes. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the nitrogen metabolism in young plants of four varieties of coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) submitted to water deficit (WD) and nitrogen supply. We have done a triple factorial (2 x 4 x 4) experiment entirely randomized. The plots received combinations of high or low N doses (7mmol/L and 2.8 mmol/L NO3 -), four water potentials (0; -0.4; -0.8; and -1.6 Mpa), and four varieties (Mundo Novo IAC379-19, Acauã F6 of IBC - PR 82010, Catuaí Vermelho IAC 44, and Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62). One hundred and forty days after the I of the experiment (140 days after the beginning of N stress and 82 days after the beginning of WD stress) the activity of the enzymes nitrate reductase (NR) and glutamine synthetase (GS), concentration of nitrate, free proline, amino acids (TAA), and total proteins were determined in samples of leaf and root tissues. There were differences between varieties independently of WD and N dose for leaf NR, being ‘Acauã’ the cultivar that presented the highest and ‘Catuaí Vermelho’ the lowest value to this trait. The WD promoted an increase on the proline concentration in the roots. With low N dose, the activity of GS presented linear increases in response to WD. It was concluded that in young coffee plants under WD, proline can be involved in the osmotic adjustment, having its synthesis in the roots increased. Under WD, plants with good nitrogen nutrition presented larger leaf concentration of soluble amino acids and total soluble proteins. The varieties studied do not present differentiated responses to WD.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Chemical attributes of an Oxisol with the addition of conilon coffee straw biochar
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2023) Alvarenga, Anarelly Costa; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Andrade, Felipe Vaz; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos; Mosa, Lázaro Longue
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of increasing rates of biochar produced with coffee straw, at two pyrolysis temperatures, on the chemical attributes of an Oxisol cultivated with conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) and on the nutrient content of coffee tree leaves. Treatments consisted of pyrolysis at two temperatures (350 and 600 °C) and of five biochar rates (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 Mg ha-1). The following soil chemical attributes were evaluated: pH in water; P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H+Al, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn contents; effective and potential cation exchange capacity (CEC); sum of bases (SB); base (V) and aluminium (m) saturation; and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn contents in the leaves. The biochar produced at 600°C, at rates of 10 and 15 Mg ha-1, promoted a greater K release into the soil. Regardless of temperature, coffee straw biochar increased K and P availability, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC in the soil, but did not influence macro- and micronutrient contents in the leaves. The addition of increasing rates of coffee straw biochar in the soil increases P, K, Mg, SB, CEC, and V, regardless of pyrolysis temperature.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Chemical attributes of an Oxisol with the addition of conilon coffee straw biochar
    (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Embrapa, 2023-05-19) Alvarenga, Anarelly Costa; Passos, Renato Ribeiro; Andrade, Felipe Vaz; Mendonça, Eduardo de Sá; Rangel, Otacílio José Passos; Mosa, Lázaro Longue
    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of increasing rates of biochar produced with coffee straw, at two pyrolysis temperatures, on the chemical attributes of an Oxisol cultivated with conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) and on the nutrient content of coffee tree leaves. Treatments consisted of pyrolysis at two temperatures (350 and 600°C) and of five biochar rates (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 Mg ha-1). The following soil chemical attributes were evaluated: pH in water; P, K, Ca, Mg, Al, H+Al, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn contents; effective and potential cation exchange capacity (CEC); sum of bases (SB); base (V) and aluminium (m) saturation; and N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn contents in the leaves. The biochar produced at 600°C, at rates of 10 and 15 Mg ha-1, promoted a greater K release into the soil. Regardless of temperature, coffee straw biochar increased K and P availability, sum of bases, base saturation, and CEC in the soil, but did not influence macro- and micronutrient contents in the leaves. The addition of increasing rates of coffee straw biochar in the soil increases P, K, Mg, SB, CEC, and V, regardless of pyrolysis temperature.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Identification of soil physicochemical, land suitability, and its relationship to Coffee arabica yielding based on plant age groups
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-08-25) Marbun, Posma; Bintang; Tampubolon, Koko; Sihombing, Fransisca Natalia; Simanjuntak, Desi Ratnasari; Irly, Irene; Sinuraya, Mariati
    The low yield of Coffee arabica could be caused by several factors such as low soil characteristics and depending on the plant age. This study aimed: (1) to obtain information on soil physicochemical characteristics and productivity of Coffee arabica in different age groups, (2) to evaluate the land suitability for C. arabica plants and obtain the relationship between land characteristics and C. arabica yield. This study was conducted on C. arabica smallholders in Tarutung Subdistrict, North Tapanuli District, North Sumatra, Indonesia from October 2021 to February 2022 and used a descriptive-analytic method. Overlay maps of soil type, altitude, and slope to obtain a Soil Map Unit (SMU) then surveyed for the plant age distribution of 6-10 and 11-15 years. Land characteristics were analyzed by matching method, multiple linear regression, and t-test of yielding characters using IBM SPSS software. The results showed that the soil physicochemical characteristics were classified as low, the soil texture was slightly sticky, and higher productivity was found at 11-15 years old. It was found that the potential and actual land suitability classes were not suitable (N) in SMU-1 at 11-15 years, and other SMUs were classified as marginally suitable (S3). Altitude, silt, and clay fractions significantly affect the productivity of C. arabica plants at 6-10 years. However, an increase in altitude, cation exchange capacity, base saturation, and organic-C could be increased the productivity of C. arabica at 6-10 years.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Organomineral fertilizer in coffee plant (Coffea arabica L.): Fertilizer levels and application times
    (Universidade Federal de Lavras, 2023-09-01) Mota, Raquel Pinheiro da; Ferraz-Almeida, Risely; Camargo, Reginaldo de; Franco, Miguel Henrique Rosa; Delvaux, Julio Cesar; Lana, Regina Maria Quintão
    Coffee (Coffea arábica L.) is a fundamental agricultural commodity in the Brazilian economy, demanding a high amount of nutrients for good vegetative development and productivity. The tested hypothesis was that the use of the organomineral fertilizer promotes coffee production and development due to the greater availability of N, P, and K in the soil. The objective of this study was: (i) to monitor the use efficiency of the organomineral fertilizer rates; (ii) to determine the coffee production and development with the organomineral application. A study was developed with applications of four organomineral rates (75%, 100%, 125%, and 150% of the recommended P2O5 rate), three forms of parceling (one, two, and three applications of the organomineral fertilizer), and one control (100% mineral). Yield, soil, leaves, and plant development were monitored. Results showed that organomineral presented a win-win scenario with adequate disposal of residues and sources of nutrients in agriculture promoting the coffee yield from 49.5 (mineral fertilizers) to 53.5 sc ha-1 (100% of P2O5 in organomineral). The plant height, the diameter of the stem, and the canopy presented a quadratic response to organomineral rates with optimal rates fitted at 127; 140; and 140 %, respectively, but there was no direct effect on yield. The split organomineral applications promoted the contents of P and K in the soil, mainly when associated with higher organomineral rates. The K efficiency use was increased with organomineral application indicating the K was used with more efficiency.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Nicotinamide and Azospirillum brasilense improves the quality of Coffea arabica seedlings
    (Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2023-01-06) Lima, Sebastião F.; Pinto, Pedro H. G.; Soares, Manoel P. L.; Andrade, Maria G. de O.; Simon, Cátia A.; Vendruscolo, Eduardo P.; Contardi, Lucymara M.; Cordeiro, Meire A. S.; Abreu, Mariele S.
    The use of biostimulants in coffee seedlings can promote gains in their growth and quality. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the growth and quality characteristics of Coffea arabica seedlings under the effect of the nicotinamide and Azospirillum brasilense application. The experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments arranged in a 5 × 2 factorial scheme, with four replicates. The treatments resulted from the use of five doses of nicotinamide (0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 mg L-1 of water) combined with the absence and presence of Azospirillum brasilense applied to Coffea arabica seedlings from Catuaí Vermelho 144 cultivar. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, plant height:stem diameter ratio, shoot:root dry mass ratio, plant height:shoot dry mass ratio, and Dickson quality index were evaluated. The combined or isolated use of A. brasilense and nicotinamide, up to a dose of 33.5 mg L-1, increased the biometric characteristics and dry mass accumulation. However, using nicotinamide doses between 30 and 61.8 g L-1 increased the quality of Coffea arabica seedlings. The synergistic effect of the use of A. brasilense and nicotinamide was verified for the growth and quality of Coffea arabica seedlings.