Coffee Science
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3 resultados
Resultados da Pesquisa
Item Efficiency of coffee mechanical and selective harvesting in different vibration during harvest time(Editora UFLA, 2015-01) Silva, Flávio Castro da; Silva, Fábio Moreira da; Alves, Marcelo de Carvalho; Ferraz, Gabriel Araújo e Silva; Sales, Ronan SouzaThe aim of the present work was to assess the operating performance of mechanical harvesting of the fruit of coffee trees (Coffea arabica L.) with a KTR ® Advance harvester using a “neuro-fuzzy” system which considered the variation of the vibration of the rods and the maturation index of the fruit. The evaluations were carried out fortnightly for 70 days in treatments with vibration levels of 13.33, 15.00 and 16.66 Hz. The volume collected was recorded in each period according to the maturation of the crop as well as determining the percentage of fruit in their maturation according to the used vibration. Based on the “neuro-fuzzy” system, it was possible infer with 92% the harvest efficiency using the KTR ® harvester, noting an increase in harvest efficiency by increasing the vibration of the harvester shakers and the coffee fruit maturation index. It was also concluded that with increased vibration, there was an increased percentage of green and selective fruit harvested. Mechanical harvesting was easier when the rate of crop maturation increased. Analyzing the average volume harvested during the entire period, we observed no significant difference in the vibrations of 13.33 and 15.00 Hz, but there were increases of 30.90% and 37.45% when used at higher vibration.Item Desempenho operacional da colheita mecanizada e seletiva do café em função da força de desprendimento dos frutos(Editora UFLA, 2013-01) Silva, Flávio Castro da; Silva, Fábio Moreira da; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; Barros, Murilo Machado de; Palma, Marcos Antônio ZambilloNa colheita mecanizada, uma das dificuldades encontradas pelos cafeicultores é determinar o momento adequado de iniciar-se a colheita, bem como determinar a vibração e a velocidade operacional mais adequada para cada cultivar ao longo do período de colheita. De modo geral, a regulagem da vibração e da velocidade operacional das colhedoras tem sido feita pelos produtores de modo empírico, por tentativas, buscando o maior desempenho operacional. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a eficiência de colheita mecanizada em oito progênies de acordo com a força de tração necessária para o desprendimento dos frutos. Os ensaios foram realizados com três repetições, utilizando-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) dentro de uma mesma gleba, em parcelas aleatórias ,contendo cinco plantas. Buscou-se levantar a força de desprendimento dos frutos de café na planta, de acordo com a maturação dos frutos, sendo classificados, para a determinação da força, os frutos verdes e cerejas. Também foi avaliada a eficiência de colheita nas progênies analisadas em dois anos de safra. Concluiu-se que há diferença significativa entre as progênies avaliadas tanto na força de desprendimento como na eficiência de colheita e que a eficiência de colheita está relacionada diretamente com a força de desprendimento dos frutos maduros na planta.Item Operacinal performance of mechanically harvested coffee and selectivity in accordance to force detachment of fruit(Editora UFLA, 2013-01) Silva, Flávio Castro da; Silva, Fábio Moreira da; Silva, Antônio Carlos da; Barros, Murilo Machado de; Palma, Marcos Antônio ZambilloIn mechanized harvesting, one of the difficulties encountered by farmers is to determine the appropriate time to start harvesting, as well as vibration and determine the most appropriate operating speed for each cultivar during the harvest period. In general, the regulation of vibration and operating speed of the harvester has been made by producers in an empirical way, by trial, seeking greater operational performance. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of mechanical harvesting of eight progenies according to the traction force required for detachment of the fruit. The tests were conducted with three replications using a completely randomized design (CRD) within the same plot in random plots containing five plants. We tried to raise the strength of detachment from coffee fruits on the plant, according to the ripening of fruits, and graded to determine the strength, the green fruits and cherries. We also evaluated the efficiency of the harvest in the progenies analyzed over two years of harvest. It was concluded that there are significant differences between progenies in both the force of detachment as to the efficiency of picking and that picking efficiency is directly related to the force of detachment of mature fruits on the plant.