Memória do Café

URI permanente desta comunidade

Memória do Café ...[descrever o conteúdo da seção]


Resultados da Pesquisa

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    The coffee institute inquiry
    The inquiry into the affairs of the São Paulo Coffee Institute which was inaugurated after the removal of General Waldomiro has been terminated by General Daltro, who affirms that it has been carried out “with exclusive regard for the truth, irrespective of persons.” Among his conclusions, he found nothing whereby any irregularities might be imputed to Murray Simonsen & Co.; the Bank of Brazil had derived “exorbitant profits” from exchange; and the Institute directorate had been careless of the interests of that organization, but not criminally so._Medeiros.
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    Coffee visits are approved
    The Department Nacional do Café makes public the contents of a letter received by Dr. Armando Vidal, President of that organization, from Dr. Arthur Torres Filho, First Vice President, acting as President of the Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura._Carioca.
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    Sociedade Rural Brazileira
    Although not on the official listo f the American Coffee Delegation during its recent visit to São Paulo, Mr. Willian H. Ukers, Editor and Publisher of THE TEA AND COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL, made a call of courtesy upon the Sociedade Rural Brazileira where he was received by Dr. Bento de Abreu Sampaio Vidal, the several- times president of the organization. Founded on may 20,1919, one of the prime movers of Sociedade Rural Brazileira was Mr. A. Crawford White, then British Consul in São Paulo, and several members of Armour & Co., Continental Products Co., Leon Israel & Co., the late Dr. Carlos Botelho (one of the most brilliant of the Secretaries of Agriculture of São Paulo). Prof. Nicolas Athanassof (present head of the Agricultural School at Piracicaba), Dr. Raphael SampaioVidal (later minister of Finance at Rio), Dr. Mario de Souza Queiroz, Dr Henrique de Souza Queiroz (president of the International Coffee Conference in São Paulo, April, 1931), Dr. Cesario Coimbra, Dr. Theodoro Quartim Barbosa (one-time director of the Institute), Dr. Oscar Thompson (a former director of the Coffee Council), Dr. Antonio de Queiroz Telles (Editor-in-Chief of the Folhas Group), Mr. Arthur Diederichsen, and others equally prominent._Paulista.
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    São Paulo news notes
    Dr. Armando Salles, the new Federal Agent, has desired his predecessor, General Daltro, commander of the Military Region, to preside over the inquiry at the São Paulo Coffee Institute, which is investigating the responsibility of Murray Simonsen & Co. The General has replied that his duty as a soldier leads him to accept this post._Paulista.
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    Coffee institute changes
    A complete new directorate for the Coffee Institute of São Paulo is the resignation of Dr. Taylor de Oliveira last week for reasons connected with his private business interests soon will be followed by the resignation of Mr. Gabriel Teixeira de Paula, and that Mr. Pergentino de Freitas, interim president of the Institute, is to return to his regular duties as Director General of the Secretariat of Finances._Paulista.