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    Especial SEBRAE ES. - A Ciência do Conilon
    (Portal Coffea, 2018-11-21) Sttein, Kelly
    Para começo de conversa, Robusta NÃO É Conilon! Não estamos falando da mesma coisa! Dito isso, esse episódio é uma verdadeira aula VIP com dois cientistas que estudam o tema há mais de 30 anos. Dra Maria Amélia Ferrão e o Dr Aymbiré Francisco Almeida da Fonseca explicam sobre variedades clonais de conilon e seu benefício na uniformidade de maturação das cerejas, explicam como a planta chegou no estado do Espírito Santo e resumem a árvore genealógica do gênero COFFEA. Algo mais ou menos assim: Gênero COFFEA – engloba todas as espécies de café. No total são 124 espécies conhecidas no mundo, onde estão: COFFEA Arábica (com 120 cultivares comerciais registradas no Ministério da Agricultura COFFEA Canéfora (onde está Robusta e Conilon) com 14 cultivares registradas, dentre as quais 10 são produto do Programa de Melhoramento do INCAPER.
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    Reproducibility of the RAPD marker and its efficiency in coffee tree genotype grouping analysis
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2002) Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu; Teixeira-Cabral, Terezinha Aparecida; Zambolim, Laércio; Pereira, Antonio Alves; Barros, Everaldo Gonçalves; Sakiyama, Cássia Camargo Harger
    The genetic diversity of Coffea arabic L. cultivars is relatively narrow and its assessment and increase is important for breeding. Fifty two arbitrary primers were used to evaluate the reproducibility and the influence of the number of RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) markers on the estimation of genetic distances among 40 genotypes of Coffea spp. The average number of polymorphic bands was 6.69 per primer among all genotypes, and 1.27 among arabica coffee genotypes. RAPD markers were efficient in estimating the genetic distances among the genotypes. The increase in RAPD loci number during grouping analysis did not affect the major groups’ composition; however, it affected the composition of subgroups. Marker reproducibility was 76.88% and replicated data was recommended for distinguishing genotypes with the same genetic background.
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    Characterization of differential coffee tree hostsfor Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. with RAPD markers
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2004-03-12) Teixeira-Cabral, Terezinha Aparecida; Sakiyama, Ney Sussumu; Zambolim, Laércio; Barros, Everaldo Gonçalves de; Silva, Dalza Gomes da
    Eighteen clones of differential coffee tree hosts for Hemileia vastatrix Berk. et Br. were characterized with RAPD markers. The genetic distances were estimated and the genealogical origin of the clones compared to data of markerbased clusters. Thirty-five primers identified 158 polymorphic loci of RAPD markers. The cluster based on the matrix of genetic dissimilarity values was compatible with information on the genealogical origin cited in literature. Specific markers for a number of clones were identified, and a combination of 12 RAPD markers allowed the characterization of the studied clones.
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    Photosynthetic induction and activity of enzymes related to carbon metabolism: insights into the varying net photosynthesis rates of coffee sun and shade leaves
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fisiologia Vegetal, 2013-05-21) Martins, Samuel Cordeiro Vitor; Detmann, Kelly Coutinho; Reis, Josimar Vieira dos; Pereira, Lucas Felisberto; Sanglard, Lílian Maria Vincis Pereira; Rogalski, Marcelo; DaMatta, Fábio Murilo
    The shade leaves of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) apparently retain a robust photosynthetic machinery that is comparable to that of sun leaves and can fix CO2 at high rates when subjected to high light intensities. This raises the question of why the coffee plant would construct such a robust photosynthetic machinery despite the low photosynthetic rates achieved by the shade leaves at low light supply. Here, we grew coffee plants at 100% or 10% full sunlight and demonstrated that the shade leaves exhibited faster photosynthetic induction compared with their sun counterparts, in parallel with lower loss of induction states under dim light, and were well protected against short-term sudden increases in light supply (mimicking sunflecks). These findings were linked to similar photosynthetic capacities on a per mass basis (assessed under nonlimiting light), as well as similar extractable activities of some enzymes of the Calvin cycle, including Rubisco, when comparing the shade and sun leaves. On the one hand, these responses might represent an overinvestment of resources given the low photosynthetic rates of the shade leaves when light is limiting; on the other hand, such responses might be associated with a conservative behavior linked to the origin of the species as a shade-dwelling plant, allowing it to maximize the use of the energy from sunflecks and thus ultimately contributing to a positive carbon balance under conditions of intense shading.
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    Bactérias endófitas do cafeeiro e a indução de enzimas relacionadas com o controle da ferrugem (Hemileia vastatrix)
    (Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 2008) Silva, Harllen S.A.; Terrasan, César R. F.; Tozzi, João P. L.; Melo, Itamar S.; Bettiol, Wagner
    Mudas de cafeeiro foram tratadas com quatro isolados de bactérias endofíticas de cafeeiro, pré-selecionados como agentes de biocontrole da ferrugem, para avaliar os seus efeitos sobre a produção de enzimas da planta relacionadas com a indução de resistência.
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    Microorganisms in coffee fermentation: A bibliometric and systematic literature network analysis related to agriculture and beverage quality (1965-2019)
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Cruz-O’Byrne, Rosmery; Piraneque-Gambasica, Nelson; Aguirre-Forero, Sonia; Ramirez-Vergara, Jose
    The activity of microorganisms in coffee fermentation has a great influence on the composition of the beans and their beverage quality. In the present study, a bibliometric and systematic literature network analysis is made to examine the growth in the literature and the flow of knowledge in the field of study. The bibliometric information was retrieved from the Scopus database, obtaining 55 articles between 1965 and 2019. Frequencies, co-authorship, and co-occurrence indicators were analyzed using Microsoft Excel and VOSviewer software. Our findings show that most of the articles have been published in the last decade and mainly on microbial diversity and starter cultures. Furthermore, it was possible to identify the most productive authors, the most influential works, the main journals where articles of the most productive authors and the most influential works have been published, the most productive affiliation countries, the most used keywords, the co-authorship taking authors and countries as the unit of analysis, the keyword co-occurrence, and the spatial distribution of studies with their research topics. This is the first bibliometric and systematic literature network analysis carried out on research articles on microorganisms in coffee fermentation related to agriculture and beverage quality, which becomes a tool for researchers in making decisions for the building and development of strategic plans for future research by understanding the trends and status of existing research in the field of study in accordance with the authors, works, affiliation countries, study topics, and patterns of international collaboration and within the academic community.
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    Association of Heterorhabditis amazonensis and Beauveria bassiana aiming the control of Hypothenemus hampei
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Moreira, Igor Bitencourt Lima; Andaló, Vanessa; Assis, Gleice Aparecida de; Faria, Lucas Silva de; Carvalho, Fabio Janoni; Zampiroli, Renan
    Among the main problems for coffee production, it is possible to mention the occurrence of coffee borer, Hypothenemus hampei. In order to seek alternatives to control the pest, the proposed objective was to evaluate the interaction between Beauveria bassiana UFU01 and Heterorhabditis amazonensis MC01 on the control of coffee borer. Therefore, four experiments were set. In the first, B. bassiana UFU01, H. amazonensis MC01 and both entomopathogens associated were applied in bored fruits displaced in vermiculite. In the second experiment, the methodology was similar to the previous one; however, the fruits were immersed in the suspensions. In the third experiment was evaluated the transport of B. bassiana UFU01 conidia by H. amazonensis, checking the mortality of Tenebrio molitor. In the fourth experiment, the fungus and the nematode were added to Petri dishes containing agar-water simultaneously to observe if the nematodes could carry B. bassiana UFU01 conidia. The obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance and the Tukey test (p <0.05), for comparison between means and regression analysis. It was found that, when entomopathogens were applied to vermiculite, treatments using B. bassiana UFU01 and H. amazonensis alone caused the highest mortality of H. hampei adults. For larvae, there was no difference among treatments. The same was observed when the fruits were dipped in the suspensions, with no difference among treatments. As for T. molitor mortality, it was observed that there was no difference among treatments. However, when applied in combination, there was a higher mortality caused by B. bassiana compared to H. amazonensis. In the last experiment, juveniles and conidia were found on the opposite side of the dish, and it can be inferred that the presence of conidia was due to transport by infective juveniles.
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    Yield of Coffea arabica grafted onto Coffea canephora in soils infested with nematodes in Mexico
    (Editora UFLA, 2019-07) López-García, Francisco Javier; Cruz-Castillo, Juan Guillermo
    The total of three consecutive years of fruit production was evaluated in six coffee cultivars (Coffea arabica L.) propagated by seed and grafted onto Robusta (Coffea canephora var. Robusta). The plantations were established at 640 m, 920 m, and 1340 m altitude in the central region of the Veracruz State, Mexico. The coffea plants were established in soils naturally infested with nematodes. Grafted plants had higher production than those propagated by seed. Fruit production was higher at 640 m and 920 m than at 1340 m for the two types of propagation. The cultivars Colombia Brote Café and Colombia Brote Verde had the highest fruit yield regardless of the propagation methods; in contrast, Pacamara, had the lowest. The grafted coffee plants that were planted at 1340 m had a yield reduction of 27% in comparison with those at 640 and 920 m. When the Costa Rica 95 variety was grafted, it achieved fruit yield similar to Colombia Brote Verde and Colombia Brote Café. Pacamara produced almost 28% more fruit when it was grafted onto Robusta.
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    Comportamento de progênies de cafeeiro Icatu
    (Editora UFLA, 2006-07) Corrêa, Luiza Vasconcelos Tavares; Mendes, Antônio Nazareno Guimarães; Bartholo, Gabriel Ferreira
    Avaliar a adaptabilidade e estabilidade de progênies de cafeeiro (Coffea arabica L.) é uma etapa importante anterior à recomendação das mesmas aos cafeicultores. Com este intuito, realizou-se este trabalho, para progênies da cultivar Icatu no sul de Minas Gerais, sendo avaliada a produtividade de grãos em sacas de 60 kg/ha/biênio. Os experimentos foram instalados em Machado e São Sebastião do Paraíso, em estações experimentais da EPAMIG. A interação progênies x biênios x locais teve efeito significativo, justificando a utilização de metodologias de estabilidade fenotípica para classificar as progênies. Foram utilizados dados de 14 progênies de cafeeiro em 12 ambientes, considerando-se cada biênio em cada local como um ambiente. As metodologias utilizadas foram: Annicchiarico (1992) e Lin & Binns (1988). As progênies Icatu IAC-4040-181, Icatu IAC-4040-315, Icatu IAC-4042-114, Icatu IAC-4042-222 e Icatu IAC-4045-47 se destacaram como as mais promissoras em termos de adaptabilidade e estabilidade, assim como em potencial produtivo (produtividades entre 53,68 e 59,35 sacas de 60 kg/ha/biênio). Por outro lado, as progênies Catuaí IAC-44 e Mundo Novo IAC-379-19, dentro do grupo em estudo, foram classificadas como as mais instáveis.
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    Coffee berry borer resistance in coffee genotypes
    (Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar, 2010-03) Sera, Gustavo Hiroshi; Sera, Tumoru; Ito, Dhalton Shiguer; Ribeiro Filho, Claudionor; Villacorta, Amador; Kanayama, Fabio Seidi; Alegre, Clayton Ribeiro; Grossi, Leandro Del
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the coffee germplasm of the Paraná Agronomic Institute (IAPAR) for resistance to the coffee-berry-borer. Preliminary field evaluation was performed in August 2004 and the fruits of less damaged genotypes in the field were evaluated under controlled condition with obligated and free choice experiments established in a randomized complete design with three replications. The genotypes were evaluated fifteen days after infestation with one borer per fruit in Petri dishes. The data were analyzed by the Scott-Knott means test at 1 % and by the χ 2 test. Statistical analysis indicated that Coffea kapakata, Psilanthus bengalensis, C. eugenioides and genotypes with C. eugenioides genes were resistant. These genotypes presented low frequency of bored grains. C. eugenioides and C. kapakata could present resistance at epicarp level but not in the grain. P. bengalensis could present resistance also in the grains.