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Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi community in coffee agroforestry, consortium and monoculture systems
    (Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2022-06-27) Barros, Welluma T.; Barreto-Garcia, Patrícia A. B.; Saggin Júnior, Orivaldo José; Scoriza, Rafael N.; Silva, Maicon S. da
    Understanding the effects of different production systems on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can help to interpret interactions between their components and to define management strategies. As a result, our study was conducted on soils under three coffee production systems (one homogeneous and two heterogeneous) and in a native forest located in the Bahia state, Brazil. This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) Does the organization and management of the coffee production system affect the occurrence and diversity of AMF?; and 2) Is the seasonality effect similar between systems? To do so, soil samples (0-10 cm depth) were collected at two times of the year (rainy and dry). Number of spores (NS) and average richness did not show differences between the systems, only between seasons. There was a reduction in NS in the dry season (1.4 and 2.7 spores g-1 soil) in relation to the rainy season (3.8 to 12.5 spores g-1 soil). The influence of coffee production systems was observed in the presence and absence of some AMF species. The AMF community was shown to be related to the plant species composition of the system, which was reflected in the dissimilarity of heterogeneous systems in relation to the coffee monoculture system.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Roles of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on acclimatization of clones of Coffea arabica L. produced by somatic embryogenesis
    (Editora UFLA, 2020) Fonseca, Arley José; Tassone, Guilherme Augusto Teixeira; Carneiro, Marco Aurélio Carbone; Carvalho, Gladyston Rodrigues; Carvalho, Carlos Henrique Siqueira; Botelho, Cesar Elias
    The production of Coffea arabica L. clone seedlings through the somatic embryogenesis technique is one of the alternatives of greatest demand for coffee producers. However, clones can face difficulties related to acclimatization carried out under greenhouse conditions, which can increase the production costs. A tested alternative with promising results is inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) during the seedling acclimatization process. Thus, this study aimed to promote the improvement of the seedling production process through somatic embryogenesis associated with inoculation with AMF. For the production of the clones, seedlings were used in the phase when they presented four pairs of leaves (Clone 1 “Fruiting red Catucaí” and Clone 2 “Acauã”), using “somatic embryogenesis” bioreactors, followed by inoculation with Rhizophagus clarus, Gigaspora margarita and Acaulospora mellea, a mixture of R. clarus and G. margarita and a mixture of R. clarus, G. margarita and A. mellea. After six months, agronomic parameters, leaf nutrient contents and root mycorrhizal colonization were evaluated. The studied clones behaved differently when inoculated with AMFs. Clone 1 showed the best development in the greenhouse, which was determined by the agronomic parameters. Thus, Clone 1 is indicated for the production of vigorous seedlings when associated with inoculation with AMFs.