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    Ecotoxicological Effects of Biochar Obtained from Spent Coffee Grounds
    (ABM, ABC, ABPol, 2022-11-21) Souza, Lorrana Zélia Martins de; Pinto, Bruna Cristina; Alves, Adriana Barboza; Ribeiro, Amanda Vanessa de Oliveira; Feliciano, Débora Cristina Teodoro; Silva, Luisa Heringer da; Dias, Thiago Tales Moraes; Yılmaz, Murat; Oliveira, Magno André de; Bezerra, Augusto Cesar da Silva; Ferreira, Osania Emerenciano; Lima, Robson Pereira de; Pimenta, Lúcia Pinheiro do Santos; Machado, Alan Rodrigues Teixeira
    The objective of this work is to investigate the conversion of spent coffee grounds (SCG) into biochar (BSC) and the ecotoxicological effects of the product obtained. The SCG and BSC were characterized by characterized by different techniques (TGA/DTG, FTIR, XRD, SEM, EDS, and EDXRF). Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) was used to characterize the aqueous extract of BSC. The inhibitory effect on lettuce (Lactuca sativa) germination was investigated. Besides, antimicrobial activity evaluation trials were conducted with Azospirillum brasilense and Trichoderma spp. The results showed that in the BSC production process, the extractives and lignocellulosic components in the SCG were partly decomposed. Tests conducted with microorganisms did not reveal any toxic effect of BSC. However, high phytotoxicity against lettuce was recorded for rate 100 t/ha of BSC. This effect was associated with the presence of carboxylic acids identified by 1H NMR in the BSC extract aqueous.
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    Histochemical approach of the mobilization of reserve compounds in germinating coffee seeds
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Oliveira, Leonardo Araujo; Souza, Genaina Aparecida de; Silva, Bruno Tavares; Rocha, Antônio Augusto Gomes; Picoli, Edgard Augusto de Toledo; Pereira, Diego de Sousa; Donzeles, Sérgio Maurício Lopes; Ribeiro, Marcelo de Freitas; Ferreira, Williams Pinto Marques
    The endosperm of coffee beans is an important structure which is composed of different reserve compounds. In the present study, we followed anatomical features during the reserve mobilization of Coffea arabica L. cv ‘Catuaí’ seed samples, harvested at 20 different sites, after 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, 30 and 45 days of imbibition. Seed samples were properly stored for enzyme activity assessment and fixed in FAA solution (formaldehyde, acetic acid and ethanol, 1; 1; 18) and kept in ethanol 70% solution, for histochemical analysis. Alternatively, samples for phenolic compounds histochemical test were fixed in Ferrous sulfate in formalin. Fixed samples were cross-sectioned for detection of starch, lipids, essential oils, oleoresins, proteins, phenolic compounds, neutral polysaccharides, alkaloids, β-1,3 and β-1,4 glucans, and lignin. Overall, based on histochemical tests and enzyme activity, seed reserve mobilization was similar among the evaluated altitudes and mountainsides. During soaking, there is an intense consumption of reserve compounds, starting at the region close to the embryo. Reserve mobilization intensifies after root protrusion, from 12 days of soaking. The intensification of the reserve consumption concomitant with an increased activity of MDH is observed at the first 12 days, whereas SOD showed higher expression after 30 days of soaking. At the 30th day, little reserve is observed in the endosperm. At 45th day, cotyledon leaves are expanded, and the root system, constituted by the taproot and lateral roots, is well established.
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    Impact of drying methods over the germinative potenti al of conilon coffee of late maturation
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-10) Posse, Sheila Cristina Prucoli; Rodrigues, Wagner Nunes; Comério, Marcone; Volpi, Paulo Sérgio; Verdin Filho, Abraão Carlos; Posse, Robson Prucoli; Oliveira, Vinicius de Souza; Arantes, Sara Dousseau
    This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different drying methods (regarding temperature and drying time) over the seed moisture and germination of seeds of Coffea canephora, harvested from genotypes of late maturation. For this end, seeds from selected genotypes were harvested and dried using two different methods: drying at 25 ˚C with natural circulation of air and drying at 35 ˚C with artificial circulation of air. The seeds were evaluated to quantify the loss of moisture content, and their germinative potential was assessed by parameters of germination speed, and the proportion of seedlings with healthy germination originated from them. The results show it is possible to apply different drying methods; using different systems, temperatures and times of exposure; to decrease the moisture content of seeds of C. canephora, from 50% (freshly harvested seeds from genotypes of late maturation, in July) to under 18% (dried seeds). Even if the initial stages of the drying process, while the seeds still present high moisture content, are similar for both methods, the method with artificial circulation of air at 35 ˚C promotes the drying speed and is able to achieve the lower levels of seed moisture using less than half of the time required by method with natural circulation of air at 25 ˚C. This faster moisture removal, however, has negative impacts over the germinative potential of the seeds, which are not observed for seeds subjected to the slow natural drying.
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    Compositional changes of proteins and amino acids in germinating coffee seeds
    (Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2000-07) Shimizu, Milton Massao; Mazzafera, Paulo
    Endosperm is the main reserve tissue in coffee seeds. Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) seeds were germinated for six weeks and qualitative and quantitative changes in amino acids and proteins were investigated. The total content of free amino acids were reduced during germination, however, protein content remained constant. SDS-PAGE profiles showed that legumin-like proteins became less stained in the last weeks. Asparagine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine and lysine were the major free amino acids, although serine and glutamine were also significant. Except for tyrosine, which increased with germination, all other amino acids were reduced. Analysis of the amino acid composition of the total soluble protein showed glutamic acid/glutamine and glycine as the main amino acids. However, other amino acids such as leucine, aspartic acid/asparagine, alanine, lysine, serine were also found in reasonable amounts.